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Chairman Adair Margo received Mexico’s Aztec Eagle award, which is the country’s highest honor bestowed on foreign nationals. Mexican Ambassador to the United States Arturo Sarukhan (above) presented the award at a ceremony in Washington, DC to Chairman Margo for her efforts in strengthening cultural ties between the two nations.

Chairman Adair Margo received Mexico’s Aztec Eagle award, which is the country’s highest honor bestowed on foreign nationals. Mexican Ambassador to the United States Arturo Sarukhan (above) presented the award at a ceremony in Washington, DC to Chairman Margo for her efforts in strengthening cultural ties between the two nations.

About Us







Chairman's Letter

These eight years (2000-2008) have been a time of reaching across agency boundaries to better serve the American people, as well as a time of reaching across international borders, connecting arts leaders from the U.S. to their counterparts in other countries and sharing programs and expertise. The PCAH began its international work with Mexico, signing a Joint Communiqué for Cultural Understanding in 2003, and now, through public and private partnerships, it has extended relationships to China, Egypt, Uruguay and Belize. Since 2002, the President’s Committee has either supported or participated in 145 international projects, exchanges or events. Among these is AFI Project: 20/20, a new program supported by each of these agencies, reflecting a shared belief that through the universal language of art, music, literature, and in this case film, the U.S. can both honor and open doors to other cultures, ideas and places.

Being a committee of public/private members with the support of the First Lady has been a key asset of President’s Committee, allowing it to be a hub around which the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) can revolve on programs of mutual interest. Working together, the President’s Committee and these cultural partners have supported or created new programs and initiatives whose connections to the American people and the world are richer, wider and deeper. Coming Up Taller, Save America’s Treasures and the National Medals all honor the richness of American culture and their expansion and success are the fruits of this partnership. Each of these programs is also designed to further cultural excellence, increase access and participation and celebrate the spirit of our nation and its relationship to other nations.