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For information on my work as the Ranking Member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence, I encourage you to visit the House Committee's Web site. House Select Committee on Intelligence Homepage

Related Documents:

Press Release - Hoekstra Statement on Court Ruling on Protect America Act 1.15.2009

Opinion Pieces - Our Broken CIA and the Death of Innocents 1.13.2009

Press Release - Hoekstra Criticizes Democrats’ “Committee-Packing” Plan, Decision to Ignore 9/11 Commission 1.13.2009

Press Release - Hoekstra-Holt Statement on Obama Nomination of Leon Panetta 1.9.2009

Press Release - Hoekstra Statement on Obama Appointment of Dennis Blair 1.9.2009

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Related Files:

FISA Chronology

9-20-2007 Hearing on FISA - Pete Hoekstra Opening Statement

NYPD Radicalization in the West: The Homegrown Threat

26 July 2007 Republican Letter to Chairman Reyes

25 July 2007 FISA Letter

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