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Environment energy-related emissions data & environmental analyses
U. S. Emissions Data

Greenhouse Gas Emissions
(CO2) - History from 1949
CO2 from Manufacturing
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Methane (CH4)
Nitrous Oxide (N2O)
Other Gases
Electric Power Plant Emissions
CO2, SO2, NOx
Environmental Equipment
Number of Generators & Capacity
Average FGD (Scrubber) Costs
Carbon Emission Factors
Gallons & Barrels
Quadrillion (1015) BTU
State Carbon Dioxide Emissions
By Fuel
By Energy Sectors
State Methodology
Emissions Detail by State
International Emissions Data

Energy-Related Carbon Emissions
Total Emissions
Per capita Emissions
Emissions from Petroleum Consumption
Emissions from Natural Gas Consumption
Emissions from Coal Consumption
Carbon Intensity
Energy Related Carbon Intensity
Greenhouse Gas Reporting

Revised reporting Form and Instructions
Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases
complete program information
Emissions Inventory Report

Environmental Analyses

Climate Change, Kyoto, Greenhouse Gases
Electric Power Emissions


Emissions Forecasts

Annual Energy Outlook Emissions Projections US projections to 2030 06/08
International Energy Outlook Emissions Projections International projections to 2030 6/08

U.S. Carbon Dioxide Emissions
By sector and fuel for 2007 actual and 2030 projected
(million metric tons)

Chart of Carbon dioxide emissions by sector and fuel, 2007 and 2030 (million metric tons).  Need help, contact the National Energy Information Center at 202-586-8800.
figure data

News & Recent Reports

Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the United States 2007 December 2008

Greenhouse Gases, Climate
   Change, & Energy
Energy Basics 101
Energy Kid's Page
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      Other Environmental Information:
      Historical Environmental Indicators to 1980