Protecting Oregon's Environment
Oregon State Seal
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality



10 Ways for Consumers to Prevent Pollution
10 Ways for Businesses to Prevent Pollution

Make Every Day Earth Day!

10 Ways for Consumers to Prevent Pollution, Conserve Resources and Save Money

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Each of us has a role to play in protecting the environment. There are many things we all can do to reduce pollution and conserve resources. Choose from the ideas listed below, and share them with your family and friends. You don't need to do them all at once; start with a couple of ideas, then come back for more when you're ready. By us all pitching in, we can help keep Oregon an environmental leader.

The links and documents posted below are provided by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and our partner agencies in the community.


1. Reduce Air Pollution

If you use a woodstove
Choose alternatives to backyard burning
Lower your vehicle's environmental impact PDF
Improve your car's fuel economy
Use alternative transportation
Drive hybrid-electric and get a tax credit

2. Prevent Groundwater Pollution

Learn what you can do to protect groundwater PDF
Dispose of household hazardous waste correctly 
Dispose of pharmaceutical waste correctly PDF
Dispose of mercury-containing products correctly

3. Minimize Toxics at Home

Know what's toxic in your home
Reduce toxic substances in your home
Use alternatives to toxic cleaners

4. Practice Earth-Friendly Gardening

Practice natural lawn care
Save money on natural gardening supplies
Grow a "Cool Planet" garden
Recycle your grass PDF
Make your own compost PDF
Create a rain garden
Plant native

5. Save Energy and Money

Know your appliances
Cut energy costs at home
Save money while staying warm
Maximize your home's energy efficiency
Go solar with tax credits
Power off your computer PDF


6. Conserve Water

Reduce home water use
Use less water in your yard/garden

7.  Be a Savvy Consumer

Think before buying
Search for earth-friendly products
Find eco-friendlier dry cleaning
Reduce your exposure to toxic products

8. Recycle and Reuse

Metro area curbside recycling guidelines
Find a recycler for specific materials (Portland)
Household Hazardous Waste collection schedule
(outside the Portland Metro area)
Oregon County Recycling Contacts
What to Do About All Those Phone Books

9. Prevent Pollution at Work

What you and your office can do
Carpooling in Portland
10 Ways for Businesses to Prevent Pollution

10. Stop Invasive Species

What boaters and hikers can do




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Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
Headquarters: 811 Sixth Ave., Portland, OR 97204-1390
Phone: 503-229-5696 or toll free in Oregon 1-800-452-4011
Oregon Telecommunications Relay Service: 1-800-735-2900  FAX: 503-229-6124

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality is a regulatory agency authorized to protect Oregon's environment by
the State of Oregon and the Environmental Protection Agency.

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