Labs for the 21st Century logoLabs for the 21st Century  
2009 Conference  
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September 22-24, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana

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The International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories (I2SL) is the official co-sponsor for the Labs21 Annual Conference and workshops. Please visit I2SL's Web site Exitfor the most up-to-date conference and workshop information.

Conference Announcements

  • The last day to register for the 2009 Technology and Services Fair at a discounted price is May 29. Register today and save $500 on your booth!Exit

  • The criteria for the 2009 Go Beyond Awards, brought to you by I2SL has just been announced. Submit your nominations!Exit

  • Thank you to all who submitted abstracts for the 2009 Call for Presenters. Accepted presenters will be notified by May 15.

  • The Labs21 2010 Annual Conference will take place September 28-30, 2010, at the Albuquerque Convention Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Labs21 2009 Annual Conference Postcard

Want to know what others think about the Labs21 Conference? Read testimonials from past conference attendees! Exit

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