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Memorandum 5 for FP03

Subject: FP- 03 Pay items and Approved process for requesting new pay items
From: Project Delivery Director
To: Project Delivery Employees

FLH will now be using one list of pay items for all three Divisions. In order to maintain a manageable size pay item list and to provide good historic data, we are instituting a formal review and approval process for requested new pay items. New pay item requests will now be processed twice a month. The Field Office Project Delivery Directors and the FLH Program Development Director have approved this process.

Our goal is manage reasonable consistency on pay items. The EBAC team specifically Heidi Hirsbrunner, CFL, Wade Johnson, WFL and Dan VanGilder, EFL, will manage this process and are committed to working together to make it work effectively. Every effort will be made to prevent delays, support true emergencies and recognize projects with unique needs.

Both the Metric and English FP- 03 pay items are now available for project use.

Please note, pay items were eliminated from the FP- 03 so that Special Contract Requirements (SCR's) would not need to be written for each "added" pay item. Therefore in writing SCR's for FP-03 projects, do NOT add pay items into "payment" section, as we have done with past FP's. The following language is included FP- 03 regarding payment for accepted quantities:

"The accepted quantities will be paid at the contract price per unit of measurement for the Section xxx pay items listed in the bid schedule."

Note in some cases you may need to clarify how/where to measure an item. Please refer to your FP03 measurement subsections for examples.

To request a new pay item, submit the attached form to your EBAC representative by the deadlines specified in the attached calendar. [To: WFL: Wade Johnson, CFL: Heidi Hirsbrunner, EFL: Dan VanGilder]. The EBAC team leads will then discuss and approve or deny your requests and subsequently add a new pay item OR recommend a specific existing pay item for use instead. Early requests for new pay items will be vital to this process. Please forward this memorandum and attachments to your consultants.

The bid history has also been converted to the corresponding FP03 pay items. Though the data has been tested, if you discover any oddities, please inform your Division representative as soon as possible.


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