American Samoa Economic Stimulus & Recovery Office


American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009


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Please note: ARRA funds may not be used for construction of any casino or other gambling establishment, aquarium, zoo, golf course, or swimming pool.



A Message from Governor Togiola T. A. Tulafono


Afio Mai (Welcome) to the Territory of American Samoa’s official website devoted to information regarding the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) –also referred to as the Federal Stimulus Bill. 

This site has been developed to help us quickly share information about the ARRA, so that every deserving project in American Samoa can secure and use its fair share of Federal Stimulus funds. Our Stimulus Office will work with every public agency and other appropriate entity in American Samoa to:

    • Coordinate projects that will create long-term investment in American Samoa;
    • Assist potential stimulus projects meet implementation and reporting requirements;
    • Keep all abreast of progress toward common goals of job creation, 21st century infrastructure improvement, and economic growth.

Having strived to make the American Samoa Government more accountable, transparent and open during my administration, I am enthralled by the call by President Barack H. Obama and the U. S. Congress to ensure that all Americans can track the Stimulus dollars as they become available and are expended.

We are still working to assess what types and how much funding American Samoa will ultimately receive.  This website enables the viewer to see information about the process as it unfolds, and serves as the portal by which one can track how funds are being used in American Samoa, the only inhabited U.S. soil south of the equator.

American Samoa is well-positioned to benefit from the developing Federal Economic Stimulus package.  The plan holds real promise to put people to work, to help families, and to invest in crucial infrastructure.

We must act swiftly, strategically, and boldly to take full advantage of this golden opportunity to make enduring investments in American Samoa. With complete accountability and transparency, we must do so in a way that effectively meets the critical economic development priorities of our Territory.

This website is an interactive portal for all to submit expressions of interest in Federal Stimulus dollars and to view general information about the Federal Stimulus. Stimulus funds will ultimately be distributed to ASG agencies, business and other organizations, and not directly to individuals. As we will provide additional information on the stimulus as it becomes available, all are encouraged to visit this website on a regular basis.

Thank you for your interest and for your support in continuing to build and strengthen our Territory’s economy. Working together, we will invest the Federal Stimulus resources wisely to ensure American Samoa's continued economic growth and prosperity.













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