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Seed Statistics


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Related Sites

Agribusiness Online

  • Trade statistics from a small range of commodities and countries.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), United Nations

  • Includes international statistics concerning production, trade, food balance sheets, fertilizers and pesticides, land use and irrigation, and food aid shipments. Click on the link for statistical databases, then agriculture. FAOSTAT does not cover all types of seeds, nor does it divide seed into separate categories. This database is more useful for general agricultural statistics.
  • From the FAO homepage, Food Outlook provides a global perspective on the production, stocks and trade of cereals and other basic food commodities.
  • Food Crops and Shortages report contains country-by-country summaries of the production, trade, stocks and consumption of food commodities as well as food aid requirements, pledges, and actual deliveries when appropriate.

Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS),
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

  • Good source for international agriculture information. For commodity specific information, go to and click on Commodity Pages. From there, Seeds or U.S. Planting Seed Trade may be specified. This is probably the most complete and accurate source of data on U.S. seed exports and imports.

National Agriculture Statistics Service (NASS)

  • Data and graphs on domestic crop production. There is also a search engine that searches three NASS databases for any reports containing the "key" words.
  • From the NASS homepage, the census of agriculture is accessible, but does not include much seed-specific information.

World Seed Federation (FIS/ASSINSEL)

  • For limited data on worldwide seed production click on statistics. Includes a chart on genetically modified crop acreage for selected crops.
  • This site also has information on the worldwide seed industry and links to other seed-related international organizations.


Other Information

Farm Service Agency (FSA), Commodity Operations Office, USDA

  • Information on government commodity purchases, sales, notices, invitations, and awards.

Office of Foreign Assets Control

  • Monitors government trade sanctions.


  • Lists suppliers of specific seed varieties and posts trade leads.



spacer Market ChoicesSeed Quality Management ISF World Seed Congress 200948th Vegetable & Flower Seed Conference 126th Annual Convention 
225 reinekers lane, suite 650, alexandria va, 22314-2875 703-837-8140 fax 703-837-9365