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National Science Foundation
PAPP - Introduction
A. About the NSF
B. Foreword
C. Acronym List
D. Definitions
E. NSF Organizations
Exhibit 1 - NSF Organizational Chart
Grant Proposal Guide
GPG - Table of Contents
I. Pre-Submission Information
II. Proposal Preparation Instructions
III. NSF Proposal Processing and Review
IV. Non-Award Decisions and Transactions
V. Renewal Proposals
GPG Subject Index
GPG - PDF Version
Award and Administration Guide
AAG - Table of Contents
I. NSF Awards
II. Grant Administration
III. Financial Requirements and Payments
IV. Grantee Standards
V. Allowability of Costs
VI. Other Post Award Requirements and Considerations
VII. Grant Administration Disputes and Misconduct
AAG Subject Index
AAG - PDF Version

NSF 09-1 January 2009
Subject Index






















Accomplishment-Based Renewal II.C.2d(vi)
Advanced Visualization Resources II.D.13
Age Discrimination Exhibit II-6
Alcoholic Beverages II.C.2g(xii)
Allowability of Costs II.C.2g
Animal Welfare II.C.2j, II.D.5, Exhibit II-1
Antarctic Proposals I.E.7, II.C.2j
Anthropogenic Disasters I.F, II.D.1
Anti-discrimination Statutes Exhibit II-6
Appendices II.C.2, II.C.2k
Appointments II.C.2f, II.C.2g
Authorized Organizational Representative I.G.2, II.C.1e, III.C, III.D
Award Recommendations Chapter III, Exhibit III-1
Awardee Organization II.C.2a


Beginning Investigator I.G.2, II.C.2a
Biographical Sketch(es) II.C.2f, II.D.1, II.D.3b, II.D.4, Exhibit II-1
Biological Sciences Directorate Duplicate Proposal Policy I.G.2
Broader Impacts III.A
Budget II.C.2g


Central Contractor Registration (CCR) I.G.3

Certifications I.G.2, II.C.1, II.C.1e, Exhibit II-1

Civil Rights Act of 1964 Exhibit II-6
Coffee Breaks and Meals II.C.2g(xii)(b)
Collaborative Arrangements II.C.2g(vi)(e), II.D.4
Collaborative Proposals II.A, II.D.3, IV.A
  • Submission of a collaborative proposal from one organization II.D.3a
  • Submission of a collaborative proposal from multiple organizations II.D.3b

Collaborators II.C.2f(i)(e), II.D.3a
Colleges I.E, II.C.2g(i)(a), II.C.2g(vii)
Co-Editors II.C.2f(i)(e)
Common Rule for the Protection of Human Subjects II.D.6
Computer Services II.C.2g(vi), II.C.2g(vi)(d)
Conferences I.B, I.G.2, II.C.2g(iv), II.C.2g(v), II.D.7, II.D.8
Confidential Budgetary Information II.C.2g(i)(c)
Conflict of Interest Policies (COI) I.D.1, II.C.1c, II.C.1e
Consultant Services II.C.2g(i)(a), II.C.2g(vi), II.C.2g(vi)(c)
Contracts under Grants (Subawards) II.C.2g, II.D.3, Exhibit II-5
Copies of Reviews III.F, IV.A, IV.C, IV.D.3
Cooperative Agreements I.H, II.C.1e, Exhibit II-5, III.E
Cost Principles II.C.2g
Cost Sharing II.C.2g(xi), III.D
Cover Sheet I.D.2, I.D.3, I.G.1, I.G.2, II.A, II.C.1e, II.C.2a, Exhibit II-1
Current and Pending Support II.C.2h, II.D.3b, Exhibit II-1


Data Storage II.D.13
Data Universal Identifier Number (DUNS) II.C.2a
Deadline Dates I.F.2
Dear Colleague Letters I.C.1
Debarment and Suspension II.C.1e, Exhibit II-4
Declination of Proposal IV.C, IV.D
Definitions of Categories of Personnel Exhibit II-7
Dependents Travel Costs II.C.2g(iv)(c)
Deviation Authorization I.F, II.A, II.C.2d, II.C.2k, Exhibit II-1
Direct Costs II.C.2g
Disasters (Natural or anthropogenic) I.F, II.D.2
Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (SF LLL) II.C.1e, Exhibit II-1
Dissemination of Research Results II.D.9, III.A
Dissemination Costs II.C.2g(vi)(b)
Doctoral Dissertation Research Grants II.D.9, I.G.2, II.D.9
Documentation Costs II.C.2g(vi)(b)
Domestic Travel II.C.2g(iv)(b)
Duration Information II.C.2a


EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) II.D.2
Electronic Submission Requirements I.A, I.B, I.D, I.G.1, II.B, II.C
Encourage/Discourage Decisions II.D.2b
Endangered Species II.C.2j
Entertainment Costs II.C.2g(xii)(a)
Environmental Impact II.C.2j

Executive Order:
  • 12372, Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs II.C.2j
  • 12770, Metric Usage in Federal Government Programs II.D.3
Expendable Personal Property see "Materials and Supplies"


Facilitation Award for Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities II.C.2j, II.D.2
Facilities and Administrative Costs (F&A) II.C.2g((i)(a), II.C.2g(v), II.C.2g(viii), II.C.2g(ix)
Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources II.C.2i, II.D.3b, Exhibit II-1
Faculty Associate, Definition Exhibit II-7
FastLane System I.A, I.D.1, I.G.1, II.B, II.C.1e, IV.A, Chapter V
Federal Agencies I.D.3, I.E.7, I.G.2, I.H, II.C.1e, II.C.2
Federal Cost Principles II.C.2g
Federal Emergency Management Agency II.C.1e
Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) I.G.3
Federal-wide Assurance II.D.6
Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs) I.E.7
Fellowships I.G.2, II.C.2g(viii), II.D.5, IV.D.1
Financial Disclosure II.C.1e
Flood Insurance II.C.1e
Fonts I.B, II.D.7, Exhibit II-1
For-profit Organizations I.E.3, II.C.2g
Foreign Organizations I.E.6, II.D.5
Foreign Projects II.C.2j, II.D.5
Foreign Travel II.C.2g(iv)(c)
Fringe Benefits II.C.2g(ii),
Full Proposal I.D.1, I.D.2, I.D.3, II.C.2a, IV.B
Funding Opportunities I.A, I.B, I.C, I.C.4, I.G.1, II.C.2a


General Purpose Equipment II.C.2f
Graduate Advisors II.C.2f(i)(e)
Graduate Students I.E, II.C.2g(i)(b), II.D.2, II.D.9, Exhibit II-7, Chapter V


Grants.gov I.A, I.B, I.G.1, Exhibit III-1
  • Gants.gov Application Guide I.A
Grants and Agreements, Division of I.E, I.H, III.E
Greenland II.C.2j
Group Proposals II.C.2e(v)


Hazardous Materials II.C.2j
High Resolution Graphics I.G.1, II.C.2a
High Performance Computing Resources II.D.13
Historic Places II.C.2a, II.C.2j
Human Subjects II.C.2a, II.C.2g, II.C.2j, II.D.6, Exhibit II-1


Indirect Costs II.C.2g
Information About PI/PD and co-PI/co-PD II.C.1a, Exhibit II-1
Integrating Diversity into NSF Programs, Projects & Activities III.A
Integration of Research and Education III.A
Intellectual Merit II.C.2b, III.A, III.B
Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs II.C.2j
Investigator Financial Disclosure II.C.1e
Invite/Not Invite Decisions I.D.2


Large Facilities Projects II.D.11, III.A
Letter of Intent I.C.4, I.D.1
List of Suggested Reviewers or Reviewers Not to Include I.C.1c, Exhibit II-1

Local Governments I.E.4


Major Facilities II.D.11
Margin and Spacing Requirements II.B, Exhibit II-1
Materials and Supplies II.C.2g(vi), II.C.2g(vi)(a)
Meals and Coffee Breaks II.C.2g(xii)(b)
Meetings and Conferences I.B, I.G.2, II.C.2g(iv), II.C.2g(v), II.D.7, II.D.8
Mentoring II.C.2j, II.D.4a, II.D.4b, III.A
Merit Review Criteria I.C.2, I.C.3, I.C.4, I.D.3, II.C.2b, II.C.2d, Exhibit II-1, Chapter III
Metric Conversion Act of 1975 I.D.3
Minority-Owned Banks I.C.2a
Misconduct in Science I.D.3
"My NSF" I.B


National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 II.C.2j
National Register of Historic Places II.C.2j
National Flood Insurance Act II.C.1e
National Science Board I.C.2, I.C.3, II.C.2g(ix), III.A, III.B, IV.D.1
Natural Disasters I.F, II.D.2
New Awardee Chapter II
Nonexpendable Personal Property see "Equipment"
Non-Discrimination Statutes II.C.1e, Exhibit II-6
Non-academic Organization I.E.2, II.C.2g(i)(a), Chapter V
Non-award Decisions and Transactions Chapter IV
Non-profit Organization I.E.2, II.D.8
NSF Prospective New Awardee Guide Chapter II
NSF Unit of Consideration II.C.2a
NSF-Use Only II.C.1


OMB Circulars II.C.2g
Other Direct Costs II.C.2g(vi)
Other Personnel II.C.2f, Exhibit II-7
Other Professional, Definition Exhibit II-7
Overhead see "Indirect Costs"


Page Formatting Instructions II.B
Page Limitations II.C.2b, II.C.2d(iii), II.C.2d(v), II.C.2e, II.C.2f, II.C.2g, II.C.2j, II.D, Exhibit II-1, III.D, IV.B, IV.D.2, V.A, V.B
Pagination Instructions II.B
Participant Support II.C.2g(v), II.C.2g(viii), II.D.7
Performing/Research Organization II.C.2a
Person Months II.C.2g(i)(b), II.C.2g(i)(c), II.C.2h, Exhibit II-7
Personnel, Definitions Exhibit II-7

Postdoctoral Associate II.C.2f(ii)
Postdoctoral Scholar Exhibit II-7
Postdoctoral Sponsor II.C.2f(i)(e)
Postgraduate-Scholar Sponsor II.C.2f(i)(e)
Potentially Disqualifying Conflicts of Interest Exhibit II-2
Preliminary Proposal II.C.4, II.D.2
Preservation of Historic Places II.C.2a, II.C.2j
Previous NSF Award II.C.2a
Principal Investigator (PI) II.C.2a, Exhibit II-1, Exhibit II-7
Principles, Federal Cost II.C.2g
Privileged Information I.D.3, II.C.1d, II.C.2g(i)(c), Exhibit II-1, III.G
Professional Preparation II.C.2f(i)(a)
Program Announcement I.C.3
Program Description I.C.2
Program Solicitation I.C.4
Project Description I.G.1, II.C.2d, II.C.2e, II.C.2j, II.D.1, II.D.2, II.D.3, II.D.4, II.D.5, Exhibit II-1, Chapter V
Project Summary II.C.2b

Proprietary Information I.D.3, II.C.1d, II.C.2g(i)(c), Exhibit II-1, III.G
Prospective New Awardee Guide Chapter II
Publication II.C.2d(iii), II.C.2d(vi), II.C.2f(i)(c)


Rapid Response Research Grants (RAPID) II.D.1
Reconsideration of Proposals IV.D
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Exhibit II-3
References Cited II.C.2e, II.C.2j, II.D.3b, Exhibit II-1
Renewed Support III.G

  • Traditional Renewal V.A
  • Accomplishment-Based Renewal V.B
Research Assistant, Definition Exhibit II-7
Research Equipment II.C.2g, II.C.2i
Research Experiences for Undergraduates II.C.2j
Research in Undergraduate Institutions II.C.2j
Research Misconduct I.D.3
Research Opportunity Awards II.C.2j
Results from Prior NSF Support II.C.2d, Exhibit II-1, Chapter V
Resubmission of Proposal IV.E
Return without Review II.A, II.B, II.C.2b, II.C.2j, Exhibit II-1, Exhibit III-1, IV.B, IV.E
Review Criteria I.C.2, I.C.3, I.C.4, I.D.3, II.C.2b, II.C.2d, Exhibit II-1, Chapter III
Reviews, Copies of III.F, IV.A, IV.C, IV.D.3
Revisions to Proposals (Made During the Review Process) III.D, IV.D.1


Salaries and Wages II.C.2.g(i)

Selection of Reviewers III.B
Senior Personnel II.C.2f(i), II.C.2h, II.D.2, Exhibit II-2, Exhibit II-7
Sex Discrimination I.E, Exhibit II-6
Single Copy Documents I.D.3, II.C.1e, Exhibit II-1
Small Business 542.2, 731, 901
Small Grants for Exploratory Research II.C.2a, II.D.1
Special Exceptions (to Deadline Date Policy) I.F
Special Guidelines II.D, Exhibit II-1
Special Information II.C.2j, Exhibit II-1
Sponsored Projects Office I.D.2, I.G.3, II.C.2a, II.C.2j, III.C, IV.A
State Governments I.E, II.C.2g, II.C.2h, II.C.2j, Exhibit II-3
Students I.E, II.C.2f, II.C.2g, II.D.2, II.D.7, II.D.10, III.A, Chapter V
Subawards, subcontracts II.C.2g, II.D.3, Exhibit II-5

Summer Salaries II.C.2g
Supplementary Documentation II.C.2, II.C.2d, II.C.2j, II.D.5, Exhibit II-1
Supplies see "Materials and Supplies"
Synergistic Activities II.C.2f
SF LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities II.C.1e, Exhibit II-6


Table of Contents II.C.2c
Target Dates I.F
Thesis Advisor II.C.2f
Title of Proposed Project I.D.1, II.C.2a
Total Direct Costs II.C.2g
Traditional Renewal V.A
Training Equipment II.C.2g(vi)(d), II.D.2a
Travel Allowances:

Two-Ninths Rule II.C.2g


Unallowable Costs II.C.2g(xii)

Unaffiliated Individuals I.E.5, IV.D.1
Undergraduate Student, Definition Exhibit II-7
Unit of Consideration II.C.2a
Universal Resource Locators (URLs) II.C.2d
Universities I.E
Unfunded Collaborations II.C.2d(iv)
U.S.-Flag Air Carriers II.C.2g


Vertebrate Animals II.C.2a, II.C.2j, II.D.5, Exhibit II-1
Veterans Administration I.E
Visual Materials II.C.2d


Withdrawal of Proposal IV.A
Women-Owned Business II.C.2a
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Feb 04, 2009
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Last Updated: Feb 04, 2009