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FW VA Clinic Groundbreaking 11-08 0601.jpg Chet helps break ground on the new Fort Worth VA clinic View
CE and Groesbeck High School 08 2 of 2 (2)1.JPG The senior class of Groesbeck High School visits with Congressman Chet Edwards in his office before touring the U.S. Capitol. View
FW VA Clinic Groundbreaking 11-08 078.jpg Chet talks with a local veteran at the groundbreaking for the new Fort Worth VA Outpatient Clinic View
0461.JPG Chet joins Sens. Webb, Reid, and Hagel to commemorate passage of the landmark 21st Century GI Bill of Rights View
Waco VA MRI Ribboncutting 019.jpg Chet cuts the ribbon on world's largest mobile MRI machine to help improve PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury research nationwide. View
Bosque County Pipeline groundbreaking 001.jpg Chet breaks ground on the Bosque County pipeline for which he secured $2.1 million in federal funds to improve rural water service for local citizens. View
CE Hurricane Ike Press Conference1.JPG Chet joins Sen Hutchison and Texas members of Congress to pledge hurricane recovery aid for the Texas Gulf Coast View
CE receiving homelss vets award 08 2 of 21.JPG Chet receives the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans 2008 Congressional Award from CEO Anthony Love View
Army b-day1.JPG Chet, Army Caucus Co-chair, celebrates the U.S. Army's 233rd birthday View
CE and Axtell ISD.JPG CE meets with Axtell ISD students at the U.S. Capitol View
CE and Caldwell ISD students 3 of 41.JPG Chet Speaks to Caldwell ISD Students at the U.S. Capitol View
Justin Hsu with Tree 0021.JPG A&M Consolidated High School Senior Justin Hsu won the District 17 Art competition. "Tree" is now on display in the Cannon Tunnel of the U.S. Capitol building. View
NERRTC EOTC Event 2008 0101.jpg Chet Speaks at Ribbon Cutting for TEEX's Expanded Emergency Operations Center View
CE with Academy Families.jpg Chet presents Dana Sullivan of Burleson and Ana Ruiz of Glen Rose their appointments to West Point and Air Force Academy View
Hamm Creek Phase 2 022.jpg Chet joins Johnson County officials for Hamm Creek Park ribbon cutting ceremony View
GRMC 2008 Groundbreaking 011.jpg Chet joins local officials to break ground on Glen Rose Medical Center improvements View
CELampsonSPRbill 5-15-081.JPG Chet joins Bipartisan Coalition to introduce plan for Gas Relief, Renewable Energy Research View
AMconsolsciencewinners.JPG A&M Consolidated students recently placed 8th nationally in the Science Bowl View
CE and Hillsboro ISD 08 141.JPG Chet speaks to Hillsboro ISD students in front of the U.S. Capitol View
Hill County Aggie Muster, 4-21-08 005.jpg Chet gave the keynote address at the 2008 Hill County Aggie Muster View
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