Crime Victims with Disabilities

Abuse & Women with Disabilities

Provides valuable information for victims of abuse, physicians, women's shelters and centers for independent living working with women with disabilities who have been abused.

Abuse of Children with Cognitive, Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

Information on the abuse and neglect of children with cognitive, intellectual and developmental disabilities and how to help prevent and report abuse.

Breaking the Silence on Crime Victims with Disabilities

Addressing the long-neglected needs of crime victims with disabilities is the focus of a new partnership announced today by the National Council on Disability, the Association of University Centers on Disabilities, and the National Center for Victims of Crime. The ultimate goal of this partnership is to foster greater public awareness about crime victims with disabilities and to forge a national commitment to better serve this particularly vulnerable population.

Ending Crimes of Violence Against Children & Adults with Disabilities

A report by Dorothy K. Marge, Ph.D., from the State University of New York Upstate Medical University regarding ways to prevent violence against people with disabilities. Document is in PDF format.

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Disability Issues Links

A list of links from the FCC Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau related to disability issues, including closed captioning, 911-TTY compatibility, telecommunication relay services and various sections of the Rehabilitation Act.

First Response to Victims of Crime Who Have a Disability

Handbook from the U.S. Department of Justice provides information to law enforcement officers regarding how to assist crime victims who have a disability.

HELP for Victim Service Providers Web Forum

The HELP for Victim Service Providers message board is hosted by the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), which provides leadership and funding on behalf of crime victims. OVC developed this resource as a tool for victim service providers and allied professionals to share ideas, suggestions, and recommendations concerning promising practices, best practices and victim issues. View OVC Web Forum Guest Host Sessions.

Serving Crime Victims with Disabilities

Brochure from the U.S. Department of Justice written for victim assistance providers who want to learn more about serving victims of crime who have disabilities. Document is in .pdf format.

Uniform Crime Reports: Hate Crimes

A portal to the crime reports compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigations, including hate crimes which, since 1994, has included crimes motivated by a bias against the victim's disability.

Victims of Crime With Disabilities Resource Guide

Web site provides valuable resources and information addressing issues related to crimes against people with disabilities.

Victims of Crime with Disabilities Resource Guide Newletter

Includes indepth articles and information on upcoming events and funding opportunities.

Violence Against Women Online Resources

Articles and resources related to abuse and violence against women and people with disabilities.

Working with Victims of Crime with Disabilities

Information from the U.S. Department of Justice regarding working with victims of crime who have disabilities.
  • The White House
  • The U.S. government's official web portal.