Caltrans Office Engineer

Bids Opened & Awarded Contracts

See our Bid Summary page for all the latest bid opening results.

Preliminary Bid Results
Bid results for the first three bidders are posted on projects shortly after the bid opening. These results are for informational purposes only and low bidder listed is the "apparent low bidder" until the contract approval process is complete.

New! We now have a teleconference system in place for those wanting to listen in on bid openings in Sacramento. See this page for information on using that service.

For Preliminary Bid Results you can also call.... (916) 654-5500
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Search for Awarded Contracts
Caltrans Contract Awards searchable database contains contracts awarded from 1995 to the present, and is updated weekly. It provides the dollar amount of the contract, the name and phone number of the contractor, the location, and the type of work. (Search by Contract Number)
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Monthly Contract Progress Report
Division of Engineering Services monthly Contract Progress report. Various information regarding current advertised bids opened and contracts awarded.
Monthly Contract Progress Report (text)
(Monthly Contract Progress Report ...Archives)
Contract Progress Report (Graphic Charts)