USDA Forest Service

San Bernardino National Forest   Espanol / Spanish Francais / French Deutsch / German Espanol / Spanish Italiano / Italian Portugese / Portugese Nihon / Japanese Korean


Fee Areas
High Impact Recreation Areas
Designated Recreation Sites
Recreation Area Maps

National Recreation
Fee Program

National Forests
Los Padres
San Bernardino

Evaluate Our Service

San Bernardino National Forest
Pass Program Headquarters
602 S. Tippecanoe Avenue
San Bernardino, CA

Take Pride in America

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

National Forest Adventure Pass

Why Do We Need a Fee Program?

During the early 1990’s appropriated funding of Forest Service recreation and resource programs began a dramatic decline. As Congress and the Administrations worked to resolve annual budget deficits and a mounting national debt, domestic programs came under increasing pressure. The graph below depicts the decline in Recreation appropriation for the San Bernardino National Forest from fiscal years 1991-2001.

San Bernardino National Forest Recreation Budget 1991-2001
[Graph]: Comparision of appropriations and recreation fee revenues

The gray part of the graph columns represent appropriations. The black part is the recreation fee revenues. As of 2001, appropriations were still far below where they were in the early 1990’s. Revenues from the Recreation fee program have helped forests keep most recreation opportunities available while providing the most critical recreation services.

Congress’ central objective in creating the 1996 law was to test the feasibility of charging fees for recreation use. A key part of the Recreation Fee Demonstration is the authority for local projects to retain 80% of the revenues. This was a welcome development for the four Southern California National Forests whose appropriated recreation "operation and maintenance" funding could not keep pace with demands.


US Forest Service - National Forest Adventure Pass
Last Modified: Monday, 20 October 2008 at 16:57:51 EDT

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