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COPS Site Visits

The COPS Office sends Grant Monitoring Specialists (GMSs) to conduct site visits to ensure that grantees are complying with grant terms and conditions. These visits also allow the GMSs to observe grantees' community policing strategies. Monitoring Specialists also provide technical assistance and follow-up to address potential and actual vulnerabilities and identify promising practices that may be shared with the law enforcement community.

To meet these objectives, Grant Monitoring Specialists:

  • Schedule entrance and exit interviews with law enforcement executives responsible for community policing and COPS programs.
  • Interview local government officials, community policing officers, grant administrators, community members, representatives from partner organizations, and special interest groups.
  • Tour community policing target areas.
  • Review COPS award(s) for compliance with grant requirements and conditions.

As of August 2005, the COPS Office has conducted over 2,000 site visits across the country.