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Adressing climate change and promoting clean energy is not only a global environmental issue. It is a health issue. It is an economic issue. It is a security issue. Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State, February 2009.


Our Mission

USAID develops and implements programs that seek to:

  • Support the construction and rehabilitation of infrastructure to restore basic services in post conflict and conflict-prone states

  • Improve enabling environments, including policy, legal, regulatory, and commercial reforms, to boost energy sector performance and increase private sector participation and investment

  • Enhance operational and commercial performance of public and private sector institutions, including utilities

  • Promote increased energy trade and regional power pools

  • Help countries reduce their overall carbon emissions and address climate change through clean energy and energy efficiency projects.

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Energy Updates

Liberia Finds Solar Power Gets Things Moving Again

Liberians who live, study, or work outside the limited electric grid of the capital, Monrovia, do not have affordable, reliable light. Less than two percent of rural areas and about ten percent of the urban capital area have modern energy sources. Renewable energy is emerging to fill the need for power, allowing the rebuilding country to leapfrog over polluting fuels into “green” energy using the country’s abundance of sun and water.

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USAID’s Online Resource for Electrifying Developing Country Health Facilities is a web based resource designed by USAID’s Energy Team with the objective of disseminating information and best practices on the provision of reliable energy services to developing country health facilities.

Over the years, significant effort and funds have been dedicated to providing energy services to rural health facilities – with a particular focus on expanding the vaccination cold chain. The global push to deliver antiretroviral drugs and services to HIV-positive patients worldwide, have introduced new demands for electricity in health facilities with little or no access to reliable power.

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Featured Publication

Empowering Agriculture: Energy Options for Agriculture

Empowering Agriculture,
Mar 2009 (PDF 2,360K)

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Featured Publication

Powering Tourism: Electrification and Efficiency Options for Rural Tourism Facilities

Powering Tourism,
Feb 2009 (PDF 4,600K)

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