Skin Conditions

Agent Orange & Chloracne Information Brief

Discusses symptoms and treatment of chloracne, an adult version of acne, associated with exposure to Agent Orange by Vietnam Veterans. Provides links to VA information, including treatment options.

Atopic Dermatitis

Causes, diagnosis, treatment and other information about atopic dermatitis (often called "eczema").

Eye & Tissue Bank International

Provides corneas and other eye tissue for sight-restoring transplant surgery. Many of our transplant banks also recover such tissues as bone, ligaments and tendons (musculosketal tissue) that restore mobility, as well as skin used in burn and reconstructive surgery, heart valves to correct cardiac conditions, and saphenous veins to remedy circulatory problems.

Gulf War Veterans' Health - Medical Evaluation of a U.S. Cohort

Study showing Gulf War deployment is associated with increased risk of skin conditions.

Leishmaniasis Fact Sheet

Discusses prevention strategies related to military personnel and leishmaniasis, a disease caused by a parasite spread through sand fly bites. Leishmaniasis has been reported in military personnel deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan during Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom, and in Kuwait and elsewhere during the Persian Gulf War.

Leishmaniasis Information

Answers to frequently asked questions about leishmaniasis, a parasitic disease spread by the bite of infected sand flies.

Questions & Answers About Psoriasis

Causes, diagnosis, treatment and other information about psoriasis.


Causes, diagnosis, treatment and other information about Scleroderma, a symptom of a group of diseases that involve "hard skin" and the abnormal growth of connective tissue.

Skin Conditions

Provides links to information on common and rare skin conditions, as well as information on symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, disease management and clinical research.

Skin Disorders

Links to information about common skin disorders, including dry skin, seborrheic dermatitis and atopic dermatitis.

Skin Rash Fact Sheet

Discusses causes and symptoms of common skin rashes. Gives guidance on how to take care of minor rashes, and suggests when to seek medical help.

Skin, Hair & Nails - Problems & Conditions

Includes an A to Z list of conditions related to skin, hair or nails. Links are arranged alphabetically and lead to information about symptoms, prevention and treatment.
  • The White House
  • The U.S. government's official web portal.

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