USAID: From the American People | ASIA



USAID's programs in Thailand, implemented through the Regional Development Mission for Asia in Bangkok, address numerous regional and transnational issues in which Thailand is a central part. These include the responsible use of natural resources, reducing the incidence of HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis, prevention of human and wildlife trafficking and resolving political conflict. USAID's mission’s programs have been profiled in internationally-broadcast documentaries, including on CNN and the Discovery Channel.


Preventing Human Trafficking: USAID and the MTV Europe Foundation have produced a documentary meant to keep people from being defrauded or coerced into forced labor, servitude or sexual exploitation. Launched in Thailand, the film has been aired throughout Asia by MTV.

Helping Marginalized Communities: In southern Thailand, USAID supports conflict management and reconciliation by improving the prospects for Thai-Malays to have a better education. This addresses longstanding concerns within the local community and improves Thai-Malays' ability to participate in the Thai political system, its institutions of governance, and the judiciary. In northwestern Thailand, USAID is improving conditions for people displaced by Burma's repressive regime.

USAID provided support to the Electoral Commission before the 2007 democratically-held election by engaging civil society and promoting transparency and accountability in the electoral process. It continues to support the political process as well as promoting public involvement in the drafting of new legislation.

Infectious diseases: USAID's HIV/AIDS support in Thailand focuses on prevention among most-at-risk populations in areas with concentrations of these groups and/or high HIV prevalence. USAID has developed and implements a "minimum package of services," to reach these groups which includes prevention, complimentary links to care and treatment, and activities addressing stigma and discrimination. As part of USAID's regional program, it also works to mitigate the spread of avian influenza, malaria and tuberculosis, and assists Thailand in building its capacity to research infectious diseases, track their spread, and train researchers and caregivers.

Water, Land and Air: USAID supports improved water delivery at over 225 waterworks, servicing 11.3 million people, across the country. It is helping to upgrade the management of numerous wastewater treatment facilities. It is also working to develop a center to help enterprises comply with environmental laws and regulations.

Environment: By sharing innovations through regional networks in which Thailand participates, USAID introduces policies, practices and technologies to address key challenges in biodiversity conservation, transnational water conflict, and clean energy and climate change. USAID promotes regional cooperation and networking as well as strengthened environmental governance.

Wildlife Trafficking: Illegal wildlife trade is damaging ecosystems and threatening species throughout Southeast Asia. Wildlife traffickers operate within and between countries, with Thailand often serving as a transshipment point. USAID supports Thailand’s membership and leadership in a regional anti-trafficking network to train police, customs officials, national park personnel, and the judiciary.

Economic Integration: Through Thailand’s participation in the USAID-supported Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), USAID assists efforts to enhance trade, economic growth, and regional governance.

USAID is completing a coastal livelihoods initiative launched after the 2004 tsunami. It has improved the disaster warning system and community preparedness in vulnerable coastal areas.


Sara Walter
Program Development Office
U.S. Agency for International Development
GPF Witthayu Tower A
93/1 Wireless Road
Bangkok 10330 Thailand
Office: (66-2) 263-7440
Fax: (66-2) 263-7499

Map of Asia that highlights Thailand's location.


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