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Governor Pat Quinn

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Suggest a Project

The goal of this page is to help ensure potential stimulus projects have a chance to apply for funding. If you think you have a project or proposal that is eligible for federal stimulus funds, please fill out the form below.
Please note:
  • This is not a formal application.
  • Any information submitted here will be available for public review.
  • Completing the form in no way guarantees that your project will eventually receive stimulus funding.
  • Collaborative projects are highly encouraged, but collaborators should submit each project only once.
  • If you wish to send more than 5 separate projects, please email them as a “batch” to .
  • Individual government benefits, like unemployment funds and Pell Grants, will be distributed through previously established channels. This website and the federal stimulus cannot accommodate such requests.
  • If you have problems with this form, please write to .
Click here to see Project Submissions Summary

Contact Information

The point person responsible for managing the project described below.

required Required fields.

Project Information

This request is for (select one):