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Profil anzeigen wnyc (ein Gruppenadministrator) sagt:
08. Sep 08 - Come to some Fall Photo Shows with us on Sept. 20th!

Now that the WNYC Street Shots Challenge is over (and we have our winner, Joe Wigfall), we hope that this group will become a forum for you all to continue practicing and redefining this great art form. Post away! We can't wait to see what you're up to now.

Diskussion ( 46 posts  |  Nur Mitglieder dürfen Posts veröffentlichen. Möchten Sie Mitglied werden? )

Titel Verfasser Antworten Letzter Post
What is your << one >> best NYC street shot? Post here herman melville 56 vor 17 Stunden
Hi from Malaga, Andalucia, Spain and OLÉ !!! Sergio Conde Sánchez 0 vor 18 Stunden
Call for photographers: "moving culture" photo gallery in AURORA The Artzine #2 Aurora Collective - Issue #2 in progress! 0 vor 4 Monaten
Fall Photo Shows wnyc 0 vor 4 Monaten
Your Staycation Album on WNYC wnyc 0 vor 5 Monaten
Show Us Your Summer Staycation Photos wnyc 3 vor 5 Monaten

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Über WNYC's Street Photography Challenge

WNYC Radio's multi-platform series Street Shots explores what it means to be a street photographer in New York City today. The project's homepage (Street Shots) introduces visitors to seven photographers who are practicing and redefining this art form, including Joe Wigfall, the winner of WNYC's Street Shots Challenge. Using Flickr, this project brought together over a thousand New York based photographers to participate in our contest, and to discuss current trends and working methods.

Photo historian and author Luc Sante chose the winner, Joe Wigfall, whose video feature can be found on Street Shots..

On WNYC 93.9FM and AM820, Leonard Lopate dove into the history and aesthetics of the genre with veteran photographer Bruce Davidson, and Brian Lehrer took on the legal, moral and ethical issues of shooting on the streets in discussion with photographer Bruce Gilden who was also profiled on with five other New York-based street photographers. These video profiles have turned up on blogs and photography websites from around the world.

Thank you all for making this possible.

Check to see what we're up to now.

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