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DNA Evidence Identifications, Collection, and Preservation for Law Enforcement President’s DNA Initiative: Advancing Justice through DNA Technology

DNA technology is increasingly vital to ensuring accuracy and fairness in the criminal justice system. The President’s DNA Initiative – Advancing Justice through DNA Technology – has been enacted to improve the use of DNA in the criminal justice system. One of the goals of the initiative is to develop and provide training about the collection and use of DNA evidence to criminal justice professionals. As part of the initiative, the COPS Office, through the Regional Community Policing Institute (RCPI) network is providing training to law enforcement and first-responder groups nationwide.

DNA Evidence Identification, Collection, Preservation for Law Enforcement is a training program intended for law enforcement and emergency first-responder groups involved with the identification, collection, and preservation of deoxyribonucleic acid evidence. The program will be delivered in a 1- or 2-day format. The 8- to 16-hour class will make extensive use of group exercises, problem-solving scenarios, and case studies. Participants will be encouraged to actively participate in the class and to think about how the topics are supported by and integrated with the community policing philosophy.

The courses include train-the-trainer, traditional classroom instruction, and interactive television (video conferencing). The courses are free of charge.

To learn more about the training course and to register, visit the DNA Evidence Identification, Collection and Preservation for Law Enforcement registration web site.