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Some more hints dribble out of Chicago about the future of Obama 4America
@adamconner and @bostonphoenix also livetweeting from harvard hoohah happening.
Follow @dweinberger, @ilyseh, @tigerbeat, @amarashar for play by play of the harvard campaign poobah summit.
enjoying following the harvard campaign managers summit via twitter network.
I hate when I confuse a DM with a text message. Sorry!
I've email-introed you to him. Can't send link from my iPhone.
Idea: MoJo writer David Corn needs $10K to pay 4 Palin's emails. shd help pay. I'll pledge $25. Who else is in? Paging David Cohn.
Getting ready to moderate a "deep dive" discussion on the Obama internet campaign at Berkman #internetpolitics conf.
Follow @open4questions to see how participation in's new open question platform is developing.
Follow @open4questions to get a running tally of participation in's wants your questions AND for you to vote the best ones up. The Rebooting of American politics continues!
liveblogging from #internetpolitics: wrestling with the problem of surplus powerfulness [www_techpresident_com]
#internetpolitics IMHO, the Obama campaign should be understand as the best top-down campaign of the 21st century.
Ganz is taking back some of his criticism of OFA2 org for not being more open about their planning process.
First session at #internetpolitics: Marshall Ganz and Jeremy Bird on building collective capacity and new forms of political organizing.
At Berkman's #internetpolitics conf. It's like homecoming week.
@cjoh the problem with yr idea is figuring out the price of a Senate seat and then insuring the occupant stays bought.
Some news leaks out from Chicago about OFA2: "We're making this up as we go along," 500K responses to their survey.
To NYC for Sunlight Bd mtg then to Boston for Berkman Internet politics conf.
More fave political movies: V for Vendetta, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Wag the Dog, Year of Living Dangerously, Hotel Rwanda