Mycorrhiza Literature ExchangeDepartment of Plant Sciences, University of Tennessee
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Mycorrhizal Reviews

Anyone aware of a review not listed here, please send me () the citation and I'll include it. Also, anyone aware of errors in the citations below, please let me know. Thanks.

2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1980's | 1970's


Boomsma CR, Vyn TJ. 2008. Maize drought tolerance: Potential improvements through arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis? FIELD CROPS RESEARCH 108: 14-31
- Abstract    - Article

Coleman DC. 2008. From peds to paradoxes: Linkages between soil biota and their influences on ecological processes. SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY 40: 271-289.
    - Abstract

Liu W, Du LF. 2008. Interactions between Bt transgenic crops and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: a new urgent issue of soil ecology in agroecosystems. ACTA AGRICULTURAE SCANDINAVICA SECTION B-SOIL AND PLANT SCIENCE 58: 187-192.
    - Abstract

Peterson, R. Larry, Cameron Wagg, and Michael Pautler. 2008. Associations between microfungal endophytes and roots: do structural features indicate function? Botany, 86: 445-456.
    - Article

Purin S, Rillig MC. 2008. Parasitism of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: reviewing the evidence. FEMS MICROBIOLOGY LETTERS 279: 8-14.
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Shah MA, Reshi Z. 2008. Arbuscular mycorrhizal biotechnology: approaches, challenges and prospects. In: Biofertilizers. (Ed.) P.C. Trivedi. pp 258-273. Pointer Publishers, Jaipur, India.


Allen MF. 2007. Mycorrhizal fungi: Highways for water and nutrients in arid soils. VADOSE ZONE JOURNAL 6: 291-297.

Brussaard L, de Ruiter P,Brown GG. 2007. Soil biodiversity for agricultural sustainability. AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT 121: 233-244.
   - Abstract

Dearnaley, J.D.W. (2007) Further advances in orchid mycorrhizal research. Mycorrhiza 17:475-486.

Frey-Klett P, Garbaye J, Tarkka M. 2007. The mycorrhiza helper bacteria revisited. NEW PHYTOLOGIST 176: 22-36

Johnson NC, Gehring CA. 2007. Mycorrhizas: symbiotic mediators of rhizosphere and ecosystem processes. In: The Rhizosphere: An Ecological Perspective (Cardon ZG, Whitbeck JL, eds). Academic Press, Amsterdam.

Martin F, Kohler A, Duplessis S. 2007. Living in harmony in the wood underground: ectomycorrhizal genomics
Abstract - Full article (pdf)

Pozo MJ, Azcon-Aguilar C. 2007. Unraveling mycorrhiza-induced resistance. CURRENT OPINION IN PLANT BIOLOGY 10 (4): 393-398.
   - Abstract

Reinhardt D. 2007. Programming good relations - development of the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. CURRENT OPINION IN PLANT BIOLOGY 10: 98-105.

Robertson, S.J., McGill, W.B., Massicotte, H.B., Rutherford, M.P. 2007. Petroleum hydrocarbon contamination in boreal forest soils: a mycorrhizal ecosystems perspective. BIOLOGICAL REVIEWS 82: 213-240.
Abstract    - Full article (pdf)

Steinkellner S, Lendzemo V, Langer I, Schweiger P, Khaosaad T, Toussaint JP, Vierheilig H (2007) Flavonoids and strigolactones in root exudates as signals in symbiotic and pathogenic plant-fungus interactions. Molecules 12: 1290-1306
Full article (pdf)

Treseder KK, Turner KM. 2007. Glomalin in ecosystems. SOIL SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA JOURNAL 71: 1257-1266
   - Abstract


Bucher M. 2006. Functional biology of plant phosphate uptake at root and mycorrhiza interfaces. NEW PHYTOLOGIST 173: 11-26 2007.

Comandini O, Contu M, Rinaldi AC. 2006. An overview of Cistus ectomycorrhizal fungi. Mycorrhiza 16: 381-395.
   - Abstract    - Full article

DOMÍNGUEZ, J.A., SELVA, J., RODRÍGUEZ BARREAL, J.A., SAIZ DE OMEÑACA, 2006. The influence of mycorrhization with Tuber melanosporum in the afforestation of a Mediterranean site with Quercus ilex and Quercus faginea. Forest Ecology and Management 231: 226-233

Gai JP, Christie P, Feng G, Lu XL. 2006. Twenty years of research on community composition and species distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in China: a review. Mycorrhiza 16: 229.239
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Giovannett Mi, Avio L, Fortuna P, Pellegrino E, Sbrana C, Strani P. 2006. At the Root of the Wood Wide Web: Self Recognition and Nonself Incompatibility in Mycorrhizal Networks. Plant Signaling & Behavior 1: 1-5
  - Full article

Gohre V, Paszkowski U. 2006. Contribution of the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis to heavy metal phytoremediation. Planta 223: 1115-1122.
  - Abstract    - Full article

Habte M. 2006. The roles of arbuscular mycorrhizas in plant and soil health. In: Biological Approaches to Sustainable Soil Systems. Eds: Uphoff et al. CRC Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton.

Hobbie, E.A. 2006. Carbon allocation to ectomycorrhizal fungi correlates with total belowground allocation in culture studies. Ecology 87:563-569.
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Khan AG. 2006. Mycorrhizaremediation - an enhanced form of phytoremediation. Journal of Zhejiang Univesity Science B 7: 503-514.
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Paszkowski U. 2006. A journey through signaling in arbuscular mycorrhizal symbioses 2006. NEW PHYTOLOGIST 172 (1): 35-46 2006.
  - Abstract

Rillig MC, Mummery DL. 2006. Mycorrhizas and soil structure. New Phytologist 171: 41-53.
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Schwartz MW, Hoeksema JD, Gehring CA, Johnson NC, Klironomos JN, Abbott LK, Pringle A. 2006. The promise and the potential consequences of the global transport of mycorrhizal fungal inoculum. ECOLOGY LETTERS 9: 501-515.

Wang B, Qiu Y-L. 2006. Phylogenetic distribution and evolution of mycorrhizas in land plants. Mycorrhiza 16(5): 299 - 363.
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Balestrini, R; Bonfante, P. 2005. The interface compartment in arbuscular mycorrhizae: A special type of plant cell wall? PLANT BIOSYSTEMS. 139(1):8-15.

de Boer, W; Folman, LB; Summerbell, RC; Boddy, L. 2005. Living in a fungal world: impact of fungi on soil bacterial niche development. FEMS MICROBIOLOGY REVIEWS. 29: 795-811.
  - Abstract    - Full article

Hause B, Fester T. 2005. Molecular and cell biology of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. Planta 221: 184-196.
  - Abstract    - Full article

Khan AG. 2005. Rote of soil microbes in the rhizospheres of plants growing on trace metal contaminated soils in phytoremediation. JOURNAL OF TRACE ELEMENTS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY 18: 355-364.
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Kytöviita MM. 2005. Asymmetric symbiont adaptation to Arctic conditions could explain why high Arctic plants are non-mycorrhizal. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 53: 27-32.
  - Abstract    - Full article

Shah MA Reshi Z. 2005. Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis: need for an eco-centric approach. Applied Botany Abstracts 25: 232-240.

Vierheilig H, Schweiger P, Brundrett M (2005) An overview of methods for the detection and observation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in roots. Physiol Plantarum 125: 393-404.
  - Abstract    - Full article

Vierheilig H, Bago B (2005) Host and non-host impact on the physiology of the symbiosis. In: Root-Organ Cultures of Mycorrhizal Fungi, Eds. Declerck S, Strullu S, Fortin A. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, p.139-158.

WOLFE BE, KLIRONOMOS JN. 2005. Breaking New Ground: Soil Communities and Exotic Plant Invasion. BioScience 55: 477-487.
  - Abstract


Augé RM. 2004. Arbuscular mycorrhizae and soil/plant water relations. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 84: 373-381.
- Abstract   Full article

Bécard G, Kosuta S, Tamasloukht M, Séjalon-Delmas N, Roux C. 2004. Partner communication in the arbuscular mycorrhizal interaction. Canadian Journal of Botany 82: 1186-1197

Bestel-Corre G, Dumas-Gaudot E, Gianinazzi S. 2004. Proteomics as a tool to monitor plant-microbe endosymbioses in the rhizosphere. Mycorrhiza 14: 1 - 10.
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Brundrett, M. 2004. Diversity and classification of mycorrhizal associations. Biological Reviews 78:473-495.
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Bruns TD, Shefferson RP. 2004. Evolutionary studies of ectomycorrhizal fungi: recent advances and future directions. Canadian Journal of Botany 82: 1122-1132

Egger KN, Hibbett DS. 2004. The evolutionary implications of exploitation in mycorrhizas. Canadian Journal of Botany 82: 1110-1121
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Feeney DS, Daniell T, Hallett PD, Illian J, Ritz K, Young IM. 2004. Does the presence of glomalin relate to reduced water infiltration through hydrophobicity? Canadian Journal of Soil Science 84: 365-372

Fitter AH, A. Heinemeyer A, Husband R, Olsen E, Ridgway KP, Staddon PL. 2004. Global environmental change and the biology of arbuscular mycorrhizas: gaps and challenges. Canadian Journal of Botany 82: 1133-1139

Gianinazzi S, Vosátka M. 2004. Inoculum of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi for production systems: science meets business. Canadian Journal of Botany 82: 1264-1271

Gianinazzi-Pearson V, Brechenmacher L. 2004. Functional genomics of arbuscular mycorrhiza: decoding the symbiotic cell programme. Canadian Journal of Botany 82: 1228-1234

Hamel C. 2004. Impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on N and P cycling in the root zone. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 84: 383-395

Hoffland, E; Kuyper, TW; Wallander H; Plassard, C; Gorbushina, AA; Haselwandter, K; Holmström, S, Landeweert, R: Lundström US; Rosling, A; Sen, R; Smits, MM; van Hees, PAW; van Breemen N. 2004. The role of fungi in weathering. FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT. 2(5): 258-264.
  - Full article

Johansson, J.F., Paul, L.R., and Finlay, R.D.  2004.  Microbial interactions in the mycorrhizosphere and their significance to sustainable agriculture. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 48:1-13

Jonathan Leake, David Johnson, Damian Donnelly, Gemma Muckle, Lynne Boddy, and David Read. 2004. Networks of power and influence: the role of mycorrhizal mycelium in controlling plant communities and agroecosystem functioning. Canadian Journal of Botany 82: 1016-1045.

Jones MD, Smith SE. 2004. Exploring functional definitions of mycorrhizas: Are mycorrhizas always mutualisms? Canadian Journal of Botany 82: 1089-1109

Juniper S, Abbott LK. 2004. A change in the concentration of NaCl in soil alters the rate of hyphal extension of some arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Canadian Journal of Botany 82: 1235-1242

Koide RT, Mosse B. 2004. A history of research on arbuscular mycorrhiza. Mycorrhiza 14: 145-163.
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Liu J, Blaylock LA, Harrison MJ. 2004. cDNA arrays as a tool to identify mycorrhiza-regulated genes: identification of mycorrhiza-induced genes that encode or generate signaling molecules implicated in the control of root growth. Canadian Journal of Botany 82: 1177-1185

Muthukumar T, Udaiyan K, Shanmughave P. 2004. Mycorrhiza in sedges-an overview. Mycorrhiza 14: 65-77.
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Peterson RL, Massicotte HB. 2004. Exploring structural definitions of mycorrhizas, with emphasis on nutrient-exchange interfaces. Canadian Journal of Botany 82: 1074-1088

Read DJ, Leake JR, Perez-Moreno J. 2004. Mycorrhizal fungi as drivers of ecosystem processes in heathland and boreal forest biomes. Canadian Journal of Botany 82: 1243-1263

Rillig MC. 2004. Arbuscular mycorrhizae, glomalin, and soil aggregation. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 84: 355-363

Sapp J. 2004. The dynamics of symbiosis: an historical overview. Canadian Journal of Botany 82: 1046-1056.

Sanders IR. 2004. Intraspecific genetic variation in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and its consequences for molecular biology, ecology, and development of inoculum. Canadian Journal of Botany 82: 1057-1062.

Simard SW, Durall DM. 2004. Mycorrhizal networks: a review of their extent, function, and importance. Canadian Journal of Botany 82: 1140-1165

Vierheilig H. 2004. Regulatory mechanisms during the plant-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus interaction. Canadian Journal of Botany 82: 1166-1176

Whipps JM. 2004. Prospects and limitations for mycorrhizas in biocontrol of root pathogens. Canadian Journal of Botany 82: 1198-1227

Yun W, Hall IR. 2004. Edible ectomycorrhizal mushrooms: challenges and achievements. Canadian Journal of Botany 82: 1063-1073


Allen MF, Swenson W, Querejeta JI, Egerton-Warburton L, and Treseder KK. 2003. Ecology of mycorrhizae: a conceptual framework for complex interactions among plants and fungi. Annual Review of Phytopathology 41: 271-303.

Hart, M., Reader, R.J., & Klironomos, J.N. 2003. Plant coexistence mediated by arbuscular
6 mycorrhizal fungi. TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution 18: 418-423.

He XH, Critchley C, Bledsoe CS. 2003 Nitrogen transfer within and between plants through common mycorrhizal networks (CMNs). Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 22: 531-567.

Jeffries P, Gianinazzi S, Perotto S, Turnau K, Barea JM. 2003. The contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in sustainable maintenance of plant health and soil fertility. BIOL FERT SOILS 37: 1-16.

Ruiz-Lozano, JM. 2003. Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis and alleviation of osmotic stress. New perspectives for molecular studies. Mycorrhiza 13: 309-317.
Full article

Takacs T, Voros I. 2003. Role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the water and nutrient supplies of the host plant. NOVENYTERMELES 52: 583-593.
  - Abstract

Tawaraya K. 2003. Arbuscular mycorrhizal dependency of different plant species and cultivars. Soil Sci Plant Nutri 49: 655-668.


Atkinson D, Baddeley J, Goicoechea N, Green J, Sanchez-Diaz M, Watson CA (2002) Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in low input agriculture. In: Gianinazzi S, Schüepp H, Barea JM, Haselwandter K (eds) Mycorrhiza technology in agriculture: from genes to bioproducts. Birkhäuser, Basel, Switzerland

Brundrett MC. 2002.Coevolution of roots and mycorrhizas of land plants. New Phytologist 154: 275-304.
Full article

Fortin JA, Bécard G, Declerck S, Dalpé Y, St-Arnaud M, Coughlan AP, Piché Y. 2002. Arbuscular mycorrhiza on root-organ cultures. Can. J. Bot. 80(1): 1-20.
  - Full article

Lum MR, Hirsch AM. 2002. Roots and their symbiotic microbes: Strategies to obtain nitrogen and phosphorus in a nutrient-limiting environment. J PLANT GROWTH REGUL 21: 368-382.
  - Abstract

Vierheilig H, Piché Y. 2002. Signalling in arbuscular mycorrhiza: Facts and hypotheses, In: Flavonoids in Cell Functions, Eds. Buslig B, and Manthey J; Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York; p.23-39. ISBN 0-306-47254-6
    - Abstract


Augé RM. 2001. Water relations, drought and VA mycorrhizal symbiosis. Mycorrhiza 11: 3-42.
    - Abstract   Full article

Dahlberg A. 2001. Community ecology of ectomycorrhizal fungi: an advancing interdisciplinary field. New Phytologist 150: 555-562.

Franken O, Requena N. 2001. Analysis of gene expression in arbuscular mycorrhizas: new approaches and challenges. New Phytologist 150: 517-523.

Gadkar V, David-Schwartz R, Kunik T, Kapulnik Y. 2001. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Colonization. Factors Involved in Host Recognition. Plant Physiology 127: 1493-1499.
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Gianinazzi-Pearson V, Tuinen D van, Dumas-Gaudot E, Dulieu H (2001) Exploring the genome of glomalean fungi. In: Hock B (ed) The Mycota IX. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp 1-17.

Jeffries P, Barea JM (2001) Arbuscular mycorrhiza: a key component of sustainable plant-soil ecosystems. In: Hock B (ed) The Mycota. Vol IX: fungal associations, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp 95-113.

Kothamasi D, Kuhad RC, Babu CR. 2001. Arbuscular mycorrhiza in plant survival strategies. Tropical Ecology 42:1-14.

Landeweert R; Hoffland E; Finlay RD; Kuyper TW; van Breemen N. 2001. Linking plants to rocks: ectomycorrhizal fungi mobilize nutrients from minerals. TRENDS IN ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION. 16(5):248-254.

Marsh JF, Schultze M. 2001. Analysis of arbuscular mycorrhizas using symbiosis-defective plant mutants. New Phytologist 150: 525-532.

Nehls U, Mikolajewski s, Magel E, Hampp R. 2001. Carbohydrate metabolism in ectomycorrhizas: gene expression, monosaccharide transport and metabolic control. New Phytologist 150: 533-541.

Pfeffer PE, Bago B, Shachar-Hill Y. 2001. Exploring mycorrhizal function with NMR spectroscopy. New Phytologist 150: 543-553.

Schüßler A, Kluge M. 2001. Geosiphon pyriforme, an endocytosymbiosis between fungus and cyanobacteria, and its meaning as a model system for arbuscular mycorrhizal research. The Mycota IX, Hock B (ed), Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp. 151-161.

Schüßler A, Schwarzott D, Walker C. 2001. A new fungal phylum, the Glomeromycota: evolution and phylogeny. Mycological Research 105, 1413-1421.


Augé RM. 2000. Stomatal behavior of arbuscular mycorrhizal plants, pp. 201-238. In: Arbuscular mycorrhizas: physiology and function. Eds: Y Kapulnick and DD Douds Jr. Kluwer Academic Press.

Bago B, Concepcion A-A, Shachar-Hill Y, Pfeffer PE. 2000. The extraradical Mycelium of arbuscular mycorrhizae as a symbiotic link between the root and its environment. In: Investigación de la Simbiosis Micorrícica en México. Eds: R Ferrera-Cerrato, A Alarcón. Colegio de Postgraduados, México

Bago B, Pfeffer PE, Shachar-Hill Y. 2000. Carbon transport and metabolism in arbuscular mycorrhiza. Plant Physiology 124: 949-957.
    - Abstract

Barea JM (2000) Rhizosphere and mycorrhiza of field crops. In: Toutant JP, Balazs E, Galante E, Lynch JM, Schepers JS, Werner D, Werry PA (eds) Biological resource management: connecting science and policy. (OECD) INRA Editions and Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp 110-12

Barker SJ, Tagu D. 2000. The roles of auxins and cytokinins in mycorrhizal symbioses. J. Plant Growth Regulation 19: 144-154.

Buscot F, Munch JC, Charcosset JY, Gardes M, Nehls U, Hampp R. 2000. Recent advances in exploring physiology and biodiversity of ectomycorrhizas highlight the functioning of these symbioses in ecosystems. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 24: 601-614.

Cairney JWG. 2000. Evolution of mycorrhiza systems. NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN 87: 467-475.
    - Abstract

Douds DD, Pfeffer PE, Shachar-Hill Y. 2000. Application of in vitro methods to study carbon uptake and transport by AM fungi Plant Soil 226: (2) 255-261.

Douds DD, Pfeffer PE, Shachar-Hill Y. 2000. Carbon Partitioning, cost and metabolism of arbuscular mycorrhizae, pp. 107-130. In: Arbuscular mycorrhizas: physiology and function. Eds: Y Kapulnick and DD Douds Jr. Kluwer Academic Press.
    - Abstract

Dumas-Gaudot E, Gollotte A, Cordier C, Gianinazzi S, Gianinazzi-Pearson V. 2000. Modulation of host defence systems, pp. 173-200. In: Arbuscular mycorrhizas: physiology and function. Eds: Y Kapulnick and DD Douds Jr. Kluwer Academic Press.
    - Abstract

George E. 2000. Nutrient uptake, pp. 307-344. In: Arbuscular mycorrhizas: physiology and function. Eds: Y Kapulnick and DD Douds Jr. Kluwer Academic Press.
    - Abstract

Giovannetti M. 2000. Spore germination and pre-symbiotic mycelial growth, pp. 47-68. In: Arbuscular mycorrhizas: physiology and function. Eds: Y Kapulnick and DD Douds Jr. Kluwer Academic Press.
    - Abstract

Gloud AB. 2000. Mycorrhizal endosymbiosis. In: Microbial Endophytes (CW Bacon, JE White Jr, eds.), ISBN 0-8247-8831-1.

Gryndler M. 2000. Interactions of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi with other soil organisms, pp. 239-262. In: Arbuscular mycorrhizas: physiology and function. Eds: Y Kapulnick and DD Douds Jr. Kluwer Academic Press.
    - Abstract

Herman P. 2000. Biodiversity of evolution in mycorrhizae of the desert. In: Microbial Endophytes (CW Bacon, JE White Jr, eds.), ISBN 0-8247-8831-1.

Khan AG, Kuek C, Chaudhry TM, Khoo CS and Hayes WJ. 2000. Role of plants, mycorrhizae and phytochelators in heavy metal contaminated land remediation. Chemosphere 41: 197-207.

Koide RT. 2000. Mycorrhizal Symbiosis and Plant Reproduction, pp. 19-46. In: Arbuscular mycorrhizas: physiology and function. Eds: Y Kapulnick and DD Douds Jr. Kluwer Academic Press.
    - Abstract

Lapopin L, Franken P. 2000. Modification of plant gene expression, pp. 69-84. In: Arbuscular mycorrhizas: physiology and function. Eds: Y Kapulnick and DD Douds Jr. Kluwer Academic Press.
    - Abstract

Linderman RG. 2000. Effects of mycorrhizas on plant tolerance to diseases, pp. 345-366. In: Arbuscular mycorrhizas: physiology and function. Eds: Y Kapulnick and DD Douds Jr. Kluwer Academic Press.
    - Abstract

Ludwig-Müller J. 2000. Hormonal balance in plants during colonization by mycorrhizal fungi, pp. 263-286. In: Arbuscular mycorrhizas: physiology and function. Eds: Y Kapulnick and DD Douds Jr. Kluwer Academic Press.
    - Abstract

Miller RM, Jastrow JD. 2000. Mycorrhizal fungi influence soil structure, pp 3-18. In: Arbuscular mycorrhizas: physiology and function. Eds: Y Kapulnick and DD Douds Jr. Kluwer Academic Press.
    - Abstract

Morton JB. 2000. Evolution of endophytism in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi of the Glomales. In: Microbial Endophytes (CW Bacon, JE White Jr, eds.), ISBN 0-8247-8831-1.

Nagahashi G. 2000. In Vitro and in situ techniques to examine the role of roots and root exudates during am fungus-host interaction. pp. 287-306. In: Arbuscular mycorrhizas: physiology and function. Eds: Y Kapulnick and DD Douds Jr. Kluwer Academic Press.
    - Abstract

Parke JL, Kaeppler SW. 2000. Effects of genetic differences among crop species and cultivars upon the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis, pp. 131-146. In: Arbuscular mycorrhizas: physiology and function. Eds: Y Kapulnick and DD Douds Jr. Kluwer Academic Press.
    - Abstract

Peterson RL, Guinel FC. 2000. The use of plant mutants to study regulation of colonization by AM fungi, pp. 147-172. In: Arbuscular mycorrhizas: physiology and function. Eds: Y Kapulnick and DD Douds Jr. Kluwer Academic Press.
    - Abstract

Saito M. 2000. Symbiotic exchange of nutrients in arbuscular mycorrhizas: transport and transfer of phosphorus, pp. 85-106. In: Arbuscular mycorrhizas: physiology and function. Eds: Y Kapulnick and DD Douds Jr. Kluwer Academic Press.
    - Abstract


Cairney JWG, Meharg AA. 1999. Influences of anthropogenic pollution on mycorrhizal fungal communities. Environmental Pollution 106: 169-182.

Harrison MJ. 1999. Molecular and cellular aspects of the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis.   Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Molec. Biol. 50: 361-389.

Hoeksema JD. 1999. Investigating the disparity in host specificity between AM and EM fungi: lessons from theory and better-studies systems. Oikos 84(2):327-332
    - Abstract

Rillig MC, Allen MF. 1999. What is the role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in plant-to-ecosystem responses to Elevated atmospheric CO2?   Mycorrhiza 9(1): 1-8
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Barker SJ, Tagu D, Delp G. 1998. Regulation of root and fungal morphogenesis in mycorrhizal symbioses. Plant Physiol. 1998 116: 1201-1207.

Cairney JWG, Burke RM. 1998. Do ecto- and ericoid mycorrhizal fungi produce peroxidase activity? Mycorrhiza 8(2): 61-65.

Chaudhry, TM, Hayes WJ, Khan AG and Khoo CS (1998). Phytoremediation - Focusing on accumulator plants that remediate metal contaminated soil. Australian Journal of Ecotoxicology 4: 37-51.

Giovannetti M, Sbrana C. 1998. Meeting a non-host: the behaviour of AM fungi.   Mycorrhiza 8(3): 123-130.
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Hirsch, A.M. and Kapulnik, Y. 1998. Signal transduction pathways in mycorrhizal associations: Comparisons with the Rhizobium-legume symbiosis. Fungal Genet. Biol. 23: 205-212.

Lanfranco L, Perotto S, Bonfante P (1998) PCR-based techniques for the study of biodiversity in mycorrhizal fungi. In: Bridge W, Aurora DK, Reddy CA, Elander RP (eds) Applications of PCR in mycology. CAB International, Wallingford, UK, pp 107-124.

Selosse M-A, Le Tacon F. 1998. The land flora: a phototroph-fungus partnership? Tree 13(1): 15-20.

Smith, S.E., Rosewarne, G., Ayling, S.M., Dickson, S., Schachtman, D.P., Barker, S.J., Reid, R.J. and Smith, F.A. (1998) Phosphate transfer between visicular - arbuscular (VA) mycorrhizal symb.: insights from confocal microscopy, mycrophysiology and molecular studies. In: J.P. Lynch and J. Dukman (eds), Phosphous in Plant Biology. Regulatory roles in Molecular, Cellular, organismic and Ecosystem Processes.

St. John, T. V. In press. Chapter 8. The role of mycorrhiza in regeneration of native vegetation. Edited by B. G. Bowes. A color atlas of plant propagation and conservation. Manson Publishing, London.

Staddon PL, Fitter AH. 1998. Does elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide affect arbuscular mycorrhizas? Tree 13(11): 455-458.

Vierheilig H, Bago B, Albrecht C, Poulin MJ, Piché Y. 1998. Flavonoids and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi In: Flavonoids in the Living System; Eds. Manthey J, Buslig B. Plenum Press, New York; p. 9-33.

Wallenda T, Kottke I. 1998. Nitrogen deposition and ectomycorrhizas. New Phytologist 139:169-187


Barea JM (1997) Mycorrhiza/bacteria interactions on plant growth promotion. In: Ogoshi A, Kobayashi L, Homma Y, Kodama F, Kondon N, Akino S (eds) Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria, present status and future prospects. OECD, Paris, pp 150-158

Cairney JWG, Chambers SM. 1997. Interactions between Pisolithus tinctorius and its hosts: a review of current knowledge. Mycorrhiza 7(3): 117-131.

Dubey RC, Ginwal HS, Dubey RC. 1997. Prospects of mycorrhizal fungi in the Himalaya: forms, function and management. In: Himalayan microbial diversity. Part 2; Sati SC, Saxena J (eds). pp 317-338, Today and Tomorrow's Printers & Publishers, New Delhi, India
    - Abstract

Harrison MJ. 1997. The arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. In: Plant-Microbe Interactions. G Stacey, NT Keen, eds. 3: 1-34 Chapman and Hall, New York.

Haselwandter K (1997) Soil micro-organisms, mycorrhiza, and restoration ecology. In: Urbaska K, Webb NR, Edwards PJ (eds) Restoration ecology and sustainable development. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp 65-80

Johnson NC, Graham JH, Smith FA. 1997. Functioning of mycorrhizal associations along the mutualism-parasitism continuum. New Phytologist 135: 575-586.
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