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EPA Science of Sustainability Photo Project

Can you find examples of how science informs our actions toward a more sustainable environment? Are you a researcher using science to address environmental problems? Are you an architect designing green buildings? Are you a parent or caregiver inspiring young people to explore and care for our environment? Are you a teacher, leading field trips to local parks to be curious, investigate and experiment in nature?

Capture interactions among science, sustainability, and the environment in a photograph and share it with others!

The steps are simple!

  1. Take your photo(s)!
  2. Join Flickr Exit EPA Disclaimer, if you're not already a member.
  3. Join the Science of Sustainability Exit EPA Disclaimer project group, sponsored by usepagov Exit EPA Disclaimer.
  4. Upload your photos and come back often to see photos by other members of the group.
  5. We'll feature a new photo every Wednesday in May on the Science of Sustainability Photo Project page.

You can enter photos any time between now and May 31, 2009. Need inspiration? Go to Flickr and search keywords such as sustainability, science, green building, etc.

Who can enter?

Anyone, anywhere, 18 or older is welcome to enter. If you're younger than 18, please ask your parent or guardian to enter your photo.

When do I enter?

You can enter photos any time between now and May 31, 2009. We'll be selecting photos to feature each Wednesday throughout May.

How do I enter?

The project runs on Flickr.com, a photo sharing site, to encourage participation and provide maximum public access. If you don't have a free Flickr account, create one. Choose your best photos that demonstrate the science of sustainability. Upload your photos to your account.

Photos may be any size; Flickr will resize them and produce multiple versions . In each photo's description:

  1. Share where the photo was taken.
  2. Something about the photo to help us understand how the photo demonstrates the science of interactions among science, sustainability and the environment.

Feel free to...

  • enter photos taken anywhere in the world
  • enter color or black and white
  • edit your photo however you like
  • include a border (not required, though)
  • enter photos taken at any time
  • enter composite photos
  • enter photos that may have been published or used elsewhere
  • enter photos of other kinds of artwork, as long as you made the artwork, too

Don't enter photos that...

  • you didn't take, or for which someone else owns the copyright.
  • just show someone else's copyrighted work (for example, a photo of a painting).
  • serve mainly to advertise a product.
  • show nudity, drugs, violence, or symbols or acts of hatred.
  • are illegal or prohibited.
  • violate Flickr's community guidelines

By entering your photos, you agree to all of the above. We reserve the right to disqualify photos for any reason; we'll remove disqualified photos from the pool, but they'll remain visible in your account.

How many photos can I enter?

As many as you'd like.

How will you choose the featured photos?

We'll review the photos submitted to the group and feature those that creatively show the science of sustainability on the Science of Sustainability Photo Project page.

Rachel Carson Sense of Wonder Contest

Rachel Carson Contest Logo

Celebrate Year of Science by expressing how science contributes to your sense of wonder of the natural environment. The categories are: photography, essay, poetry and dance. Entries must involve persons from different generations.

Winners will have their entries featured on the Web sites of Generations United, the Rachel Carson Council, Liz Lerman Dance Exchange, and EPA's Aging Initiative.

The contest ends June 10, 2009.

Visit EPA's Aging Initiative Web site for details.


Think science!


Join the Science of Sustainability Photo Project.

Visit the Projects page for details >>

Science Quotes

Science Feature of the Month

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Online Resources

How can I become an EPA scientist?

Learn about a career at EPA

Read More about becoming an EPA scientist >>

Science In Action Photo of the Week

sub-aquatic vegetation

Chris Impellitteri displays pipe scale composed of bio-film and mineral deposits from the Distribution Systems Simulator.

See More Science In Action Multimedia >>


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