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About This Site

Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering provides statistical information about the participation of women, minorities, and persons with disabilities in science and engineering education and employment. Its primary purpose is to serve as an information source; it offers no endorsement of or recommendations about policies or programs. National Science Foundation reporting on this topic is mandated by the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act (Public Law 96-516).

This site contains charts and data tables organized by topic (e.g., undergraduate enrollment, graduate degrees, employment) and also by group (e.g., Hispanics, minority women, persons with disabilities). The charts contain bulleted information describing key points. Presentation slides, which are charts in PowerPoint, graphic, and spreadsheet formats, are provided for easy downloading. This report is a dynamic Web-based information source with data updated as they become available. Tables and figures in the report are current as of the Web release date, which appears at the bottom of each table and figure. A complete update of the report is issued every 2 years for transmittal to Congress and federal agency heads.

The site also provides links to NSF and external analyses on these topics. Links for related NSF reports can be found at Links to external reports on these topics and additional data sources (e.g., National Center for Education Statistics, American Council on Education) can be found at The Technical Notes section provides information on racial/ethnic and disability reporting categories, on the primary NSF and non-NSF sources of the data, and on sampling errors.

Suggested Citation

National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 2009, NSF 09-305 (Arlington, VA; January 2009). Available from

National Science Foundation
Arden L. Bement, Jr.

Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences
David W. Lightfoot
Assistant Director

Division of Science Resources Statistics
Lynda T. Carlson
Division Director

Mary J. Frase
Deputy Director

Stephen H. Cohen
Chief Statistician

Division of Science Resources Statistics
The Division of Science Resources Statistics (SRS) fulfills the legislative mandate of the National Science Foundation Act to…

provide a central clearinghouse for the collection, interpretation, and analysis of data on scientific and engineering resources and to provide a source of information for policy formulation by other agencies of the Federal Government…

To carry out this mandate, SRS designs, supports, and directs periodic surveys as well as a variety of other data collections and research projects. These surveys yield the materials for SRS staff to compile, analyze, and disseminate quantitative information about domestic and international resources devoted to science, engineering, and technology.

If you have any comments or suggestions about this or any other SRS product or report, we would like to hear from you. Please direct your comments to:

National Science Foundation
Division of Science Resources Statistics
4201 Wilson Blvd., Suite 965
Arlington, VA 22230
Telephone: (703) 292-8774
Fax: (703) 292-9092