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National Drug Intelligence Center National Drug Intelligence Center Seal.
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The mission of NDIC is to provide strategic drug-related intelligence, document and computer exploitation support, and training assistance

to the drug control, public health, law enforcement, and intelligence communities of the United States

in order to reduce the adverse effects of drug trafficking, drug abuse, and other drug-related criminal activity.

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Multiagency Course

Cover image linked to Multiagency Course Brochure.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register?

To begin the registration process, call or e-mail our registrar at 814-532-4028 or Indicate the date and location of the course you are interested in attending, your name, agency, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address. You will be faxed or e-mailed a registration form.

Once you receive the registration form, complete it and have your supervisor sign it. Fax the registration form back to 814-532-4920.

Registration is first come, first served. Upon receipt of your completed registration form, we will reserve a seat for you, based on availability. You will receive a faxed or e-mailed confirmation of your registration along with details about the course location. If no seats are available, you will be notified and placed on a waiting list.

When can I register?

Registration begins approximately 2 months prior to each course. To indicate interest in a future class, call or e-mail our registrar at 814-532-4028 or The registrar will notify you when registration begins.

Must I preregister?

Yes, you must register before the start of the course. Please see "How do I register?"

How do I know if I am registered?

You will receive a faxed or e-mailed confirmation of your registration along with details about the course location.

How long do I have to return my registration form?

There is no set time for returning your registration form; however, your seat is not held until we receive your completed registration form signed by your supervisor. Registration is on a first come, first served basis. No seats will be held without a completed registration form.

What is your cancellation policy?

If it is necessary for you to cancel, please cancel as soon as possible by calling or e-mailing our registrar at 814-532-4028 or We often have a waiting list and with enough notice we can fill your slot.

How much does the course cost?

There is no tuition for the course. You are, however, responsible for all travel, lodging, and food costs.

Do I have to be in law enforcement?

Yes, you must be in law enforcement; however, you do not have to be a sworn officer. Members of the active duty military and National Guard may also attend.

Are course locations definite?

Course locations are tentative until registration begins approximately 2 months before each course.

What are the class hours?

Class hours depend on the time zone of the course location. Class generally starts between 7:30 and 9:00 and generally ends between 4:00 and 5:30. You will be given definite class hours when you register.

What is the dress code?

Business casual is appropriate to wear for the course.

Is the course accredited?

The course is not accredited in all states. We work with the state law enforcement accrediting agencies and have the course accredited when possible.

Can my agency host the course?

Possibly! If you are still interested after you have read our minimum requirements below, please contact our course coordinator at

Our minimum requirements are as follows:

  • 2-way audio and 2-way video teleconferencing (not satellite). Calls may be ISDN, ATM, or IP and are bridged through the National Guard's Video Operations Center.
  • Seating classroom style (3-4 feet of workspace per person) for 12 to 20 participants. No participant computer use is required.
  • VCR available in classroom.
  • Fax and photocopier available in or nearby the classroom for limited use by facilitators.
  • Classroom availability for the entire week. The room should be available one hour prior to class and one hour after the class as well as all classroom hours. Students and facilitators should be able to leave materials in the classroom overnight without concern.
  • Ability to store 10 to 12 boxes of training materials and supplies prior to the class.
  • Hotels located within a 15 minute drive of the classroom; restaurants located within a 5- to 10-minute drive of the classroom.

NDIC provides training course facilitators who have limited equipment knowledge and experience. The site must provide on-call technical support during the course week. Additionally, we will need the following technical assistance:

  • Prior to course:
    • Participate in 2 or 3 test calls with our technician
    • Resolve any technical issues experienced
  • Throughout the course week: 
    • Provide minimal equipment overview to our facilitators (how to dial-in if technician is not immediately available; how to move camera; how to use VCR)
    • Adjust camera presets for microphones, if necessary
    • Dial in and disconnect daily (times and dial-in numbers will be sent with our facilitators)
    • Troubleshoot equipment or connection problems, if required
    • Coordinate problem resolution with our technician in Virginia
    • Technician will be available (in classroom or on-call nearby) during class hours.

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