Caltrans Office Engineer

Link to Contractor Information Page

Order plans and specifications for advertised projects here

Public Notice

Attention contractors:

New! Information on American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Projects - This is a list of upcoming and awarded ARRA-funded projects.

Information on Bond Funded Projects - List of advertised and upcoming bond projects and their status

Plans, Specs, etc.:
Project Document Distribution Site Homepage

Enter this site to search for, view, download and print roadway projects that are in advertised and active status.

About the Office of Office Engineer

The Office of Office Engineer is comprised of the following:

  • Project Scheduling and Support
  • Plans, Specifications, and Estimates
  • Contract Awards and Services
  • Construction Contract Standards
  • Electronic Bidding Project

These five offices combine their efforts to prepare and award Minor A, Major Construction Contracts, and contracts for the Maintenance Program.