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  Frequently Asked Questions and Facts Index   "I/J/K"


Galapagos Marine IguanaThe following alphabetical index is to help you quickly find the answer to general permit questions. The keywords lead you to frequently asked questions and their answer, as well as links to fact sheets and specific web pages.


[A]  [B]  [C]  [D]  [E]  [F/G/H]  [L/M]  [N/O/P/Q]  [R]  [S]  [T/U/V/W/X/Y/Z]


Keyword – I/J/K


Iguanas, Pet

Do I need a permit to import or export my pet green iguana?  All species of iguanas in the genus Iguana are listed in CITES Appendix II.  (Note that some other iguanas, including the ground iguanas (Cyclura spp.), are listed in Appendix I and under the ESA.  If your iguana is not in the genus Iguana, check the lists to see how it is protected.) 

  • To import or export a pet green iguana (Iguana iguana), you need to obtain a CITES permit from the exporting country.
  • If exporting or re-exporting a pet green iguana from the United States, click here for information and links to application forms.  Some foreign countries, especially European Union countries, require a permit not only for export but also for import.
  • If importing your pet iguana into the United States, contact the foreign country to get a CITES permit.
  • You must import or export your pet iguana through a designated port unless you have received a port exception permit. You must notify the FWS wildlife inspection office at the port of entry or exit at least 48 hours in advance, present our declaration form to the wildlife inspectors, and receive clearance from us prior to export or at the time of import. We will validate any U.S. CITES export permits during this clearance process.
  • You need a permit to import or export Appendix-I iguanas.  Click here for an application form.  ESA-listed species may not be imported for commercial or personal pet purposes.


Migratory Bird Import Information

Information on Commercially Importing and Exporting Wildlife

Incidental Take – Wildlife (ESA)

Permits for Habitat Conservation Plans

Incidental Take – Plants (ESA)

Are incidental take permits needed for ESA-listed plants?  There are no Federal prohibitions under the ESA for the take of listed plants on nonfederal lands, unless taking of those plants is in violation of state law. Before the FWS issues a permit, however, the effects of the permit on listed plants must be analyzed.

Injured Birds


Ivory (Import)
(Also see below)

The United States generally prohibits the importation of ivory. Don’t bring home raw ivory or ivory jewelry, carvings, or figurines made from the tusks of either African or Asian elephants. Avoid raw or carved ivory from the teeth or tusks of walruses, whales, narwhals, and seals. If you have questions about importing specific ivory, contact the Division of Law Enforcement.

Ivory, Elephant (Antique, Import)

To import antique (over 100 years old) elephant ivory, you must obtain a CITES pre-Convention certificate from the CITES Management Authority for the country where the piece containing ivory is located. The permit must clearly state that the ivory is more than 100 years of age.

Ivory, Fossilized Walrus (Export)

To export raw fossilized walrus ivory obtained from the wild, complete form 3-200-27 and submit the application to the address located on the form.

Ivory, Mastodon

This species is extinct, as such no permit is required to import or export ivory from this species.

Ivory, Pre-Convention and/or Antique (Export)

To export pre-Convention/pre-Act ivory, complete form 3-200-23 and submit the application to the address located on the form. For additional information on Asian elephant ivory, refer to the Asian elephant ivory fact sheet.

Ivory, Sport-hunted Trophy

Sport-hunted trophies containing ivory tusks may be imported into the U.S. by the hunter from certain countries (see form 3-200-19.) Such tusks may never be sold or re-exported from the U.S.

Ivory, Walrus (Alaska Native handicrafts, Export)

For personal, non-commercial export of authentic Alaska Native handicrafts, CITES certificates may be required by country of import. Refer to FWS Alaska Fisheries & Ecological Services or contact the Division of Management Authority for more information.


Do I need a permit to import, export, or re-export kangaroo hides or hide products?  The eastern gray kangaroo (Macropus giganteus) and red kangaroo (M. rufus) are not listed under CITES or the ESA.  Other species of kangaroos, rat-kangaroos, tree kangaroos, and wallabies may be listed.  Click here for a fact sheet on CITES and ESA.

  • To import, export, or re-export hides or hide products from the eastern gray or red kangaroo, you do not need a CITES or ESA permit from us. You should check with the Australian wildlife authorities if importing directly from Australia.
  • A person engaged in business as an importer or exporter of wildlife must obtain an import/export license.
  • If you are importing kangaroo hides or products for your personal use in your accompanying baggage, you must declare the items on the Customs declaration form. Click here for information if you are commercially importing or exporting kangaroo hides or products, or you are separately shipping personal items through the mail or as cargo.
  • Check with the State, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and foreign country to meet their requirements.
  • You need a permit to import or export Appendix-I or ESA-listed species.  Click here for an application form.
Permits - FAQ's Page Footer

CITES:    Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
BGEPA:  Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act
ESA:       Endangered Species Act
MBTA:    Migratory Bird Treaty Act
MMPA:   Marine Mammal Protection Act
WBCA:   Wild Bird Conservation Act

For additional information, visit the Fish and Wildlife Service's Frequently Asked Questions web site.