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Environmental Analysis of the Electric Sector Related Analysis Reports and Papers (most current first)
Supplement to: Energy Market and Economic Impacts of S. 280, the Climate Stewardship and Innovation Act of 2007 - (also available in printer-friendly version)
Requestors: Senators Barrasso, Inhofe, and Voinovich
This paper responds to a September 18, 2007, letter from Senators Barrasso, Inhofe, and Voinovich, seeking further energy and economic analysis to supplement information presented in the Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) recent analysis of S.280, the Climate Stewardship and Innovation Act of 2007.
Excel Spreadsheets:
   S.280 Core
   S.280 with reference nuclear & biomass (RefNB)
   S.280 with reference nuclear & biomass, plus no coal with CCS (RefNB+noCCS)
   S.280 with reference nuclear, biomass & LNG, plus no coal with CCS (RefNBLNG+noCCS)
pages: 16, released: November 2007, periodicity: One-time, contact Alan Beamon (202)586-2025

Energy Market and Economic Impacts of S. 280, the Climate Stewardship and Innovation Act of 2007 - (also available in printer-friendly version)
Forecast Analysis - This report responds to a February 5, 2007 request from Senators Joseph Lieberman and John McCain asking EIA to estimate of the economic impacts of S.280, the Climate Stewardship and Innovation Act of 2007. S. 280 would establish a series of caps on greenhouse gas emissions starting in 2012 followed by increasingly stringent caps beginning in 2020, 2030 and 2050. The report provides estimates of the effects of S. 280 on energy markets and the economy through 2030.
Excel Spreadsheets:
   High Technology
   S.280 Core
   No International Offsets
   Fixed 30 Percent Offsets
   Unlimited Offsets
   Low Discount
   High Auction
   No Nuclear
   Commercial Covered
   S. 280 High Technology
pages: 92, released: July 2007, periodicity: One-time, contact Alan Beamon (202)586-2025

Energy Market and Economic Impacts of a Proposal to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Intensity with a Cap and Trade System - (also available in printer-friendly version)
Requestors: Senator Bingaman of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, Senator Landrieu, Murkowski, Specter, Salazar, and Lugar
This report was prepared by the Energy Information Administration (EIA), in response to a September 27, 2006, request from Senators Bingaman, Landrieu, Murkowski, Specter, Salazar, and Lugar.  The Senators requested that EIA assess the impacts of a proposal that would regulate emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) through an allowance cap-and-trade system.  The program would set the cap to achieve a reduction in emissions relative to economic output, or greenhouse gas intensity.
Excel Spreadsheets:
   Phased Auction
   Full Auction
   No Offsets
   $5 Phased Auction
   $9 Phased Auction

pages: 90, released: January 2007, periodicity: One-time, contact Alan Beamon (202)586-2025

Energy and Economic Impacts of H.R.5049, the Keep America Competitive Global Warming Policy Act - (also available in printer-friendly version)
Requestors: Congressmen Tom Udall and Tom Petri, U.S. House of Representatives
This report responds to a May 2, 2006 request from Congressmen Tom Udall and Tom Petri asking EIA to analyze the impacts of their legislation implementing a market-based allowance program to cap greenhouse gas emissions at 2009 levels. The legislation, introduced March 29, 2006, limits the potential economic impact through the sale of additional allowances at a safety-valve price, an allowance allocation program, and allowance credits for carbon sequestration projects.
Excel Spreadsheets:
   H.R.5049 A
   H.R.5049 B
   H.R.5049 C
   H.R.5049 No Safety
pages: 41, released: September 2006, periodicity: One-time, contact Ronald Earley (202)586-1398

Energy Market Impacts of a Clean Energy Portfolio Standard - (also available in printer-friendly version)
Requestor: Senator Norman Coleman, United States Senate
Forecast Analysis - This report responds to a request from Senator Norm Coleman that the Energy Information Administration (EIA) analyze a proposed clean energy resources policy. The proposal requires retail electric suppliers to account for an increasing fraction of incremental sales growth with clean energy resources, including nonhydro renewable resources, new hydroelectric or nuclear resources, fuel cells, or an integrated gasification combined-cycle plant that sequesters its carbon emissions.

Excel Spreadsheets:
   Clean Energy Portfolio Standard
pages: 38, released: June 2006, periodicity: One-time, contact Alan Beamon (202)586-2025

Energy Market Impacts of Alternative Greenhouse Gas Intensity Reduction Goals - (also available in printer-friendly version)
Requestor: Senator Ken Salazar, U.S. Senate
This report responds to a request from Senator Ken Salazar that the Energy Information Administration (EIA) analyze the impacts of implementing alternative variants of an emissions cap-and-trade program for greenhouse gases (GHGs).
Excel Spreadsheets:
   Cap Trade 1
   Cap Trade 2
   Cap Trade 3
   Cap Trade 3 High Technology
   Cap Trade 3 Low Other
   Cap Trade 3 Low Safety
   Cap Tr
ade 4
pages: 53, released: March 2006, periodicity: One-time, contact Alan Beamon (202)586-2025

Analysis of S.139, the Climate Stewardship Act of 2003 -
Highlights/Summary Section - (also available in printer-friendly version )
Full Report - (also available in printer-friendly version )
Forecast Analysis - On January 9, 2003, Senators John McCain and Joseph Lieberman introduced S.139, the Climate Stewardship Act of 2003 (S.139), in the U.S. Senate. This report responds to a request from Senator James Inhofe, received on January 28, 2003, and Senators John McCain and Joseph Lieberman, received on April 2, 2003, to analyze the impact of S.139. S.139 would establish regulations to limit greenhouse gas emissions primarily through an emission allowance program and related emissions reporting requirements. The emissions allowance program would apply to most greenhouse gas emissions sources, the exceptions being the emissions from the residential and agriculture sectors, as well as emissions from organizational entities whose annual emissions are less than a certain threshold.
pages: 515, released: June 2003, periodicity: One-time, contact John Conti (202) 586-2222

Analysis of S. 485, the Clear Skies Act of 2003, and S. 843, the Clean Air Planning Act of 2003 - (also available in printer-friendly version )
Forecast Analysis - This report responds to a request received from Senator James Inhofe on July 30, 2003, that the Energy Information Administration analyze the impacts of S. 843, the Clean Air Planning Act of 2003 and S. 485, the Clear Skies Act of 2003. The report analyzes the impacts of limits on nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, mercury, and carbon dioxide emissions (for S. 843) from electricity generators. As requested by Senator Inhofe, for S. 485, analysis is included with and without the mercury provisions and, for S. 843, analysis is included with and without the mercury and carbon dioxide provisions.
pages: 139, released: September 2003, periodicity: One-time, contact Alan Beamon (202)586-2025

Analysis of a 10-Percent Renewable Portfolio Standard - (also available in printer-friendly version )
Forecast Analysis - This report responds to a request received from Senator Jeff Bingaman on May 8, 2003, to analyze a nationwide Renewable Portfolio Standard program proposed as an amendment to energy legislation pending before the U.S. Senate.
pages: 32, released: May 2003, periodicity: One-time, contact Alan Beamon (202)586-2025
Supplement: Analysis of a 10-Percent Renewable Portfolio Standard - (also available in printer-friendly version )
Addendum: Analysis of a 10-Percent Renewable Portfolio Standard - (also available in printer-friendly version )

Impacts of a 10-Percent Renewable Portfolio Standard(available only in printer-friendly version ) (Errata)
Forecast Analysis - This report responds to a request received from Senator Frank Murkowski on December 20, 2001 to analyze the renewable portfolio standard (RPS) provision of S. 1766. At Senator Murkowski’s request it also includes an analysis of the impacts of a renewable portfolio standard patterned after the one called for in S. 1766, but where the required share is based on a 20 percent RPS by 2020 rather than the 10 percent RPS called for in S. 1766.
Pages: 43, released: February 2002, periodicity: One-time, contact Alan Beamon (202)586-2025

Analysis of Strategies for Reducing Multiple Emissions from Electric Power Plants With Advanced Technology Scenarios - (also available in printer-friendly version , Errata
Forecast Analysis - This report responds to a request received from Senators James Jeffords and Joseph Lieberman on May 17, 2001 to analyze the impacts of technology improvements and other market-based opportunities on the cost of emissions reductions from electricity generators, including nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, mercury, and carbon dioxide.
pages: 89, released: October 2001, periodicity: One-time, contact: Paul Holtberg (202)586-1284 

Reducing Emissions of Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides, and Mercury from Electric Power Plants - (also available in printer-friendly versio
Forecast Analysis - This report responds to a request received from Senators Bob Smith, George Voinovich, and Sam Brownback on June 8, 2001 to analyze the impact of various scenarios with alternative power sector emission caps on nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and mercury.
pages: 89, released: October 2001, periodicity: One-time, contact: Alan Beamon (202)586-2025

Analysis of Strategies for Reducing Multiple Emissions from Electric Power Plants:  Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides, Carbon Dioxide, and Mercury and a Renewable Portfolio Standard - (also available in printer-friendly version ) Errata
Forecast Analysis - This report responds to a request received from Senator David McIntosh on June 29, 2000 to analyze the impacts of imposing caps on power sector emissions of nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, mercury, and carbon dioxide with and without a renewable portfolio standard. 
pages: 325, released: July 2001, periodicity: One-time, contact: Alan Beamon (202)586-2025

Analysis of Strategies for Reducing Multiple Emissions from Power Plants:  Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides, and Carbon Dioxide - (also available in printer-friendly version
Forecast Analysis - This report responds to a request received from Senator David McIntosh on June 29, 2000 to analyze the impacts on energy consumers and producers of coordinated strategies to reduce emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and carbon dioxide at U.S. power plants.
pages: 22, released: August 2000, periodicity: One-time, contact: Erin Boedecker (202)586-4791

Reducing Emissions of Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides, and Mercury from Electric Power Plants - (also available in printer-friendly version
Forecast Analysis - This report responds to a request received from Senators Bob Smith, George Voinovich, and Sam Brownback on June 8, 2001 to analyze the impact of various scenarios with alternative power sector emission caps on nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and mercury.
pages: 89, released: October 2001, periodicity: One-time, contact: Alan Beamon (202) 586-2025

Changing Structure of the Electric Power Industry: An Update - (available only in printer-friendly version
Update to the original 3/93 publication includes Part I, Chapter 4, Federal Legislative Impacts, including brief discussions of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 and the Energy Policy Act of 1992.
pages: 94, released: March 1993, periodicity: One-time, contact: Ron Hankey (202) 287-1762

Power Plant Emissions Reductions Using a Generation Performance Standard - (also available in printer-friendly version
Forecast Analysis - In an earlier analysis completed in response to a request received from Representative David McIntosh, Chairman of the Subcommittee on National Economic Growth, Natural Resources, and Regulatory Affairs, the Energy Information Administration analyzed the impacts of power sector caps on nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and carbon dioxide emissions, assuming a policy instrument patterned after the sulfur dioxide allowance program created in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. This paper compares the results of that work with the results of an analysis that assumes the use of a dynamic generation performance standard as an instrument for reducing carbon dioxide emissions. In general, the results of the two analyses are similar: to reduce carbon dioxide emissions the power sector is expected to turn away from coal-fired generation to natural gas and, to a lesser extent, renewables.
pages: 9, released: May 2001, periodicity: One-time, contact: Alan Beamon (202)586-2025

The Comprehensive Electricity Competition Act: A Comparison of Model Results - (also available in printer-friendly version)
Forecast Analysis - This report responds to a request received from Secretary of Energy, Bill Richardson on June 24, 1999 to use the National Energy Modeling System to evaluate the effects of the Administration's restructuring proposal using the parameter settings and assumptions from the Policy Office Electricity Modeling System analysis as described in the May 1999 publication, Supporting Analysis for the Comprehensive Electricity Act.
pages: 78, released: September 1999, Periodicity: One-time, Contact: Alan Beamon (202) 586-2025

Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Generation of Electric Power in the United States 1999 - (also available in printer-friendly version )
Forecast Analysis - A joint DOE/EPA report, prepared in response to an April 15, 1999 Presidential directive requiring an annual report summarizing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions produced by electricity generation in the United States, including both utilities and nonutilities.

pages: 18, released: October 1999, Periodicity: One-time, Contact: Channele Carner (202) 287-1928

U.S. Electric Utility Demand-Side Management 1997
This publication presents a general discussion of DSM, its history, current issues, and a review of key statistics for the year. Additional information is presented on energy savings, peak load reductions and costs attributable to DSM.
released: July 2002, Periodicity: One-time, Contact: Karen McDaniel (202) 287-1799

U.S. Electric Utility Demand-Side Management Trends and Analysis
A look at one of the primary tools utilities are using to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in the context of the Energy Policy Act of 1992.
released: April 1997, Periodicity: One-time, Contact: Channele Donald (202) 287-1928

Electricity Generation and Environmental Externalities: Case Studies - (also available in printer-friendly version )
Describes the policies adopted by three (MA, WI, CA) State regulatory authorities regarding the treatment of environmental externalities in the utility regulatory process, and evaluates their impact on the resource selection process.
pages: 94, released: September 1995, Periodicity: One-time, Contact: Rebecca McNerney (202) 287-1913

Environmental Externalities in Electric Power Markets: Acid Rain, Urban Ozone and Climate Change
Discusses emissions resulting from utilities' electricity generation and their role in contributing to acid rain, urban ozone, and climate change. Also discusses the general concept of environmental externalities and assesses the means that have been devised to ameliorate them. Feature article in Renewable Energy Annual 1995 (REA95). Also available: REA97
released: September 2002, Periodicity: One-time, Contact: John Carlin (202) 287-1734

Reducing Nitrogen Oxide Emissions: 1996 Compliance with Title IV Limits
Feature Article, summarizing the existing Federal NOx regulations and the 1996 performance of the 239 Title IV generating units. Also reviews the basics of low-NOx burner technology and presents cost and performance data for retrofits at Title IV units.
released: need date, Periodicity: One-time, Contact: Ron Hankey (202) 287-1762

Relicensing and Environmental Issues Affecting Hydropower - (available only in printer-friendly version )
Feature Article, presents overview of the hydropower industry and addresses environmental pros and cons of this energy source.

pages: 9, released: need date, Periodicity: One-time, Contact: Ron Hankey (202) 287-1762

The Impact of Environmental Compliance Costs on U.S. Refining Profitability - (also available in printer-friendly version )
The financial impacts of U.S. refining pollution abatement investment requirements in the 1990's.

pages: 18, released: October 1997, Periodicity: One-time, Contact: Mark Rodekohr (202) 287-1130

The Effects of Title IV of the Clean Air Act amendments of 1990 on Electric Utilities: An Update - (also available in printer-friendly version )
Describes the strategies used to comply with the Acid Rain Program in 1995, the effect of compliance on SO2 emissions levels, the cost of compliance, and the effects of the program on coal supply and demand. Updates and expands a report published by the Energy Information Administration in 1994 titled, Electric Utility Phase I Acid Rain Compliance Strategies for the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990.
pages: 116, released: March 1997, Periodicity: One-time, Contact: Ron Hankey (202) 287-1762

Changing Structure of the Electric Power Industry:  An Update - (also available in printer-friendly version )
This 12/96 update to the original 3/93 publication includes Part I, Chapter 4, Federal Legislative Impacts, including brief discussions of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 and the Energy Policy Act of 1992.
pages: 166, released: March 1997, Periodicity: One-time, Contact: Rebecca McNerney (202) 287-1913