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@nancyscola reports on Obama's incoming director of citizen participation:
RT @mkapor At Davos, Black Swan author Taleb says Wall St execs should disgorge bonuses, ie Bob Rubin's $110M from Citi.
@jayrosen_nyu @nancyscola Director of Citizen Participation is part of the WH New Media operation. Working on finding out more.
Brave new world of e-transparency: Repubs live-tweet their meet with Obama, but was the mtg off the record?
RT @marshallk: Obama has hired a Google exec (Katie Stanton) to be Director of Citizen Participation - cool!
Oops, there it is! WhiteHouse posts Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act online after the signing, instead of 5 days in advance
Leaving Munich, heading NY. Q: spend my remaining 100 euros at the airport or stick them under my mattress back home?
Great job DLD team! Thanks for all your work--I know how hard it is to make everything go so smoothly.
DK: how shd Obama use FB now? MZ: "it gives him ability to communicate directly with people." No kidding. Dld, dld09. Interview FAIL.
Sad comment on DLD that more people are paying attention to Zuckerberg than to Taleb. Dld09
Zuckerberg claims users have total control of their data. Bwahahaha! Needed: FB user Bill of Rights, esp right of habeas corpus. Dld, dld09
Let me summarize this talk with zuckerberg at DLD: Mark, what makes you so great? (RT @cdibona) dld, dld09
David Kirkpatrick, who is writing a book on Facebook, is interviewing Zuckerberg. Dld, dld09
It will be surreal to listen to Marc Zuckerberg after Nassem Taleb. Straight talk vs mush. Dld, dld09
Taleb: I am tired of semi govt where they take the profits and we eat the losses. Nationalize the banks now, he says, fire their heads. Dld
Kahneman: the people whose firms blew up are acting rationally as their personal stashes not affected. Dld, dld09
Taleb: why insure your house and car but not your portfolio? Dld, dld09
Taleb says he will be "less nice" at Davos. Also says doctors have gulling patients for 1400 years. It's not just economists, IOW. #dld09
People who make small profits followed by a big loss = eating like chickens but shitting like elephants. Taleb at DLD, #dld09
Taleb: "Do not drive a schoolbus blindfolded, as Bernanke did." DLD, #dld09 this guy is very quotable.