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Topic: Politics & Society / Economy


A Divided Citi

January 16, 2009

What does the breakup of Citigroup mean for New York City? ....

Bloomberg to Reveal New Jobs Plan in Annual Address

January 15, 2009

Today, Mayor Bloomberg will layout a plan for how the City can pull itself out of the worst recession in generations. WNYC's Bob Hennelly has this preview of today's state of the city address. REPO....

NYC to Buy Over 100 Foreclosed Houses

January 15, 2009

The city has announced a plan to buy up foreclosed homes, fix them up and resell them. The new program is one of 18 measures made possible by $24 million in federal funds. City Council Speaker Christ....

Citi Slips

January 14, 2009

The trials of Citigroup, New York City’s largest for-profit employer. ....

Islamic Finance

Underreported: Islamic Finance

The Leonard Lopate Show

January 15, 2009

Find out about the growing trend of Islamic finance – banking and investing based on the Koran – and how it’s faring in the current global economic crisis. Journalist Carla Power is and author of the Jan./Feb. Foreign Policy magazine article "Faith in the Market."

Obama and Small Business

The Leonard Lopate Show

January 15, 2009

We look into whether small businesses are getting any piece of the bailout pie, and how small businesses are likely to fare under an Obama administration. Lloyd Chapman is President of the American Small Business League.

Yonkers Firefighters Trade Wages For Colleagues

January 14, 2009

Some firefighters in Yonkers have agreed to work a shift without pay to help save the city money and restore the positions of colleagues who were fired or demoted. Their union approved the plan as p....

Corzine Calls For Municipal Spending Cap

January 14, 2009

Governor Jon Corzine says New Jersey faces a steep climb out of a deepening recession. WNYC's Bob Hennelly has more on yesterday's state of the state address. REPORTER: Even though Trenton faces sli....

Illegal Housing Trial Underway in Bronx

January 14, 2009

Two tenants and a building owner are currently on trial in the Bronx for dividing an apartment. Prosecutors say illegal walls trapped firefighters, causing them to jump to their deaths during a fire....

Morgan Stanley Reaches Deal With Citigroup

January 14, 2009

Citigroup and Morgan Stanley have agreed to combine their brokerages. Morgan Stanley is paying Citigroup $2.7 billion for a 51 percent stake in the joint venture. New York University Stern Professo....

Gov. Corzine Says Global Crisis Hitting NJ

January 14, 2009

Governor Corzine says the global financial crisis is taking a toll on New Jersey. During yesterday's State of the State address, he cited a 40 percent jump in demand at community food banks. He sai....

NYS Affirms "Amazon" Tax

January 13, 2009

A New York state court has affirmed the so-called "Amazon tax" on purchases made over the internet. WNYC's Ilya Marritz has more. REPORTER: New York lawmakers broke new legal ground last year when t....

NJ Governor: More Budget Cuts to Come

January 13, 2009

New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine used his third annual State of the State address to give a spirited pep talk, during what he called the worst national recession since the Great Depression. He says N....

Brooklyn Housing Market Hit

January 13, 2009

Brooklyn's real estate market has taken a beating. A new report from the appraisal firm Miller Samuel shows prices are down and the number of sales are down even more. WNYC's Lisa Chow reports. REP....

Questions for Mrs. Clinton

January 13, 2009

The threats to the world economy that the next Secretary of State could face. ....

The Foreclosure of America

The Leonard Lopate Show

January 14, 2009

Hear an insider's story of how the current mortgage crisis got started. Also: can we prevent an economic mess like the one we're experiencing now from ever happening again? Adam Michaelson is author of The Foreclosure of America.

Running Out

The Brian Lehrer Show

January 13, 2009

Andrew Stettner, deputy director of the National Employment Law Project, talks about the expiration of unemployment insurance for 50,000 New Yorkers who have been on the program since early last year.

Diocese Of Brooklyn May Close 14 Schools

January 13, 2009

At least 14 Catholic elementary schools in Brooklyn and Queens could be closed or combined with other schools. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn is considering the plan to deal with declining en....

Gov. Corzine To Give Optimistic State Of State Address

January 13, 2009

Governor Corzine will give his third annual State of the State address today as New Jersey faces its greatest fiscal crisis in generations. Corzine plans on conveying a sense of optimism. That messa....

Stimulating New York

January 12, 2009

Congressman Charles Rangel met with business and labor leaders in New York City today to answer their questions about the federal stimulus package. The group included CEOs Ken Chenault of American E....

Mayoral Campaigning

January 12, 2009

Congressman Anthony Weiner plans to run for mayor but right now he says it's too early to be campaigning. But that didn't stop him from taking a few digs against the incumbent, Mayor Bloomberg. He ....

Global Money Slump

The Leonard Lopate Show

January 13, 2009

Currencies all over the world are slumping – from the Mexican peso to the Indonesian rupiah. Find out how devalued global currencies are affecting international trade, and what that means for the possibility of recovery. Marc Chandler is global head of currency strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman.

Open Phones: Working For Free

The Brian Lehrer Show

January 13, 2009

Everyone has a reason that they might work for free, but what does it mean to work for no pay during an economic downturn? Are you an intern or volunteer? Are you working for free just to stay in the building? What job are you working for free and what do you tell other people? Call in or comment below!

Recession Puts the Brakes on Upstate Natural Gas Hype

January 12, 2009

One of the nation's biggest natural gas deposits, the Marcellus Shale, runs right through upstate New York. Last year, energy companies paid land owners huge bonuses for the drilling rights. Here's....

Real Estate, Soured

January 09, 2009

Deflation hits Manhattan apartments and an Atlantic Yards developer looks to economize. ....