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December 08 Issue - Employee Monthly Magazine


When it's snowing outside

In the event of inclement weather, Laboratory workers should call the Laboratory's UPDATE phone line at 667-6622 or toll free at 1-877-723-4101 for information about the Lab's operating status.

The UPDATE phone line is the Lab's official, primary source for obtaining such information.

Protective sleeves for new security badges

The new security badges come in electromagnetically opaque sleeves to protect their microchips from being “pinged." The protective sleeves, which have a plastic separator within, are made to hold two badges. Each Laboratory worker is issued one badge, which must be placed in the front pocket so the picture, clearance level, and other information can be readily seen. For more information about the new badges, go to http://int.lanl.gov/security/newbadge/ (internal only).

Verifying dependent eligibility for Laboratory health and welfare plans

Improperly covering ineligible individuals in the Laboratory's health and welfare plans drives up the costs for other employees and violates plan rules. Misuse of the eligibility requirements can result in a one-year loss of coverage, repayment of received payments, and disciplinary action. To verify eligibility, go to http://int.lanl.gov/worklife/benefits/pdfs/summary_plan_description_08.pdf (internal only).

Employees required to submit timely travel expense reports

Travelers must file an expense report within 15 days of a trip. Effective November 3, division chiefs of staff and executive administrators began receiving monthly reports listing trips lacking expense reports. Effective December 1, authorization requests lacking an expense report filed within 45 days from a trip will be closed, requiring an authorization request to be approved.

Tag personal belongings

To avoid the possibility of having your lunch, laptop computer, or important documents stored in purses or briefcases destroyed, Emergency Management and Response recommends that employees put an identification tag on personal bags. Go to http://int.lanl.gov/security/documents/security-smart/bagtags9_07.pdf (internal only) for more information.

Bottled water safety

The Laboratory's bottled water contractor provides water that meets New Mexico Drinking Water regulations. There are several steps one can take to ensure the continued safety of the bottled water. For more information, go to http://int.lanl.gov/safety/biosafety/docs/bottled_water_safety.pdf (internal only).

Change in Spot Award Program

A team currently is looking at the Spot Award Program and will make recommendations for necessary changes in fiscal year 2009. To allow time to implement the changes, Spot Awards will not be processed until approximately January 2009. Requests for Los Alamos Awards Program awards will continue to be processed.

For more information about the Spot Award Program, go to https://int.lanl.gov/worklife/benefits/awards/spot.shtml (internal only).

Parking garage courtesy

While searching for a parking place, drivers should stay on their side of the lane and be careful when exiting their car, keeping well to the sides of the throughway areas. Remain cognizant of drivers looking for a parking place and not watching for darting pedestrians.

December service anniversaries

Find the December service anniversaries online at http://www.lanl.gov/news/currents/2008/dec/anniversaries.shtml.

In memoriam

  • Malcolm Neville June, 81, died October 27
  • Theodore Otis Gibson, 85, died October 31
  • Leonard A. Busch, 73, died November 1
  • Bernie Storm died November 3
  • Deward (Wes) Efurd, 61, died November 9

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