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Frequently Asked Questions

Question How can I learn about current funding opportunities from the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)?

Answer  There are several ways that agencies may learn about current funding opportunities from COPS:

  • You may contact the COPS Office Response Center by email or by telephone at 800.421.6770. Response Center Technical Assistance Representatives can work with you to determine what funding opportunities meet your agency’s needs.
  • You may visit the COPS funding page. This site posts new funding opportunities as they become available. We recommend that you visit the COPS site frequently to stay abreast of new information.
  • You may monitor for future COPS Office funding opportunities. allows agencies to find and apply for competitive grant opportunities online. If you are interested in COPS funding opportunities, please use the search engine. To expedite your search, please enter the COPS Office CFDA number, 16.710.

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Question What is the mailing address for the COPS Office?

Answer The COPS mailing address is:

U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
1100 Vermont Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530
(Please use zip code 20005 for overnight delivery)

 Note: The COPS Office continues to experience delays in receiving mail sent via the U.S. Postal Service. We encourage grantees to send time-sensitive documents using an overnight courier service (e.g., Federal Express or UPS).

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Question Our agency will not complete our grant before the award end date. How do we request an extension of the grant period?

Answer Agencies requiring additional time to expend their grant funds may request a no-cost extension. You can call the COPS Office Response Center at 800.421.6770 to speak with your Grant Program Specialist.

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Question What is the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number and title for COPS grants?

Answer The CFDA number and title of all COPS grants is:
             16.710 – Public Safety Partnerships and Community Policing Grants

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Question How do I complete my financial status report (SF269)?

Answer COPS has developed the "Helpful Hints Guide for Completing a Financial Status Report (SF-269A)." The guide offers a line-by-line description of the Financial Status Report. This information is available on the COPS website in the Common Forms section.

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Question How do I submit my COPS Financial Status Report (SF269)?

Answer   COPS Financial Status Reports (SF269) can now be completed online using the web-based 269 system

Grantees may populate, review, submit, and print their SF269 reports through a secure Internet connection. The web-based system will expedite the SF269 reporting process, eliminate duplicate data entry and provide grantees with immediate access to historical financial reporting for their grants.

The due dates for filing the Financial Status Reports remain the same: no later than 45 days after the last day of each reporting quarter. The web-based 269 system requires the same information as the paper version. Grantees now have the ability to view all previous Financial Status Reports on file as well as file and revise the report for the current fiscal quarter.

Grantees may also submit Financial Status Reports by fax to 202.616.9004

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Question I tried drawing down funds but PAPRS is telling me that I am delinquent on my SF269. Can you tell me what I need to do?

Answer   Grantees are required to submit a Financial Status Report (SF269) each calendar quarter following receipt and acceptance of the grant award. Past due or inaccurate SF269s may have a negative effect on a grantee’s ability to draw down funds. Please contact the COPS Office Response Center at 800.421.6770 or by email to determine the most recent SF269A on file.

Grantees may view a complete history of all Financial Status Reports submitted for their grant through the web-based 269 system. Grantees may view and print copies of each Financial Status Report that has been submitted through the life of the grant.

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Question I tried drawing down funds but PAPRS is telling me that our agency has not returned the signed award document for this grant. Our department mailed that information. What should we do?

Answer Please contact the COPS Office Response Center at 800.421.6770 and a Technical Assistance Representative will assist in resolving the issue. To help in this process, please have a copy of the signed award document available when you call.

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Question How do I change our agency’s banking information?

Answer   To change your organization’s banking information you must submit a new ACH Vendor/Miscellaneous Payment Enrollment Form to the Office of the Comptroller Customer Service Center. A bank representative or the ACH Coordinator of the financial institution should sign the completed form. We recommend that you use a courier service (e.g., Federal Express or UPS) for tracking purposes to ensure delivery to the Customer Service Center at the following address:

Office of Justice Programs
Office of the Comptroller
Attn: Customer Service Center
810 7th Street, N.W.
5th Floor, Room 5120
Washington, DC 20001 (for overnight delivery)

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Question I am experiencing difficulty logging into my agency’s COPS account. The system states that my COPS Online user ID and password are invalid. How do I go about getting that information?

Answer   If you lose or forget your user ID and password, contact the COPS Office Response Center at 800.421.6770 or via email. Please provide the following information:

  • ORI
  • Agency name
  • Law enforcement executive name and email
  • Contact person’s name and telephone number.

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Question I want to get on the COPS Online site to draw down funds, submit my Financial Status Report, or apply for grants. The site, however, will not allow me access to those functions. What do I need to do?

Answer   Three online modules are available at this point in the development of the COPS Online site:

  1. Account Maintenance, which allows you to change your username or password.
  2. Additional Account Maintenance, which allows you to add additional accounts for your agency.
  3. Change of Information, which allows you to update your government and law enforcement executive information.

Effective April 1, 2004, grantees can submit Financial Status Reports (SF269A) online using the web-based 269 system.

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