Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC)


What can I do to preserve this Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC)?

  • Stay on the designated trail. Staying on the trails prevents excess erosion and unnecessary vegetation disturbance.
  • The interior valleys, or "bowls," of the Table Rocks are not open to public use. Please refrain from venturing into the interior valleys.
  • Do not pick flowers. A picked flower cannot reproduce and provide future generations. Please enjoy their beauty and charm in place.
  • Avoid walking in or near vernal pools. The soft soil near the pools is home to many fragile and endangered species and is especially sensitive to disturbance.
  • Do not disturb markers. Vegetation, wildlife, and scientific study plot markers are in place for a reason.
  • Dogs are not allowed in order to prevent disturbing ground nesting birds and other animals.
  • The Table Rocks are for hiking only. Horses, bikes, and other vehicles encourage trail erosion, increase the spread of nonnative plants, and can lead to unsafe interactions with pedestrians.