WWETAC Projects

The Western Threat center has collaborative projects in progress with over 50 scientists throughout North America. These projects address a wide array of research questions pertaining to the detection and assessment of wildland threats and threat interactions. Project abstracts and extended summaries are available below. Summary documents that describe projects addressing specific threats are also available.


Project Summary Categories:


Data Collection

Mapping forest composition and structure in the Pacific Coast States with gradient nearest neighbor imputation (GNN)
Janet L. Ohmann

Nationwide Forest Imputation Study (NaFIS)
Ken Brewer, Andy Finley, Ron McRoberts and Janet Ohmann

Threat Assessment for Decision Support

Wildfire risk framework for strategic planning
Alan Ager

Rapid threat assessment of climate change effects on western bark beetles
Barbara Bentz

Rapid threat assessment: genetically modified plants in wildland ecosystems
David Harry, Steven Strauss and Richard Cronn

Spatial modeling of invasive plant spread on roads and river networks in Alaska
Tricia L. Wurtz

Climate change and forest diseases in the West—an information synthesis
Susan Frankel

Regional variation in North American fungal associates of Dendroctonus valens: what goes ‘round comes ‘round?
Nancy E. Gillette and Donald R. Owen

Modeling wildfire risk to spotted owl habitat in central Oregon, USA
Alan A. Ager

Risk science plan for the Joint Fire Science Program
Charles G. "Terry" Shaw

Fire, bark beetles and salvage logging in the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem
Monica G. Turner

Pathways and risk assessment of emerald ash borer movement into and within the Western United States
William R. Jacobi

Threat Assessment Tools

Alan Ager

Western riparian threats assessment
David M. Theobald and John Norman

A pilot application of ecological risk assessment to the Management of Landscape change in the Interior Landscape Analysis System (INLAS) Project area site, upper Grande Ronde River watershed
Wayne G. Landis, April J. Markiewicz and Suzanne Anderson

Interaction of private and public forest fire risk management decisions
Gwenlyn M. Busby, Heidi J. Albers and Claire A. Montgomery

Evaluating soil risks associated with severe wildfire and ground-based logging
Keith M. Reynolds, Paul F. Hessburg, Bob Meurisse, and Dick Miller

GMWest: A risk assessment system for gypsy moth introductions in the Pacific Northwest
Jesse A. Logan, Wally Macfarlane, and Steve Munson

ICWater sediment transport module
Douglas Ryan, William B. Samuels, William J. Elliot, Deborah Martin, and Kevin Hyde

Threat Detection

Estimating insect distributions in Alaskan landscapes not covered in aerial surveys
John E. Lundquist

Improved Early Detection for the Mediterranean Pine Engraver, Orthotomicus erosus, an Invasive Bark Beetle
Steven J. Seybold

Detection, monitoring, and mapping of sudden oak death using hyperspectral imagery
Jon Fridgen

Threat Interaction Models

Prescribed fire regime and grazing effects on understory vegetation and exotic invasive plants
Becky K. Kerns

Influence of bark beetles and black stain root disease on delayed mortality predictions of prescribed fire-damaged ponderosa pine in the eastern Cascades
Walt Thies

Fuel reduction and weed management
Becky K. Kerns

Probabilistic risk models for multiple disturbances: an example of forest insects and wildfires
Haiganoush K. Preisler

Evaluation of models used to predict postfire tree mortality
David Shaw, Stephen Fitzgerald and Lisa Ganio


Threat Mapping

Tamarisk in the Pacific Northwest: current distribution, species-environment relationships, and threat assessment
Becky K. Kerns

Evaluation of models for assessment of threats to wildlands in the Western United States from displacement by cheatgrass and pinyon-juniper woodlands
Mary M. Rowland, Michael J. Wisdom, Lowell H. Suring and Robin J. Tausch

National environmental threat assessment maps
Ken Brewer, Terry Shaw, Bill Hargrove, Eric Smith and Ron Neilson

Development of GIS-based maps for the “top 10” invasive weeds in Crook County, Oregon
Sim Ogle and Steve Dougill

Threat Synthesis

Westwide climate change initiative
Connie Millar

Evaluating forest and range land development in the Western United States
Jeffrey D. Kline

Conservation markets roundtable: frameworks for bundling ecological services
Gina LaRocco, Sara Vickerman, and Robert Deal

Applying population ecology to strategies for eradicating invasive forest insects
Andrew Liebhold and Deborah McCullough