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National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) analysts have capabilities that span a wide range of renewable energy technologies. This site will help you learn more about the crosscutting analysis capabilities, energy-modeling background, and technology expertise of analysts in our Strategic Energy Analysis Center (SEAC).

Strategic Planning and Direction

Center Director: Doug Arent
Administrative Assistant: Pam Lee-Bull

Data Analysis and Visualization

The following staff are SEAC's experts in analysis relating to geospatial analytics and integrated resource assessment; our energy efficiency and renewable energy data warehouse; and advanced visualization.

  • Geospatial analytics
  • RE & EE data warehouse
  • Integrated resource assessment
  • Advanced visualization

Summary bios of staff expertise and interests

Team Lead: Nate Blair
Administrative Assistant: Kelli Anderson

Jørn Aabakken
Dana Gotchey
Pamela Gray-Hann
Donna Heimiller
Chris Helm
Seung-Jae Lee
Jim Leyshon
Billy Roberts

Energy Forecasting and Modeling

The following staff are SEAC's experts in analysis relating to energy economics, energy system planning, risk and uncertainty modeling, and energy infrastructure planning.

  • Energy economics
  • Energy system planning
  • Energy infrastructure planning
  • Risk and uncertainty modeling

Summary bios of staff expertise and interests

Team Lead: Walter Short
Administrative Assistant: Pam Lee-Bull

Brian Bush
Paul Denholm
Victor Diakov
Aron Dobos
Easan Drury
Peter Lilienthal
James Milford
Matt Mowers
Sean Ong
Patrick Sullivan
Laura Vimmerstedt

Market and Policy Impact Analysis

The following staff are SEAC's experts in analysis related to electric regulation and policy; transportation market, fuels, and policies; economic impact; advanced financial analytic methods; international markets; R&D program benefits assessment; portfolio and risk assessment and green power and renewable energy certificate (REC) markets.

  • Advanced financial analytic methods
  • Economic impact analysis
  • Electric regulation and policy analysis
  • Green power and REC markets
  • International markets analysis
  • R&D program benefits assessment
  • Portfolio and risk assessment
  • Transportation market, fuels, and policies analysis

Summary bios of staff expertise and interests

Team Lead: Jim Newcomb
Administrative Assistant: Kalia Kehoe

Lynn Billman
Lori Bird
Karlynn Cory
Toby Couture
Elizabeth Doris (formerly Brown)
Barry Friedman
Maureen Hand
David Hurlbut
Thomas Jenkin
David Kline
Claire Kreycik
Eric Lantz
Jeffrey Logan
Joyce McLaren
Gail Mosey
Kathleen Nawaz
Sandra Reategui
Paul Schwabe
Suzanne Tegen
William Wallace

Technology Systems and Sustainability Analysis

The following staff are SEAC's experts in analysis related to infrastructure and systems; sustainability assessment; technoeconomic assessment; and water requirements.

  • Infrastructure and systems analysis
  • Sustainability assessment
  • Technoeconomic assessment
  • Water requirements analysis

Summary bios of staff expertise and interests

Team Lead: Margaret Mann
Administrative Assistant: Kalia Kehoe

Shannon Cowlin
Rachel Gelman
Garvin Heath
David Hsu
Ted James
Robert Margolis
Anelia Milbrandt
Selya Price
Monisha Shah
Martin Vorum
Katherine Young


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