Concord Fire Station 2
Station #1: 
11600 Concord-Hambden Rd., (440) 354-7504

Concord Fire Station 2
Station #2: 
 10154 Prouty Rd., (440) 354-7509

Contact Info: Fire Department

R. Mike Warner, Chief

John Kloski. Executive Officer

Karen Pirc, Administrative Assistant

Services and Departments - Fire Department

Infrared Heater Campaign Provides Safety Inspection Checklist

As temperatures drop, many infrared heaters are turned on for the first time in many months.  To help promote their safe use and identify potential fire hazards, manufacturers of infrared heating equipment have launched a national safety campaign.  A brochure available from the Inrared Heater Safety Council web site covers the various types of infrared heaters and their proper use, ventilation and gas connections.  For safety information and to download a copy of the "Heating Safely with Gas-fired Infrared Heaters" visit

The Concord Twp Fire Dept. offers to all community members free changing of their smoke detector batteries twice a year.  If any Concord Twp resident would like to be part of this program, please contact Fire Staiton #1 at 354-7508 or send your name, address and a contact phone number to:

Ohio State Fire Marshal Bell states: "By taking a couple minutes to change the batteries in your smoke detectors and testing them monthly, you could save your life and the lives of your family.  Last year nearly 85% of the victims who died in Ohio fires lived in residences where there was no smoke detector or a non-functioning smoke detector."

Smoke detectors, when properly installed and maintained, provide early warning when fire occurs.  One smoke detector in a home doubles a person's chance of escaping a fire.  For the greatest protection, install a smoke detector on every level of your home and inside each sleeping area.  Also, develop an escape plan that every member of the family is familiar with if the fire alarm does sound.

Test smoke detectors at least once each month to ensure that they are working properly.  Vacuum the dust from inside the detector at least once every year.  Batteries in battery-operated dectors should be changed twice a year or whenever a detector "chirps" to signal low battery power.  Never "borrow" a smoke detector's battery for another use.  A disabled detector cannot save your life.  In addition, smoke detectors should be replaced every 10 years or according to the manufacturer's specifications.

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