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World Data Center for Meteorology, Asheville.
NCDC > WDC-Meteorology > IBTrACS


Visit the NCDC GIS data portal for the most up-to-date information on the WMS, WFS and KML capabilities of the IBTrACS data set.
IBTrACS data is available under "Current Events: Hurricanes" or here.

Line layer

The line layer are the lines extracted from the point layer (see below).

Line-layer caveats

  • Storms with only one location (that is, one reported position) can not define a line, so were dropped from the line-layer
  • The geospatial server does not allow lines to cross the dateline. Storm segments crossing the dateline were removed.
  • Lines need to have the same attributes for the entire line. Thus, very limited storm attributes are available for each line. Users should access the point data for the time varying storm attributes (central pressure, sustained wind, etc.)
  • Due to limits of line attributes, only the maximum intensity attained by each storm is available and shaded for each storm

Line-layer services

A shapefile (1.4 MB) of the line layer is available via FTP.


Sample WMS GetCapabilities:

Sample WMS GetMap request (same as image above):,-90,180,90&WIDTH=800&HEIGHT=400&LAYERS=0,1&STYLES=&EXCEPTIONS=application/vnd.ogc.se_xml&FORMAT=image/png&BGCOLOR=0xFFFFFF&TRANSPARENT=TRUE

The WMS service allows the use of Styled Layer Descriptors (SLD). This allows the data to be filtered. We are developing an interactive display to allow custom filters. Some examples of what will be possible with SLDs include:


After clicking the link below :

  1. Enter a Document Name,
  2. Select Layers [optional - if you select none, both will be included],
  3. Choose the last "Layer Option": Vector layers as vectors and raster layers as images.
  4. Click Generate KML button.
  5. Open in Google Earth.

Note: tested with Google Earth Pro 4.3.7284.3916 (beta).

Point Layer

IBTrACS data was converted to OGC point layer data. These point data are voluminous (more than 220,000 points each with 35 attributes per point), so a line layer data was extracted to facilitate creating maps of the data.

Point-layer caveats

  • Points of the storm located directly on the dateline were dropped from the point layer as such data are not allowed by the geospatial database.

Point-layer services

A shapefile (7.6 MB) of the point layer is available via FTP.


Sample example WMS GetCapabilities:

Sample WMS GetMap (same as image above, takes a few minutes due to the volume of the IBTrACS points):,-90,180,90&WIDTH=800&HEIGHT=400&LAYERS=0,1&STYLES=&EXCEPTIONS=application/vnd.ogc.se_xml&FORMAT=image/png&BGCOLOR=0xFFFFFF&TRANSPARENT=TRUE


Using ArcGIS Server 9.3 SP1 (the NCDC version), there is a bug that prevents the WFS 1.0.0 file from being read properly. This will be resolved soon. Check back often for updates.

      example WFS GetCapabilities request coming soon

      example WFS GetFeature request coming soon


After clicking the link below :

  1. Enter a Document Name,
  2. Select Layers [optional - if you select none, both will be included],
  3. Choose the last "Layer Option": Vector layers as vectors and raster layers as images.
  4. Click Generate KML button.
  5. Open in Google Earth.

Note: tested with Google Earth Pro 4.3.7284.3916 (beta).

More information

For more information on OGC services at NCDC, visit
Created by
Downloaded Saturday, 9-May-2009 17:30:36 EDT
Last Updated Friday, 23-Jan-2009 08:12:19 EST by
Please see the NCDC Contact Page if you have questions or comments.