
Washington State Department of

Veterans Affairs

Claims Assistance

1) How can WDVA Help me?
2) What veteran benefits or programs does Washington State provide?
3) What federal benefits are available to veterans?
4) What benefits are spouses and children of veterans eligible for?
5) How can I contact a Service officer to ask questions or discuss a claim?

Are you a National Guard or Reserve Veteran of OIF, OEF, or ONE experiencing financial hardships because of your deployment? Click Here

1) How can WDVA Help me?

The Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA) is a full-service state agency that assists veterans, their family members and survivors. The department is an advocate for veterans and their families, and aggressively pursues all federal and state benefits and entitlements on their behalf.

The department’s Veterans Service Offices and the statewide referral service are staffed with qualified benefits specialists to assist veterans and family members in accessing benefits to which they may be entitled. Using a case management approach, our staff attend to the needs of the individual and their families by providing counseling and referral services in a holistic fashion. This includes representing veterans in cases adjudicated with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in Seattle. Outreach services are available for areas which are not near a Veterans Service Office.


What veteran benefits or programs does Washington State provide?

State Veterans Benefits     Brochure

Honorably discharged veterans who have served in any branch of the armed forces may be eligible for the following state benefits:

OIF, OEF, or ONE Returnees Assistance

Mental Health Services

Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs maintains a one-of-a-kind, state-funded outreach/counseling program designed to provide confidential counseling services to Washington state veterans and family members with war-era and PTSD-related problems.

For Information on Tramatic Brain Injury click here

State Veterans Homes

The Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs manages three facilities throughout the state, where veterans are treated with the dignity and respect they deserve, in distinctive settings that all provide a sense of belonging unique to veterans.

Veterans Estate Management Program

The Veterans Estate Management Program offers protective payee services for veterans and family members who are incapable of managing their own financial affairs. By assuming custody of the individual’s finances, the department ensures basic needs – such as housing, food, clothing and medical care – are provided.

County Veterans Assistance/Burial

County aid for indigent families of deceased veterans who have resided in Washington state for at least one year may be available.  Contact your County officials for eligibility information.

Military Funeral Honors

Homeless Veteran Programs

Educational Benefits

  • Veterans should contact their higher education institution for additional information. 
    Title 28B -- Higher Education
    RCW 28B.10.016 Definitions.
    RCW 28B.10.017 "Eligible student" defined.
    RCW 28B.15.380 Exemption from payment of fees at state universities, regional universities, and The Evergreen State College --   Veterans and children of certain law enforcement officers or fire fighters.
    RCW 28B.15.600 Refunds or cancellation of fees -- Four-year institutions of higher education.
    RCW 28B.15.621 Tuition waivers -- Veterans and national guard members -- Dependents -- Private institutions.
    RCW 28B.15.625 Persian Gulf veterans -- Private higher education institutions -- Tuition refund encouraged.
    RCW 28B.15.910 Limitation on total operating fees revenue vaived, exempted, or reduced -- Outreach to veterans
    RCW 28B.115.110 Participant obligation -- Repayment obligation  
  • Federal Education Benefits

A Summary Washington State’s Education Benefits for Veterans

  • The State Legislature has authorized state community colleges, colleges and universities to waive ‘all or a portion of tuition and fees’ for eligible veterans or national guard members.
  • Each college or university establishes and operates their own veterans waiver program so it is best to get in touch with the college or university you plan to attend for details on their program.
  • An eligible veteran or national guard member is defined as: “…a Washington domiciliary who was an active or reserve member of the United States military or naval forces, or a national guard member called to active duty, who served in active federal service, under either Title 10 or Title 32 of the United States Code, in a war or conflict fought on foreign soil or in international waters or in another location in support of those serving on foreign soil or in international waters, and if discharged from service, has received an honorable discharge.”
  • To read the tuition waiver law visit:  http://apps.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=28B.15.621

A Summary Washington State’s Education Benefits for Dependents of 100% Disabled Veterans or those who died as a result of military service.

  • The State Legislature requires state community colleges, colleges and universities to waive all undergraduate tuition and fees for eligible dependents of eligible veteran or national guard member up to 200 quarter credits or equivalent semester credits.  
  • Waivers for graduate credits are encouraged but not required.
  • Fees include all assessments for costs incurred as a condition to a student's full participation in coursework and related activities at an institution of higher education.
  • Eligible veteran or national guard member is the same as defined in the previous section.
  • Eligible dependents are:
    • A child must be a Washington domiciliary between the age of seventeen and twenty-six to be eligible for the tuition waiver. A child's marital status does not affect eligibility.
    • A surviving spouse or surviving domestic partner must be a Washington domiciliary.
      • A surviving spouse or surviving domestic partner has ten years from the date of the death, total disability, or federal determination of prisoner of war or missing in action status of the eligible veteran or national guard member to receive benefits under the waiver. Upon remarriage or registration in a subsequent domestic partnership, the surviving spouse or surviving domestic partner is ineligible for the waiver of all tuition and fees.
      • If a death results from total disability, the surviving spouse has ten years from the date of death in which to receive benefits under the waiver.
To read the tuition waiver law visit:  http://apps.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=28B.15.621



Employment Preference

Motor Vehicle Licenses

Reduced Fishing/Hunting License

State and Federal Park Passes

Washington State Parks agency staff members are available to assist with questions regarding State Parks special-use passes.
State Parks   (for Veterans with at least 30% Service Connected Disability) Federal Parks

Reduced Public Transportation Fees

  • Ferry Fares (reduced fares may be available to any disabled individuals)

Documents and Public Records

 Property Tax


WDVA offers a complete referral service to provide veterans with accurate and current information on the entire range of issues associated with veterans’ benefits and entitlements.

This service is available Monday through Thursday from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Messages may be left 24 hours a day.

Olympia Service Center
Toll-Free Phone Number
1-800-562-2308 (within WA State only)
or 360-725-2200

1102 Quince Street SE 1st floor
PO Box 41155
Olympia, WA 98504-1155

Seattle Service Center
915 2nd Avenue, Rm 1050
Seattle, WA 98174
1-877-249-0516 or 206-220-6145

Copyright © 2000 - 2010
Department of Veterans Affairs All Rights Reserved

For Benefits Information Call 1-800-562-2308 For Assistance - TDD: 360-725-2199