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Manitoba Civil Service Commission

New Professionals Network

Past Learning Events Archive

The Power of Collaboration: Strengthening our Civil Service 2008 Conference

Brown Bag Lunch 2008
Topic: Conducting a Webinar: A step-by-step guide to planning and executing a successful Webinar.
Date: June 23, 2008
Location: 12th floor Justice Boardroom Woodsworth Building 405 Broadway
Speaker: Derek Boutang,CMA, MA

see poster

Learning Event Presents: Diversity Quiz

The New Professionals Network Learning Events Team presented a Diversity Quiz for the March 21st International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination E-Quiz Challenge Test your knowledge! The challenged was whether you can answer all the questions in the quiz! At the end of the quiz participants were invited to submit some brief feedback and enter their name for a draw for a Mystery Prize! The draw for the Mystery Prize were announced on the week of March 24th.

The 2 winners were:

  • Cristina Vieira of Thompson - Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation / Aboriginal & Nothern Affairs
  • Des Kappel of Winnipeg - Conservation

Thanks to all who participated!

Shaping the Future 2007 - December 4 & 5, 2007
Delta Winnipeg
350 St. Mary Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3C 3J2

The New Professionals Network, hosted the third annual Learning Event, Shaping the Future 2007, on December 4 & 5, 2007. This event brought together approximately 200 civil servants from across government.

Highlights of the event included a keynote address from Judith MacBride-King as well as other internal presentations about changing workforce demographics and the future civil service.The conference also included speakers and workshops on sustainability, communication and innovative practices in the public sector. The event provided important networking opportunities, including a breakfast where senior managers shared their experiences and advice with new professionals.

The New Professionals Network was committed to integrating the principles of sustainability into Shaping the Future 2007 and some of the “Going Green” tips that made this event more sustainable.

Brown Bag Lunch - Session #4 - November 22, 2007
Topic: Whistleblower Protection Legislation

Brown Bag Lunch Session #3 – September 28, 2007
Topic: Promoting Work / Life Balance

Two mid-career professionals and a soon-to-be new professional discussed their own passionate pursuits of work/life balance. Monika Franz-Lien and Carolynn Osborn spearheaded an initiative at Manitoba Agriculture, Food & Rural Initiatives (MAFRI) promoted part-time and job share work arrangements as a work/life balance tool that can be used throughout one's career. At the request of MAFRI's executive, and with the able assistance of Delly Dyer, this project expanded to developing a work/life balance initiative for all current and potential MAFRI employees, including full-timers. See bios


STEP Student Learning Event

On July 17, 2007, over 125 STEP students from across government came together for a Learning and Networking event entitled "Building the Future Civil Service." The event, jointly hosted by the New Professionals Network, Civil Service Commission, and STEP Services, was an opportunity for students to network with each other as well as hear from Deputy Minister Harvey Bostrom, Civil Service Commissioner Debra Woodgate, and NPN Co-Chairs Alisa Ramarattan and Matt Wiebe discuss topics related to careers in the Manitoba Civil Service. Feedback received fron the event will be used to help plan future events for STEP students and new professionals.

Brown Bag Lunch - June 27, 2007
Topic: The Manitoba Human Rights Code - An Overview

The New Professionals Network is proud to be hosting a presentation from The Manitoba Human Rights Commission (MHRC) at our second Brown Bag Lunch session on Wednesday, June 27, 2007. Simon Gillingham, a Human Rights Investigator with the MHRC will be presenting an overview session on The Human Rights Code. For those not already familiar, this is an opportunity to learn more about the mandate and function of the MHRC as it pertains to the Human Rights Code. Specifically, the session will focus on outlining various key sections of the Code including: discrimination, reasonable accommodation, and harassment. This session will be of interest to all departments and levels of government, particularly those in, or seeking Management positions.

Differing Workstyles: Applying the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator - March 19, 2007

In any work environment, effective interpersonal communication plays a critical role. By developing an understanding of your own and others’ strengths and styles, you will be able to develop successful strategies to approach different workplace situations.

The New Professionals Network is pleased to host a full-day workshop that will:

  • introduce you to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), a widely-recognized personal assessment instrument
  • lead you through a self-assessment to determine your “type” and personal preferences
  • assess the four dimensions that make up the 16 MBTI type combinations
  • identify the strengths, characteristics, and observable behaviours of each dimension
  • help you to develop strategies for applying your knowledge in the workplace and in team situations

Service Quality Partners Brown Bag Lunch - November 30, 2006
Topic: New Professionals Network - Connect, Learn, Grow

Service Quality Partners (SQP) is a volunteer organization that offers civil servants learning and educational opportunities on a variety of topics.  One way this is accomplished is through brown bag lunch events, a regular offering organized by the SQP Brown Bag Lunch Committee.  The November Brown Bag Lunch Event featured a presentation on the New Professionals Network (NPN).  This was an opportunity for those wanting to learn more about what the NPN is all about, and how the NPN can help people connect, learn, and grow.

Vision for the Future - November 6, 2006

The New Professionals Network, with the support of the Manitoba Civil Service Commission, hosted the second annual New Professionals Day on November 6, 2006.  This event, entitled "Vision for the Future," brought over 200 civil servants together from across government.

Highlights of the event included Civil Service Commissioner Debra Woodgate speaking about engaging new professionals in the workplace and within the Renewal Strategy, and Assistant Deputy Minister Dorynne Gingera-Beauchemin speaking very passionately about her career and experiences within the Manitoba Civil Service.  New professionals also learned about various tools they can access to develop leadership skills, including Leadership @ All Levels, portfolio development, and mentoring relationships.  Opportunities for networking occurred throughout the day, making the event both informative and dynamic.  Preliminary feedback from the event has been positive and given the NPN Planning Teams additional ideas and suggestions for future events.

Event Program