USAID: From the American People | ASIA


USAID RDMA works with a variety of partners to accomplish its mission in Asia. These include other U.S. agencies, international donor partners, and implementing partners.

Partners, for branding guidance and information please see the USAID Graphic Standards Manual, Asia sub-brand graphics files, and the main USAID Branding page.

Abt Associates

Abt Associates is one of the largest for-profit government and business research and consulting firms in the world. Since its founding in 1965, it has remained close to Clark Abt's original vision of a company that could make an important difference in the lives of people and nations.

Abt Associates delivers practical, measurable results, and is an unparalleled resource for understanding and solving difficult challenges. A wide spectrum of governments, international organizations, foundations, nonprofit associations and institutions, and business and industry call on Abt Associates to solve complex problems in a wide variety of disciplines.

Academy for Educational Development (AED)

AED is a nonprofit organization working globally to improve education, health, civil society and economic development--the foundation of thriving societies.

In collaboration with local and national partners, AED fosters sustainable results through practical, comprehensive approaches to social and economic challenges. AED implements more than 250 programs serving people in all 50 U.S. states and more than 150 countries.


AECOM International Development currently has more than 400 pro­fessionals in 60 countries working in economic growth, environment and regional development, industrial and commercial area development, democracy and governance, humanitarian response and stabilization, and infrastructure and facilities.

AECOM International Development was formed by the combination of PADCO, a Washington, DC-based AECOM subsidiary, and TSG, an Arlington, Virginia, international development services firm.

American University Washington College of Law

The Washington College of Law (WCL), founded in 1896, has been part of American University since 1949. WCL is a member of the Association of American Law Schools and is approved by the American Bar Association. The law school also meets the requirements for preparation for the bar in all states and carries the certification for the United States District Court for the District of Columbia and the New York State Department of Education.

Anhui University of Science and Technology

With its distinctive characteristics and with its focus on engineering, Anhui University of Science and Technology (AUST) is a comprehensive and harmoniously developing key university of Anhui Province, consisting of disciplines in engineering, natural sciences, economics sciences, literature, medicine and management sciences. The multi-disciplinary university, with a history of nearly 60 years, was founded in 1945 as the first school of engineering in Anhui Province. It was originally under the auspice of the former state Department of Mining Industry. In July 1998, the university came to be co-sponsored by both the Central Government and the provincial government, and administered by the latter. It is now listed by Anhui Province as one of the five universities to attach great importance to in their development during the Tenth Five-Year Plan Period.

APEC Energy Working Group

The APEC Energy Working Group (EWG) is a voluntary, regional-based forum operating under the APEC umbrella. EWG helps further APEC goals to facilitate energy trade and investment, and ensure that energy contributes to the economic, social and environmental enhancement of the APEC community.

ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE)

ACE is an intergovernmental organization established by Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam. The Centre is envisioned to be a catalyst for the economic growth and development of the ASEAN region by initiating, coordinating and facilitating regional as well as joint and collective activities on energy. To realize this vision, the Centre will accelerate the integration of energy strategies within ASEAN by providing relevant information state-of-the-art technology and expertise to ensure that over the long term, necessary energy development policies and programmes are in harmony with the economic growth and the environmental sustainability of the region.

Asia Pacific Network of People with HIV/AIDS (APN+)

APN+ is a network of people living with HIV (PLHIV) in the Asia Pacific region. It was established in 1994 at a meeting in Kuala Lumpur by 42 PLHIV from eight countries. It was established in response to the need for a collective voice for people living with HIV/AIDS in the region, to better link regional PLHIV with the Global Network of PLHIV (GNP+) and positive networks throughout the world, and to support regional responses to widespread stigma and discrimination and better access to treatment and care.

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

ADB is an international development finance institution whose mission is to help its developing member countries reduce poverty and improve the quality of life of their people.

Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC)

The Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) aims to reduce the impact of disasters on countries and communities in the Asia-Pacific region.

Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)

The Asian Institute of Technology promotes technological change and sustainable development in the Asian-Pacific region through higher education, research and outreach. Established in Bangkok in 1959, AIT has become a leading regional postgraduate institution and is actively working with public and private sector partners throughout the region and with some of the top universities in the world.

Asia-Pacific Partnership for Clean Development and Climate (APP-CDC)

The Partners have come together voluntarily to advance clean development and climate objectives, recognizing that development and poverty eradication are urgent and overriding goals internationally.  By building on the foundation of existing bilateral and multilateral initiatives, the Partners will enhance cooperation to meet both our increased energy needs and associated challenges, including those related to air pollution, energy security, and greenhouse gas intensities, in accordance with national circumstances. The Partners recognize that national efforts will also be important in meeting the Partnership’s shared vision.

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN was established on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok by the five original Member Countries, namely, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand.  Brunei Darussalam joined on 8 January 1984, Vietnam on 28 July 1995, Lao PDR and Myanmar on 23 July 1997, and Cambodia on 30 April 1999.

The ASEAN Declaration states that the aims and purposes of the Association are: (1) to accelerate economic growth, social progress and cultural development in the region and (2) to promote regional peace and stability through abiding respect for justice and the rule of law in the relationship among countries in the region and adherence to the principles of the United Nations Charter.

Balkan Environmental Regulatory Compliance and Enforcement Network (BERCEN)

The BERCEN mission is to improve the implementation of environmental law by increasing the effectiveness of enforcement agencies and promoting  compliance with environmental requirements.

BearingPoint Inc.

BearingPoint is a global management and technology consulting company which collaborates with clients in government and industry in 60 countries to solve their most pressing challenges from strategy through execution.

BearingPoint provides strategic consulting, applications services, technology solutions and managed services to government organizations, Global 2000 companies and medium-sized businesses in the U.S. and around the world.

Their service offerings are designed to help clients generate revenue, increase cost-effectiveness, manage regulatory compliance, integrate information and transition to “next-generation” technology.

Cadmus Group Inc.

The Cadmus Group was founded in 1983. Their consultants—scientists; engineers; statisticians; economists; MBAs; marketing, public relations, and communications professionals; attorneys; information technology specialists; public policy analysts and others—provide an array of research and analytical services in the U.S. and abroad.

Cadmus’ major service areas include Water, Energy Services, Social Marketing and Communications, Green Building, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability, Strategic Environmental Management, and Environmentally Sound Design and Management of international development projects.


CARE is a humanitarian organization fighting global poverty. CARE places special focus on working alongside poor women because, equipped with the proper resources, women have the power to help whole families and entire communities escape poverty. Women are at the heart of CARE's community-based efforts to improve basic education, prevent the spread of HIV, increase access to clean water and sanitation, expand economic opportunity and protect natural resources. CARE also delivers emergency aid to survivors of war and natural disasters, and helps people rebuild their lives.

Catholic Relief Services

Catholic Relief Services was founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States to serve World War II survivors in Europe. Since then, we have expanded in size to reach more than 80 million people in more than 100 countries on five continents.

Our mission is to assist impoverished and disadvantaged people overseas, working in the spirit of Catholic Social Teaching to promote the sacredness of human life and the dignity of the human person. Although our mission is rooted in the Catholic faith, our operations serve people based solely on need, regardless of their race, religion or ethnicity. Within the United States, CRS engages Catholics to live their faith in solidarity with the poor and suffering of the world.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Jakarta (CSIS)

The Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Jakarta is an independent non-profit organization focusing on policy-oriented studies and dialogue on domestic and international issues.

Checchi and Company Consulting

Checchi and Company has had a pioneering role in supporting USAID initiatives to strengthen the rule of law and the legal foundations for sustainable economic growth. Checchi has completed assignments related to the modernization of legal frameworks and the reform of judicial systems in Latin America, Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and the Middle East. The company is presently implementing major USAID-funded judicial and legal reform programs in Afghanistan, Bolivia, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Montenegro. We are also working on important subcontracts in countries as diverse as Bulgaria, Tajikistan, Mexico and the Philippines.

China Academy of Building Research (CABR)

Founded in 1953, China Academy of Building Research (CABR) is the largest and most diverse research institution in building industry in China. CABR carries out its mission in catering to the needs of building and construction industries nationwide, putting forward solutions for the key technical problems met in engineering based on applied research and development, providing technical development and consulting services, and undertaking building design and construction activities.

China Business Council for Sustainable Development

The China Business Council for Sustainable Development (CBCSD) was officially established in October 2003. It's purpose it providing a platform for exchange and cooperation among Chinese and foreign enterprises, government and social communities; sharing information, experiences and best practices in the field of sustainable development, in order to help companies improve understanding and performance in environment health safety (EHS), corporate social responsibility (CSR), climate change, and other related areas, and to push forward the course of sustainable development in the world by common hard efforts.

China Standard Certification Center

China University of Political Science and Law

China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), with law subjects as the mainstay accompanied by many other disciplines like philosophy, economics, education and management, is one of the state “211 Project” universities as well as a state key university that directly under the Ministry of Education.

Clean Air Initiative Asia (CAI-Asia)

The Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities (CAI-Asia) promotes and demonstrates innovative ways to improve the air quality of Asian cities through partnerships and sharing experiences.

Clinton Climate Initiative

President Clinton launched the Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI) in August 2006 to make a difference in the fight against climate change in practical, measurable, and significant ways.

CCI is serving as the exclusive implementing partner of the C40 Large Cities Climate Leadership Group, an association of large cities around the world that have pledged to accelerate their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In this capacity, CCI is working with partner cities to develop and implement large scale projects to improve energy efficiency and directly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in buildings, waste management, transportation, outdoor lighting, ports, and other areas.

CCI is also assisting a selected number of partner governments to develop and implement large scale projects that accelerate the deployment of clean energy generation technologies including carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) from fossil fuel plants and solar thermal energy (CSP). CCI is working with a selected number of tropical developing countries to structure and implement model forest preservation and reforestation projects as well as clean energy and waste management projects.

Coastal Resources Center

The Coastal Resources Center at the Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island is dedicated to advancing coastal management worldwide. In addition to assisting in the development and implementation of coastal management programs in Rhode Island and the United States, the Center is active in countries throughout the world promoting the sustainable use of coastal resources for the benefit of all. Implementing coastal management projects in the field, building capacity through education and training, and sharing lessons learned and information throughout the coastal community are the foundation of the Coastal Resources Center’s work.

Constella Futures

Constella Group is a global provider of professional health services with more than 1,500 employees in 60 countries. Through its work in health sciences, international development (Constella Futures), and product development, Constella Group works with experts in local and national governments, corporations, academia, and non-governmental organizations to support a broad range of missions to address today’s health problems and to prepare for the health needs of tomorrow.

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Secretariat

CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) is an international agreement between governments. Its aim is to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival.

Dalhoff Larsen and Horneman (DLH) Group

DLH Group recognizes a clear obligation to conserve the forests that their business relies on not only in the interest of the industry, but in the public interest as well.

Danish Energy Management (DEM)

Danish Energy Management provides Energy Consultancy within the areas of Policy, Regulation, Finance, Institutional Development and Information and Communication.

During the last 20 years, they have delivered consultancy services within the energy sector to national and international cooperation agencies, lenders and recipients and have implemented energy projects in more than 50 countries.

Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI)

DAI's mission is to make a difference in the world by helping societies and economies become more prosperous, fairer and more just, safer, more stable, more efficient, and better governed.

East-West Center

The East-West Center is an education and research organization established by the U.S. Congress in 1960 to strengthen relations and understanding among the peoples and nations of Asia, the Pacific, and the United States. The Center contributes to a peaceful, prosperous, and just Asia Pacific community by serving as a hub for cooperative research, education, and dialogue on critical issues of common concern to the Asia Pacific region and the United States. Funding for the Center comes from the U.S. government, with additional support provided by private agencies, individuals, foundations, corporations, and the governments of the region.

As a national and regional resource, the Center offers:

  • An interdisciplinary research program that examines major issues of critical importance in U.S.-Asia Pacific relations.
  • Dialogue and professional enrichment programs that focus on groups central to the communication of ideas: the media, political and policy leaders, and educators.
  • Educational programs to develop the human resources needed by the United States and the Asia Pacific region in a new era of increased interdependence.

East-West Management Institute

Founded in 1988 as an independent, not-for-profit organization, the East-West Management Institute, Inc. (EWMI), promotes the rule of law, civil society and free market systems globally. EWMI provides training, technical expertise and grants to foster sustainable reforms in government, business and civil society. Working in partnership with grass roots groups, local governments and international organizations, EWMI combines legal, civic and economic initiatives to build just, prosperous and democratic societies.

Economic Institute of Cambodia (EIC)

The Economic Institute of Cambodia is an independent think-tank which provides information and insight into Cambodia’s socio-economic development. EIC bases itself on presenting reliable, accurate and research-based data and analysis of the country’s economic trends to participate in the formulation of sustainable economic development policies and strategies for Cambodia.

Energy Foundation

The Energy Foundation is a partnership of major donors interested in solving the world's energy problems. Its mission is to advance energy efficiency and renewable energy — new technologies that are essential components of a clean energy future.

Enterprise and Development Consultants (EDC)

Enterprise and Development Consultants (EDC) is company based in Laos offering business development training as well as training courses on project management, trade promotion and institutional capacity (human resource management).

European Union Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law (IMPEL)

The European Union Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law is an informal network of the environmental authorities of EU Member States, acceding and candidate countries, and Norway. The European Commission is also a member of IMPEL and shares the chairmanship of its Plenary Meetings.

The Network’s objective is to create the necessary impetus in the European Community to make progress on ensuring a more effective application of environmental legislation. It promotes the exchange of information and experience and the development of environmental legislation, with special emphasis on Community environmental legislation. It provides a framework for policy makers, environmental inspectors and enforcement officers to exchange ideas, and encourages the development of enforcement structures and best practices.

Family Health International (FHI)

Formed in 1971, Family Health International (FHI) is a nonprofit organization active in international public health with a mission to improve lives worldwide through research, education, and services in family health.

FHI manages research and field activities in more than 70 countries to meet the public health needs of some of the world's most vulnerable people. FHI works with a wide variety of partners including governmental and nongovernmental organizations, research institutions, community groups, and the private sector.

FHI helps countries and communities to:

  • Prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections and care for those affected by them
  • Improve people's access to quality reproductive health services, especially safe, effective, and affordable family planning methods
  • Improve the health of women and children, especially those who live in resource-constrained settings

FFF Associates

FFF Associates, Inc. provides consulting and management services to public and private clients world-wide. Their work has mostly been concentrated in agriculture and rural development, the environment and natural resources, and private sector development with a focus on international trade.

Financial Service Volunteers Corps

FSVC builds strong financial systems that enable developing and emerging market countries to realize economic opportunities and their citizens to achieve a better quality of life. FSVC is a not-for-profit, private-public partnership that carries out its mission by recruiting leading financial, legal and regulatory experts. These volunteers provide state-of-the-art technical assistance to in-country partners and build personal bridges across international borders. FSVC’s targeted, results driven missions help develop central bank capabilities, strengthen commercial banking systems and build capital markets. 

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations leads international efforts to defeat hunger. Serving both developed and developing countries, FAO acts as a neutral forum where all nations meet as equals to negotiate agreements and debate policy. FAO is also a source of knowledge and information. It helps developing countries and countries in transition modernize and improve agriculture, forestry and fisheries practices and ensure good nutrition for all. Since its founding in 1945, it has focused special attention on developing rural areas, home to 70 percent of the world's poor and hungry people.

Freeland Foundation (formerly PeunPa Foundation) Thailand

Freeland (formerly PeunPa) Foundation for Human Rights and the Environment works with governments, communities, corporations, and other NGOs to counter illegal wildlife trade and habitat destruction. Freeland's programs fight poaching and logging in protected areas, smuggling of endangered species, and the illegal sale of flora and fauna.

Government of Thailand

Handicap International Belgium

Handicap International is an international solidarity organisation specialised in the field of disability. Non-governmental, non-religious, non-political and non-profit making, it works alongside people with disabilities, whatever the context, offering them assistance and supporting them in their efforts to become self-reliant.

Hoffman Environmental Research Institute

The Hoffman Environmental Research Institute (HERI) at Western Kentucky University conducts basic and applied research dealing with landscape/atmosphere/ water/human interactions.

Home Depot

Home Depot is committed to reducing negative environmental impacts by offering products that promote sustainable forestry, energy efficiency, clean air, water conservation, and a healthy home.

ICF International

ICF International, a global professional services firm, partners with government and commercial clients to deliver consulting services and technology solutions in energy, climate change, environment, transportation, social programs, health, defense, and emergency management.

Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)

Institute for Global Environmental Strategies is a leader in Earth and space science education, communication and outreach, and in fostering national and international cooperation in global Earth observations. These efforts--designed to improve understanding of and response to natural and human-induced changes in the Earth system--require multidisciplinary approaches to complex and critical social, environmental and economic challenges.

IGES develops and implements activities and programs for students, teachers, and the broad Earth and space science education community. It also works with leaders from government, the private sector, academia, and with decision-makers throughout the world to promote the importance and benefits of Earth observations.

Institute for Sustainable Communities

ISC's mission is to help communities around the world address environmental, economic, and social challenges to build a better future shaped and shared by all.

Institute of Southeast Asian Studies

The Institute of Southeast Asian Studies is a regional research centre dedicated to the study of socio-political, security and economic trends and developments in Southeast Asia and its wider geostrategic and economic environment.

The  aim of the Institute is to nurture a community of scholars interested in the region and to engage in research on the multi-faceted dimensions and issues of stability and security, economic development, and political, social and cultural change.

The intention  is not only to stimulate research and debate within scholarly circles , but also to enhance public awareness of the region and facilitate the search for viable solutions to the varied problems confronting the region.

International HIV/AIDS Alliance

Established in 1993, the International HIV/AIDS Alliance (the Alliance) is a global partnership of nationally-based organisations working to support community action on AIDS in developing countries. These national partners help local community groups and other non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to take action on AIDS, and are supported by technical expertise, policy work and fundraising carried out across the Alliance. In addition, the Alliance has extensive regional programmes, representative offices in the USA and Brussels, and works on a range of international activities such as support for South–South cooperation, operations research, training and good practice development, as well as policy analysis and advocacy.

The mission of the Alliance is to support communities to reduce the spread of HIV and meet the challenges of AIDS. To date it has provided support to organisations from more than 40 developing countries for over 3,000 projects, reaching some of the poorest and most vulnerable communities with HIV prevention, care and support, and improved access to treatment.

International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (INECE)

The International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (INECE) is the only global network of environmental compliance and enforcement practitioners dedicated to raising awareness of compliance and enforcement; developing networks for enforcement cooperation; and strengthening capacity to implement and enforce environmental requirements. INECE communicates that environmental compliance and enforcement play a fundamental role in building the foundation for the rule of law, good governance, and sustainable development.

International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Established in 1951, IOM is an inter-governmental organization in the field of migration and works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. With 122 member states, a further 18 states holding observer status and offices in over 100 countries, IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. It does so by providing services and advice to governments and migrants.

IOM works to help ensure the orderly and humane management of migration, to promote international cooperation on migration issues, to assist in the search for practical solutions to migration problems and to provide humanitarian assistance to migrants in need, including refugees and internally displaced people.

The IOM Constitution recognizes the link between migration and economic, social and cultural development, as well as to the right of freedom of movement.

International Rescue Committee (IRC)

A non-sectarian international relief and humanitarian aid organization based in the United States. Active in more than 25 countries, IRC delivers emergency response, health care, children and youth protection and development programs, water and sanitation systems, establishes schools, trains teachers, strengthens the capacity of local organizations and supports civil society and good-governance initiatives.

International Resources Group (IRG)

IRG is an international professional services firm that helps governments, the private sector, communities, and households manage critical resources to build a cleaner, safer, and more prosperous world. Since its inception in 1978, IRG has completed over 650 contracts in 134 countries, delivering services that promote positive economic growth, institutional and social change, and intelligent use of resources-human, physical, environmental, and financial.

IRG provides professional services in two main areas: 

General management and institutional strengthening services to public and private sector clients in the United States and around the world. 

International development services to the US Agency for International Development, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Inter-American Development Bank and others, governments, and organizations, including
the United Nations.

International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)

ITTO is an intergovernmental organization promoting the conservation and sustainable management, use and trade of tropical forest resources. Its 60 members represent about 80% of the world's tropical forests and 90% of the global tropical timber trade.

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

IUCN, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, helps the world find pragmatic solutions to our most pressing environment and development challenges. IUCN supports scientific research; manages field projects all over the world; and brings governments, non-government organizations, United Nations agencies, companies and local communities together to develop and implement policy, laws and best practice.

IUCN is the world’s oldest and largest global environmental network. IUCN is a democratic membership union with more than 1,000 government and NGO member organizations, and some 10,000 volunteer scientists in more than 160 countries.


Internews is an international media development organization whose mission is to empower people worldwide with the news and information they need, the ability to connect, and the means to make their voices heard.

JE Austin Associates (JAA)

J.E. Austin Associates, Inc. (JAA) was founded in 1986 for the purpose of assisting businesses, governments, non-profit organizations, educational and financial institutions, and other development organizations around the world to improve productivity, to enhance competitiveness, to strengthen management and strategy implementation, and to facilitate economic development.

JAA's practice areas have centered primarily on strategy and management consulting for the development of emerging and developing economies. The focus of this work is on increasing business competitiveness and growth; increasing and improving public-private dialogue processes; developing mechanisms in the public and private sectors to increase their competitive advantage; boosting trade and investment opportunities; fostering institutional and organizational improvement; intensifying performance of small and micro-sized enterprise; and expanding social development capabilities of the entire economy.

John Snow Inc. (JSI)

JSI and its staff are dedicated to improving the health of individuals and communities throughout the world. JSI applies practical and innovative solutions in management, research, education, information and training.

Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health

The INFO Project, based at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health's Center for Communication Programs, envisions a world of interconnected communities where shared reproductive health information improves and saves lives. Our mission is to support health care decision-making in developing countries by providing global leadership in reproductive health knowledge management.

Kenan Institute Asia

The Kenan Institute Asia aims to build sustainable competitiveness in Thailand and the Greater Mekong Sub-region. The Institute pursues a mission of economic, social and environmental sustainability by developing multi-sector partnerships based on true development needs and mutual benefit through the cooperation of universities, government agencies, communities and the private sector.

Louis Berger Group

The Louis Berger Group, Inc. offers professional services in the areas of civil, structural, mechanical, electrical and environmental engineering; program and construction management; planning; environmental sciences; cultural resources; information science; finance; and economics.


Lowe’s recognizes that the world’s forests are important to support biodiversity and human life. Their wood procurement policy is designed to ensure forests can continue to provide sustainable building products while still serving as a vital resource to forest-dependent communities and species.

Management Sciences for Health (MSH)

Management Sciences for Health (MSH) is a nonprofit international health organization composed of nearly 1,300 people from more than 60 nations. The MSH mission is to save lives and improve the health of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people by closing the gap between knowledge and action in public health. Together with its partners, MSH is helping managers and leaders in developing countries to create stronger management systems that improve health services for the greatest health impact.

Management Systems for Health Rational Pharmaceutical Management Plus (RPM Plus)

Strengthening the rational use of and access to medicines within health systems can lead to self-sustaining pharmaceutical management systems that will be able to close gaps and provide quality medicines and commodities that can save the lives of millions. This is the focus of the Rational Pharmaceutical Management (RPM) Plus Program.

MEASURE Evaluation

As a key component of the United States Agency for International Development's (USAID) Monitoring and Evaluation to Assess and Use REsults (MEASURE) framework, the MEASURE Evaluation project is implemented by the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, in partnership with Constella Futures, John Snow, Inc., Macro International, Inc., and Tulane University. Projects are currently focused on malaria and avian influenza.

Mekong River Commission

The Mekong River Commission (MRC) was established in 1995 by an agreement between the governments of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Viet Nam.

The Agreement on the Cooperation for the Sustainable Development of the Mekong River Basin came about as the four countries saw a common interest in jointly managing their shared water resources and developing the economic potential of the river. Signed on 5 April 1995, it set a new mandate for the organisation "to cooperate in all fields of sustainable development, utilisation, management and conservation of the water and related resources of the Mekong River Basin".

The agreement brought a change of identity for the organisation previously known as the Mekong Committee, which had been established in 1957 as the Committee for Coordination of Investigations of the Lower Mekong Basin - the Mekong Committee.

Michigan State University

MTV Europe Foundation

The MTV Europe Foundation is a UK-registered charity, established in 2003. The Foundation's mission -'Free Your Mind' - is to utilise and maximise the power of MTV Europe's network and brand to inform European youth, and adults, on the critical social issues and injustices confronting them and their peers.

The Free Your Mind mission has three main goals:

  • To raise awareness amongst young people across Europe on critical social issues, chiefly through the production and broadcast of special programming aimed at influencing attitudes, understandings, and behaviours;
  • To inspire young people to get involved and take action to address those and other issues; and
  • To support organisations addressing these issues on the ground across Europe and to launch creative initiatives to promote and effect positive change.

MTV Networks Asia Pacific (MTVNA)

MTV Networks Asia Pacific comprises three distinctly branded channels, MTV, Nickelodeon and VH1 in the Asia pacific region reaching more than 300 million households. Since its inception in 1995, MTV Networks Asia Pacific has been providing localized channels for young audiences across Asia and Australia.

Nathan Associates

The founder of Nathan Associates, Robert Nathan, believed that in open and competitive markets the advantage gained from innovation would be rewarded and lead to further innovation. Competition promotes economic growth and development by driving innovation and rewarding success. Nathan Associates provides clients with solutions powered by an understanding of the economics of competition, innovation, and reward.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

NOAA is providing institutional and technical support to the United Nations Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission; technology transfer for DART buoys, tide gauges, and related detection equipment; tsunami detection, prediction, and warning formulation; communications systems and integration; hazard mapping and modeling; and support for local preparedness including development of an Indian Ocean TsunamiResilient Communities activity.

Nature Conservancy

The Nature Conservancy's mission is to preserve the plants, animals and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive.

They have developed a strategic, science-based planning process which helps them identify the highest-priority places—landscapes and seascapes that, if conserved, promise to ensure biodiversity over the long term.

Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

The OECD brings together the governments of countries committed to democracy and the market economy from around the world to:          

  • Support sustainable economic growth
  • Boost employment
  • Raise living standards
  • Maintain financial stability
  • Assist other countries' economic development
  • Contribute to growth in world trade

Pacific Disaster Center

PDC is an applied science, information and technology center, working to reduce disaster risks and impacts to people's lives and property. PDC applies its expertise to integrate various technologies for Disaster Management (DM) support in the Asia Pacific and Indian Ocean regions and beyond. The Center supports customer's DM requirements by providing timing, accurate and relevant information and analytical products in times of emergencies. PDC is also engaged in capacity building projects around the world--providing support and training regarding data and information management, decision and policy support, applications development, and information systems engineering.

Pact Inc.

Pact's mission is to build empowered communities, effective governments and responsible private institutions that give people an opportunity for a better life. Pact does this by strengthening the capacity of organizations and institutions to be good service providers, represent their stakeholders, network with others for learning and knowledge sharing, and advocate for social, economic and environmental justice. Interdependence, responsible stewardship, inclusion of vulnerable groups, and respect for local ownership and knowledge are core values across all of our programs.


Now part of AECOM.

PADCO's Integrity Programs are built on the knowledge that corruption results form specific failures in governance, management, transparency, accountability and enforcement. The prevention and control of complex corruption problems starts with understanding corrupt enabling environments and identifying how corruption works. PADCO's Mission is to target specific governance failures with responsive, country identified priorities and objectives, promote country-owned partnerships with reform leaders from civil society, private and public sectors and implement systemic, sustainable solutions to control and prevent corruption.

Population Council

The Population Council, an international, nonprofit, nongovernmental organization, seeks to improve the well-being and reproductive health of current and future generations around the world and to help achieve a humane, equitable, and sustainable balance between people and resources.

Population Services International (PSI)

PSI is a nonprofit social marketing organization based in Washington, D.C. that harnesses the vitality of the private sector to address the health problems of low-income and vulnerable populations in more than 60 developing countries. With programs in malaria, reproductive health, child survival and HIV, PSI promotes products, services and healthy behavior that enable low-income and vulnerable people to lead healthier lives. Products and services are sold at subsidized prices rather than given away in order to motivate commercial sector involvement.


Public Health Institute (PHI)

The Public Health Institute promotes health, well-being and quality of life for all people through research and evaluation, training and technical assistance, and by building community partnerships.

Questions and Solutions Engineering, Inc.

Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia and the Pacific (RECOFTC)

RECOFTC is an international not-for-profit organization based in Bangkok, Thailand. It works closely with partners to design and facilitate learning processes and systems to support community forestry and community-based natural resource management.

Through strategic partnerships and collaboration, RECOFTC aims to enhance capacity at all levels and to promote constructive multi-stakeholder dialogues and interactions to ensure equitable and sustainable management of forest and natural resources. RECOFTC's main geographical focus is in the Asia-Pacific region, but it welcomes collaboration with organizations from other regions.

Regulatory Environmental Programme Implementation Network (REPIN)

Regulatory Environmental Programme Implementation Network - REPIN is the main organization dedicated to dialogue and exchange of experience between senior environmental policy-makers from environmental ministries and managers/practitioners from environmental enforcement agencies in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Caucasus.

Reproductive & Children's Health Alliance (RACHA)

Racha is a broad-based program that works at the community, health center and hospital levels. It is a partner of the Cambodian Ministry of Health (MoH). Success in partnering with the MoH has come from working at multiple levels, working with elements of both the formal and informal systems and linking them wherever possible. Racha calls this "Whole Health." The objective is to have all systems that contribute to good health function as best they can, within the existing resource limitations.

There are six focus areas within the Racha program: Child Health, Safe Motherhood, Birth Spacing, STD/HIV/AIDS, Infectious Diseases, and Capacity Building and four supporting units: Health Communications, Monitoring and Evaluation, Information Technology, and Finance and Administration. Each of the support units, besides supporting the Racha program, provide technical assistance and make capacity building contributions to local and international NGOs.


ScanCom International’s environmental policy demands that the timber materials they use in their products comes from one of three sources:

  • Forests already certified under the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) principles for well-managed forests;
  • Forests that are implementing an action plan to achieve this goal, or;
  • Forests that, through ScanCom's involvement and independent verification, can be encouraged to reach these high standards


SEGURA Consulting LLC is an international consulting firm, specializing in advisory services to public and private sector clients in emerging markets around the globe.

Social Impact (SI)

Social Impact is a global social enterprise dedicated to helping international agencies, civil society and governments become more effective agents of positive social and economic change. SI was founded upon the growing global desire-and pressure—to make international development more effective in improving people's lives.

South China University of Technology

South China University of Technology (SCUT) is one of China's key universities operating under the direct leadership of the State Ministry of Education, is situated in Guangzhou, a southern metropolitan in China. The university covers an area of 200 hectares with a pretty and quiet campus and its residential buildings present a pleasing mixture of modern and traditional architectural style.

Formerly known as the South China Institute of Technology, it was established in 1952, through the amalgamation of the former Zhongshan University, Lingnan University, the South China Joint University as well as the faculties and technical departments from other 4 provinces. In 1960, it ranked among the key universities of China and was renamed South China University of Technology (SCUT) in January 1988. To date, SCUT has trained nearly 100,000 talented graduates in science and technology. They worked for China all over the country but very concentrated in the Delta Area of Pearl River in Guangdong province.

South East Asian Water Utilities Network (SEAWUN)

SEAWUN's goal is to help the members improve their performance in the delivery of water supply and sanitation services for all, including operation and management efficiency, achieving financial viability, and advocating for sector reforms for improved policy environment, contributing to realize the goal “Water for All”. It's objective is to establish a strong regional, non profit making and self-sustainable organization, which is demand driven, by focusing its activities on the key issues agreed upon by the members of the organization. 

SEAWUN will operate according to the following principles.

  • Demand driven the members determine the key issues to be addressed in the SEAWUN programs self-sustainable within four years membership fees should cover operating costs
  • Networking with members, relevant associations and other organizations, using website & email as the communication basis, supplemented by regular regional conferences and meetings.
  • Performance improvement concentrating activities in the technical, financial and institutional fields of Water Supply Utilities operation
  • Regional focus Covering South East Asia, initially six countries, but gradually expanding within the whole ASEAN region

Southwest University

Southwest University (SWU) is a key comprehensive university, under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education. It was newly established in July 2005 through the incorporation of former Southwest China Normal University and Southwest Agricultural University upon the approval of the Ministry of Education. SWU is situated nearby the beautiful Jialing River, and is located at the foot of Jinyun Mountain, a state level scenic spot, in Beibei District, Chongqing Municipality.

Sun Yat-Sen University

Founded in 1924 by Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the mission of Sun Yat-sen University is to advance knowledge and educate students in arts, science, technology, and other academic areas that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century.

The Asia Foundation

The Asia Foundation is a non-profit, non-governmental organization committed to the development of a peaceful, prosperous, just, and open Asia-Pacific region. The Foundation supports programs in Asia that help improve governance, law, and civil society; women's empowerment; economic reform and development; and international relations. The Foundation collaborates with private and public partners to support leadership and institutional development, exchanges, and policy research.

The Communities Group International (TCGI)

TCG International LLC (TCGI) is a consulting firm specializing in development finance and committed to improving quality of life for those in need by creating new economic opportunities and building stronger communities.

The Energy Resources Institute (TERI)

TERI was formally established in 1974 with the purpose of tackling and dealing with the immense and acute problems that humankind is likely to be faced with in the years ahead on account of the gradual depletion of the earth’s finite energy resources which are largely non-renewable and on account of the existing methods of their use which are polluting.

TERI has created an environment that encourages and enables the development of solutions to global problems in the fields of energy, environment and current patterns of development, which are largely unsustainable. The central element of TERI’s philosophy has been its reliance on entrepreneurial skills to create benefits for society through the development and dissemination of intellectual property.

Tongji University

Tongji University is one of the leading universities directly under the State Ministry of Education in China. It offers degree programs both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The university has School of Sciences, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, School of Civil Engineering , Mechanical School, School of Environmental Science and Engineering.


TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network, works to ensure that trade in wild plants and animals is not a threat to the conservation of nature. TRAFFIC was established in 1976 and has developed into a global network, research-driven and action-oriented, committed to delivering innovative and practical conservation solutions based on the latest information.

Tropical Forest Foundation (TFF)

The Tropical Forest Foundation is a non-profit, educational institution dedicated to the conservation of tropical forests through sustainable forestry.TFF's primary mission is to promote sustainable tropical forest management by gathering and disseminating information about its benefits and by demonstrating and teaching proper management practices.

Tropical Forest Trust (TFT)

The TFT works to conserve threatened tropical forests through sustainable management. TFT member companies are committed to sourcing wood from TFT forest projects and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified forests. They are funded through a combination of member contributions, grants, contracts and donations.

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is the United States government's principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves.

U.S. Department of Justice

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Through its international programs, the Fish and Wildlife Service's works multilaterally with many partners and nations in the implementation of international treaties, conventions, and on-the-ground projects for conservation of species and the habitats on which they depend.

U.S. Forest Service

The U.S. Forest Service partners internationally on a wide range of natural resource management, policy and research issues. Many units of the Forest Service are engaged in this work which advances sustainable forest management both overseas and in the United States.

All branches of the USDA Forest Service, which include National Forests, Research Stations and the units that assist private landowners have dynamic international exchanges, collaboration and projects around the globe. Strong partnerships with land grant universities, environmental NGO's and the private sector make this work integrated and comprehensive.

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

USGS provides complementary interventions, often in coordination with NOAA, that support seismic and tide station technology transfer, regional and global interoperability through the IOC framework, and capacity building at both the detection/warning formulation and local preparedness levels in data analysis and prediction and in hazard/vulnerability/risk mapping and modeling standards, protocols, and methods.

U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)

The U.S. Green Building Council is a 501(c)(3) non-profit community of leaders working to make green buildings available to everyone within a generation.

U.S. Pharmacopeia

Quality assurance and objective drug information are essential to ensure positive, cost–effective outcomes from the use of pharmaceuticals. USP is in a unique position to provide both, through partnerships and policy dialogue on global issues, and through regional and national initiatives.

U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA)

The U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) is a foreign assistance agency. The agency build partnerships between U.S. companies and overseas project sponsors to bring proven private sector solutions to developmental challenges. It delivers its program commitments through overseas grants, contracts with U.S. firms, and the use of trust funds at several multilateral development bank groups.

USTDA's program is designed to help countries establish a favorable trading environment and a modern infrastructure that promotes sustainable economic development.

University of Hawaii, Hilo

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

MEASURE Evaluation is a USAID-funded project implemented by the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in partnership with John Snow Inc., Tulane University, Macro International Inc., and Constella Futures. Together, MEASURE Evaluation works in consultation with USAID Mission staff, local counterparts, cooperating agencies working in country, USAID Bureau of Global Health (BGH) staff and other donors.

MEASURE Evaluation researchers and technical advisers have worked in 40 countries worldwide, with activities in Latin America, Africa, Asia and the Near East. They combine extensive field experience and knowledge and are innovators in demography, epidemiology, economics, statistics, medical anthropology and clinical health sciences.

University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law

China has embarked on an ambitious program to rebuild its legal system. It has adopted new laws addressing a wide range of modern issues. If the rule of law is to take hold in China, an essential next step is the development of more experiential learning to facilitate the practical application of such newly adopted legal provisions.

This U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) project will assist China in the creation of skills-based legal education programs that focus on the application of law in practice. A partnership of American and Chinese law schools will endeavor to enhance the capacity of Chinese law schools to provide training in advocacy skills and clinical legal services.

University Research Co. (URC)

University Research Co., LLC is a professional services firm dedicated to helping clients use scientific methods and research findings to improve program management and outcomes and achieve organizational and behavioral change. For over 40 years, URC has helped government and private sector clients design, operate, and evaluate programs that address health, social, and educational needs.


Vermont Law School

With financial support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Vermont Law School (VLS) and Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU) have embarked on a collaborative program to advance environmental and energy law and policy in China under the rule of law. The goal of the Partnership for Environmental Law in China is to strengthen the rule of law in environmental protection and to build capacity among individuals and academic, government, and private-sector institutions to solve pollution and energy problems. The partnership has three main objectives:

  • strengthen the capacity of the Chinese educational, governmental, nonprofit, and business sectors to become effective environmental and energy problem solvers
  • improve China’s policies, systems, laws, and regulations to advance the development and enforcement of environmental and energy law and to help develop the rule of law
  • enhance municipal, provincial, national, and international networks in China to advance best practices in environmental protection and energy regulation

Voice of America (VOA)

The Voice of America, which first went on the air in 1942, is a multimedia international broadcasting service funded by the U.S. government through the Broadcasting Board of Governors. VOA broadcasts more than 1,000 hours of news, information, educational, and cultural programming every week to an estimated worldwide audience of more than 115 million people.

Western Kentucky University

In October of 2006, the research efforts of WKU's Hoffman Environmental Institute and WKU's Institute for Combustion Science and Environmental Technology united to form the China Environmental Health Project (CEHP).

The purpose of the project is to develop US-Chinese University partnerships to enhance the quality of public health in China by building sustainable capacity through the engagement of Chinese scientists, students, local governments, and citizens in hands-on training as well as working with Chinese environmental NGOs to gain experience in the community outreach necessary to implement this training.

Wildlife Alliance

The Wildlife Alliance believes that it's not enough to develop initiatives to protect a single species or piece of land outside of the surrounding economic or social context. It takes the entire area in which it is working (Thailand, Cambodia, Russia) into account, including economics and the needs of local people, and work to develop strategies to help communities and wildlife live together peacefully.

Winrock International

Winrock International is a nonprofit organization that works with people in the United States and around the world to empower the disadvantaged, increase economic opportunity, and sustain natural resources. By linking local individuals and communities with new ideas and technology, Winrock is increasing long-term productivity, equity, and responsible resource management to benefit the poor and disadvantaged of the world.

Winrock International India

Winrock International India (WII) is a non-profit organization working in the areas of natural resources management, clean energy and climate change. WII works out of its headquarters in New Delhi and its project offices in Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh), Bhadohi(Uttar Pradesh) and Kawardha (Chhattisgarh). Its mission is to "develop and implement solutions that balance the need for food, income and environmental quality."

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars' China Environment Forum

China Environment Forum has been active in creating programming and publications to encourage dialog among U.S. and Chinese scholars, policymakers, businesses, and nongovernmental organizations on environmental and energy challenges in China.

World Bank

The World Bank is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world made up of two unique development institutions owned by 185 member countries—the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA). Each institution plays a different but supportive role in the World Bank's mission of global poverty reduction and the improvement of living standards.

World Education Thailand

Founded in 1951 to meet the needs of the educationally disadvantaged, World Education provides training and technical assistance in nonformal education across a wide array of sectors.  World Education contributes to individual growth, strengthens the capacity of local partner institutions, catalyzes community and national development. 

World Education Thailand works to support access to quality education for Burmese migrants, refugees, and displaced persons.  Under the SHIELD project World Education Thailand works to develop capacity, provide resource support, and empower communities and their education systems.

World Health Organization (WHO)

WHO is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system. It is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters, shaping the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing health trends.

World Resources Institute (WRI)

The World Resources Institute (WRI) is an environmental think tank that goes beyond research to find practical ways to protect the earth and improve people's lives.

Our mission is to move human society to live in ways that protect Earth's environment and its capacity to provide for the needs and aspirations of current and future generations.

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

WWF believes that only by working together in willing and honest partnerships with governments, businesses, other organizations, local populations, and society as a whole can we succeed in alleviating poverty and conserving the renewable, life-sustaining resources of our fragile planet.

WWF focuses on critical places and issues, and forges partnerships to make a measurable difference to the state of the world. In doing this we have prioritized those areas around the world which represent globally outstanding examples of biodiversity.


Over the past 40 years, Xerox has demonstrated its committement to sustainability and citizenship by designing "waste-free" products built in "waste-free" plants, investing in innovation that delivers measurable benefits to the environment, supporting educational and community projects around the world, and many other integrated initiatives.

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