Weed Information

Weed Information

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Biodiversity | Weed control | Physical control | Chemical control | Biological control | How long to control? | Successful biocontrol | 'Useful' weeds | Finding biocontrol agents | Biocontrol agents in NZ | After control

What happens when a weed is controlled?

  • Hopefully, native plants grow back!
  • However, if weeds are removed too quickly (e.g. hand-pulled), new weeds (called replacement weeds) can take advantage of the empty space and move in before native plants get a chance to grow.
  • Once weeds are removed, it is important to come back and check the site to make sure new weeds haven't taken over or the old weed has grown back.
  • Sometimes we should give the native bush a helping hand by replanting the area with native plants. This can also help to make sure there are no problems with soil erosion and that wildlife in the area still have shelter and food available once the weedy plants are removed.

back Biodiversity | Weed control | Physical control | Chemical control | Biological control | How long to control? | Successful biocontrol | 'Useful' weeds | Finding biocontrol agents | Biocontrol agents in NZ | After control 

Weeds in New Zealand