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  Frequently Asked Questions and Facts Index "D"


Black-bellied Whistling Duck The following alphabetical index is to help you quickly find the answer to general permit questions. The keywords lead you to frequently asked questions and their answer, as well as links to fact sheets and specific web pages.


[A]  [B]  [C]  [E]  [F/G/H]  [I/J/K]  [L/M]  [N/O/P/Q]  [R]  [S]  [T/U/V/W/X/Y/Z


Keyword – D


Declaration for Importation or Exportation of Fish or Wildlife

Wildlife Declaration Form 3-177

Designated Port Exception

Information for Importers and Exporters

Diplomatic Person

Do I need a permit to import or export wildlife or plants if I’m eligible to receive duty-free and inspection waiver privileges under customs law?  Diplomatic, consular, military, and other persons who are eligible for waiver privileges under customs laws still need to meet the permitting and inspection requirements under wildlife conservation laws.

Dogs, Domestic

Do I need a permit to import or export my domestic dog?  You do not need a CITES or ESA permit from us to import or export most domestic dogs (Canis domesticus).  Dog/wolf hybrids, however, are regulated by CITES and require a CITES permit.  If importing a hybrid into the United States, contact the foreign country to get a CITES permit.  If exporting a hybrid from the United States, click here for an application form.  You must import or export your pet dog/wolf hybrid through a designated port unless you have received a port exception permit. You must notify the FWS wildlife inspection office at the port of entry or exit at least 48 hours in advance, present our declaration form to the wildlife inspectors, and receive clearance from us prior to export or at the time of import. Click here for information on commercially importing and exporting wildlife or shipping an unaccompanied dog/wolf hybrid. Contact the Center for Disease Control to meet its requirements.


Do I need a permit to import or export DNA?  We differentiate between DNA directly extracted from blood and tissue and DNA synthetically derived.

  • You need a permit to import or export DNA directly derived from wildlife or plant tissue that is regulated by a wildlife conservation law.
  • You do not need a permit from us to import or export synthetically derived DNA that does not contain any part of the original template, and if your samples do not contain any wildlife.  While we do not regulate synthetically derived DNA samples, we believe it is important that researchers collect samples in a manner that does not harm the wildlife and that complies with the laws of the country where the collection occurs.  Contact the foreign country to meet its requirements.  If the foreign country requires you to have a U.S. CITES document for synthetically derived DNA samples, click here for an application form. Click here for information if you are commercially importing or exporting synthetically derived DNA samples that contain wildlife, or shipping personal items that contain such DNA samples.
  • Contact the State, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Center for Disease Control to meet their requirements.
Permits - FAQ's Page Footer

CITES:    Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
BGEPA:  Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act
ESA:       Endangered Species Act
MBTA:    Migratory Bird Treaty Act
MMPA:   Marine Mammal Protection Act
WBCA:   Wild Bird Conservation Act

For additional information, visit the Fish and Wildlife Service's Frequently Asked Questions web site.