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 Putting the Gardens Back in the Garden City

Recipes for CSA Vegetables

Bok Choy
Chinese Cabbage

Beans - Green Wash, remove ends & strings. Cook whole, in 1 inch pieces or slit lengthwise. Cover in small amount of boiling water. 20–30 minutes
Beets Cut off all but 1 inch of stem & root. Wash & scrub, but do not pare.

Or pare and slice or cube.
Cook covered in boiling water. Peel when done. 35-60 minutes

15-20 minutes
Beet Greens Wash thoroughly. Don’t cut off tiny beets. Salt lightly; cook only with water clinging to leaves. Cover, turn often with a fork. 5–15 minutes
Broccoli Remove outer leaves and tough part of stalk. Cut in

1 inch pieces
Cook stalk pieces in boiling water for 5-8 minutes. Then add florets. 10-15 minutes total.
Brussels Sprouts Wash and remove dried leaves. Add 2 T water and ½ tsp salt, if desired to 1 qt dish. Add sprouts. Microwave or boil. Rotate or stir during cooking. Rest covered and season. 6-7 minutes per pound.


Cabbage Remove outer wilted leaves. Cut in 6 or 8 wedges. Cook in small amount of boiling water or liquid from corned beef or ham. 10-12 minutes

12-15 minutes
Carrots Wash and pare or scrape. Leave whole, slice or cut in quarters Cook covered in small amount of boiling water. Whole 20-25 minutes

Cut up 15-20 minutes
Cauliflower Remove leaves and some of the woody stem. Leave whole or separate into florets. Cook covered in small amount of boiling water Whole 20-25 minutes

Florets 10-15 minutes
Chard Wash thoroughly; in not young, cut midribs from leaves. Cook covered in very small amount of water.

If not young, cook midribs 10-15 minutes; then leaves

Microwave: 4 cups = 1 pound. Do not add water.
10-20 minutes

15-25 minutes total

6-7 minutes per pound.
Corn Remove husks and silk. Rinse and cook whole.

Or cut off tips with a sharp knife and use a dull knife to scrape the cob.
Cook covered in boiling water.

Cook in small amount of boiling water or in milk and butter.
6-8 minutes

5-8 minutes


Leeks Cut off green tops to within 2 inches of white part. Wash. Cook covered in small amount of water. 15-20 minutes
Onions Peel under water. Quarter or leave small onions whole Cook covered in small amount of water. 25-35 minutes
Peas, green Shell and wash Cook covered in small amount of water. 15-20 minutes



2 medium = 1 pound
Scrub thoroughly. Cook with skins on or wash and pare thinly. Cook whole, quartered or cubed.

Scrub; pare narrow strip from center of each or scrape.

Scrub; cut off woody portions. Cook in jackets
Whole - Cook covered in small amount of water.

Cut up - Cook covered in small amount of water. Drain at once.

Cook covered in small amount of water.

Cook covered in small amount of water.
Whole – 25-40 min

Quartered 20-25 min

Cubed 10-15 minutes

Tiny 15-20 minutes

30-40 minutes


Spinach Cut off roots; wash several times in lukewarm water, lifting out of water each time Cook covered without water, except drops clinging to leaves. Reduce heat when steam forms. Turn often with fork. 3-5 minutes
Squash- Winter


Wash. Cut in half; remove seeds.

Cut in half or cube

Wash; cut in serving pieces; do not pare; or pare and cube
Bake cut side down at 350* for 35-40 minutes. Turn cut side up; bake till done

Cook cubes squash in small amount of water.

Season and dot with butter . Cover with foil Bake at 350*

Cubed: cook in small amount of water
50-60 minutes total

15 minutes

1 ¼ hours

15 minutes
Squash – Summer

Wash; pare and slice

Wash; do not pare and slice thin.
Cook in small amount of water.

Season and cook in covered buttered skillet 5 minutes. Uncover and cook turning slices till tender.
15-20 minutes

About 10 minutes total
Tomatoes Wash ripe tomatoes. Plunge in boiling water, and then cool under cold water. Peel; cut out stems. Cut up or cook whole Cook slowly, covered without adding water. Season with salt, pepper, sugar and a little minced onion 10-15 minutes



¾ C extra virgin olive oil ¼ tsp salt
1 garlic clove 1/3 C freshly grated Parmesan|
1 T pine nuts or walnut pieces 4 C fresh basil leaves|

Place all ingredients except basil in blender or food processor. Blend until smooth, then add basil, a handful at a time. Until all the basil is incorporated and pesto is somewhat smooth. Makes 1 Cup.

Variations: substitute cilantro for basil and add a little lemon or lime juice.

Substitute tarragon for basil

Substitute 1 cup rosemary and 2 cups parsley for basil
Substitute mint for basil

Suggested Use:
Mix with hot or cold pasta, rice or other grains
Use as a sauce for fish, chicken or pork
Top a baked potato or fill an omelet
Use to flavor pizza or tomato sauce, dressings or yogurt.
Can be frozen in an ice cube tray and added to dishes you are preparing for seasoning

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3 cups = 1 pound

Microwave Beans – Green or Wax
Wash thoroughly. Add ¼ C water to 1 ½ qt baking dish. Salt if desired and add beans to dish. Cook, covered, 6-7 minutes per pound stirring half way through cooking time. Rest, covered 5 minutes before serving. Add desired seasonings.

Herbed Green Beans
Cook 1-pound fresh green beans (cut in 1-inch lengths =4 cups) in a small amount of boiling water for 10 minutes .Drain. Stir in 2-3 Tbl butter or margarine, ½ C chopped onion, ¼ C chopped celery, 1 clove garlic, minced, ¼ tsp dried rosemary, crushed, and ¼ tsp dried basil, crushed. Cover; cook 10 minutes over low heat until tender.
Season to taste with salt. Serves 6-8.

Dilly Beans
1 ½ C water ¼ tsp red pepper flakes
2 C green beans 1/3 C cider vinegar
2 Tbl chopped fresh dill ½ tsp sugar or honey
2 large garlic cloves, pressed 1 tsp vegetable oil (optional)
Bring water to a boil. Add beans; cook 3-5 minutes. Drain while beans are still bright green and just tender. Stir dill into warm beans. Combine garlic, red pepper flakes, vinegar, sugar or honey in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Simmer 2 minutes. Pour dressing over beans and mix well. Serve hot or chill 20 minutes. Serves 4-6

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Microwave Beets
Clean 4 medium whole beets. Place in 2 qt glass dish. Cover with water and cook, covered 15-17 minutes, stirring half way through. Rest, covered, 5 minutes. Season if desired. Cooking time can be reduced if boiling water is used.

Moen Creek Pickled Beets
4 pounds beets
1 tsp whole allspice
3 C thinly sliced onion
1 tsp whole cloves
2-½ C cider vinegar
3 sticks cinnamon, broken
1 ½ C sugar
1 tsp salt
1 Tbl mustard seed

Scrub beets with vegetable brush and trim tops, leaving 2 inches of stems and roots. (Young tops can be added as greens to salad or steamed as a vegetable) Cover with boiling water and cook until tender. Lift out beets and drain. Peel and remove stem; quarter any beets larger than a golf ball; set aside.

Combine remaining ingredients with 1 ½ C water in a large pot. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 5 minutes. Add beets; heat through. Remove cinnamon sticks. Chill in juice. These can keep in your refrigerator for several weeks, but will probably be eaten long before that!

Teriyaki Beets
12 small unpeeled beets
1 Tbl minced fresh ginger
4 Tbl butter
1 Tbl soy sauce
2 Tbl honey

Boil or steam beets until almost tender. Rinse in cold water

Beet Chocolate Cake
2 C sugar
¼ C oil
2 C flour
3-4 ounces unsweetened chocolate
½ tsp salt
4 eggs
2 tsp baking powder
3 C shredded beets
1 tsp baking soda

Combine dry ingredients. Sift or mix well together. Melt chocolate very slowly over low heat or in a double boiler. Allow chocolate to cool then blend thoroughly with eggs and oil. Combine flour mixture with chocolate mixture, alternating with the beets. Pour into 2 greased 9-inch cake pans. ]

Bake at 325* for 40-50 minutes, or until a fork can be removed from the center cleanly. Serves10

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Bok Choy

1 large bok choy = 2 pounds

Bok Choy and Ham Gratin
2 pounds bok choy, washed and cut into 3 inch lengths
2T flour
1 ½ T vegetable oil, divided
1 ½ C milk
1 small onion, thinly sliced
½ C grated Swiss cheese
1 minced shallot or green onion
¼ tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper
2 ounces lean ham, julienned (matchsticks)
1/8 tsp nutmeg
1 T minced chives

Grate or finely chop bok choy. Heat 1 T oil over medium high heat in a large heavy skillet. Add onion and shallot; cook, stirring frequently, until translucent, 3-5 minutes. Add bok choy, salt and pepper; cook until bok choy stems are slightly limp, 4-5 minutes. Remove skillet from heat, drain off excess liquid; set aside. Heat broiler. Whisk flour and reaming ½ T oil in small bowl to form a paste. Heat milk in small saucepan over medium heat until surface barely trembles. Whisk flour paste into milk until smooth. Whisk in cheese and nutmeg, then stir in ¾ of ham. Fold cheese sauce into bok choy mixture; pour into shallow baking dish. Scatter remaining ham over surface. Broil until browned, 2-3 minutes. Sprinkle with chives; serve immediately. Eight servings.

Emerald Souffle
1 pound bok choy
½ tsp salt or herbal salt substitute
2 T butter
pinch of black pepper
2 T whole wheat flour
pinch of mace
1 C evaporated milk or soy milk
3 large egg whites
3 eggs
6 sprigs of fresh parsley or chervil
½ C shredded cheddar cheese

Preheat over to 350 degrees. Grease an 8 –inch soufflé dish. Steam bok choy until very tender, 8-10 minutes. Drain and chop in food processor. Set aside. Melt butter in medium saucepan over low heat. Add flour and cook 1 minute, stirring constantly. Whisk in milk and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Remove from heat; stir in bok choy, 3 eggs, salt, pepper, and mace. Set aside. Whisk egg whites until soft peaks form; gently fold in boy choy mixture. Pour into soufflé dish; smooth surface. Bake until golden brown, about 45 minutes. Garnish with parsley or chervil and serve immediately. Two servings.

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1 small bunch = 1 pound

Microwave Broccoli
Wash stalks and split to uniform size. Stem can be peeled if outside is tough. Add ¼ C water and ½ tsp salt, if desired to 2 qt glass dish. Arrange broccoli with stems along the outside of the dish. Cover and cook 6-7 minutes per pound, rotating dish every 1½ minutes. Rest covered for 5 minutes and season as desired.

Pasta with Broccoli Florets
Florets cut from one stalk of broccoli 1 garlic clove, minced
½ pound of pasta
½ pound mushrooms
2 Tbl olive oil (whole, sliced or halved)
2 Tbl butter
¼ C grated Parmesan cheese
Cook broccoli florets in boiling water 2-3 minutes. Remove with slotted spoon. Cook pasta in same water (or use fresh).

Meanwhile heat olive oil and butter in skillet. Sauté garlic and mushrooms 3-4 minutes. Stir in Broccoli. Drain pasta. Toss with broccoli mixture and cheese. Makes 2-4 servings.

“Creamed” Vegetables
Any combination vegetables can be creamed (broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, onion, potatoes, or turnips)
4 C vegetables
1 ½ Tbl margarine
¼ tsp pepper
1 ½ Tbl flour
½ tsp nutmeg
¼ tsp salt or less
1 1/2 C milk
Cut vegetables into serving size and cook until barely tender by steaming, cooking in small amount of water or in microwave. Drain vegetables well. While vegetables are cooking, melt margarine in medium size saucepan over low heat. Add four, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Stir over low heat constantly until mixture thickens, about 1 minute. Add cooked, drained vegetables. Heat through. Makes 4 servings.

Broccoli Specials
* Dot cooked broccoli with butter, then sprinkle with lemon juice.
* Try Hollandaise, cheese or mustard sauce with cooked broccoli
* Top cooked broccoli with pimiento strips and shredded Swiss cheese.

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1 small head = 1 pound

Microwave Cabbage
Wash and shred or cut in wedges. Add 2 T of water ½ tsp of salt, if desired, to a 2 qt glass dish. Add cabbage and cook, covered, 6-7 minutes per pound. Rotate dish during cooking time. Rest 5 minutes and season.

Red Cabbage Slaw
1 head red cabbage
1/3 C cider vinegar
1 pound carrots
2 Tbl salt
1 bunch cilantro
1 Tbl ancho chili powder
1/3 c lime juice

Quarter and core a red cabbage. Slice thinly by hand or in food processor. Peel and grate carrots. Chop cilantro. Toss all ingredients. Let stand one hour before serving. Toss again. Makes 3-4 quarts.

Company Cabbage
1 Tbl sugar
2 Tbl butter or margarine
2 Tbl vinegar
8 C shredded cabbage
1 tsp salt
1 clove garlic, minced
¼ tsp caraway seed
½ C sour cream

Heat butter in large skillet. Add cabbage, garlic, and ¼ C water. Cover tightly and steam over low heat 10-12 minutes. Blend next 4 ingredients; stir into cabbage. Heat through but do not boil. Sprinkle with caraway. Serves 6

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6 whole medium sized carrots = 1 pound

Microwave Carrots
Peel and wash carrots. Slice in equal rounds, dice in even strips or cut lengthwise in even shape. Add ¼ C water and ¼ tsp of salt if desired. Cook, covered, 7-8 minutes, stirring halfway through. Rest, covered, for 5 minutes. Season as desired.

Carrot Almond Cake
1 ½ C steamed, pureed carrots
1 tsp granted orange zest (rind)
6 eggs separated
1 tsp sea salt
2 C sugar or honey
1 tsp ground cardamon
1 Tbl ground almonds (or 2Tbl flour)
cream cheese frosting (optional)

Heat oven to 350*. Generously butter a 9-inch cake pan. Combined pureed carrots with egg yolks and sugar or honey. Mix in ground almonds, orange zest, salt and cardamon. Beat egg whites in a clean, separate bowl until stiff and fold into carrot mixture. Spread in pan. Bank until springy, about 45 minutes. Cool. Frost if desired. Serves 8-10.

Carrot Specials

  • Glazed carrots: Heat together 1/3 C brown sugar and 2 Tbl butter till sugar dissolves. Add 8 cooked carrots (whole or sliced lengthwise); cook over medium heat turning carrots till well glazed and tender, about 12 minutes.
  • Basil carrots: In medium skillet, melt 2 Tbl butter. Add 6 medium carrots, thinly sliced on bias. Sprinkle with ¼ tsp salt and ¼ tsp dried basil, crushed. Cover; simmer 10-12 minutes or till tender. Serves 6
  • Herbed carrots: In heavy saucepan, combine 2 Tbl butter, ¼ C water, 1 Tbl sugar, and ¼ tsp dried tarragon, crushed. Add 4 C quartered carrots (about 1 pound) Cover tightly; cook over low heat 25 minutes. Season with salt and pepper; sprinkle with 1 tsp snipped parsley. Serves 6

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1 small head = 1 pound

Microwave Cauliflower
Wash and trim. Leave whole or trim flowers from stem. Add 2 T water and salt if desired to 1½ qt glass dish. Add whole cauliflower and cook 6-7 minutes per pound. Rotate dish during cooking. If flowerets are cut from stem stir halfway through cooking time.

Chunky Cauliflower Soup
10 ounces small cauliflower florets (2-3 Cups)
1 Tbl canola oil
1 small bay leaf
¼ C minced onion
2 Tbl margarine or butter
1 medium carrot, grated
1/3 C four
½ C minced celery
1 ¼ C low fat milk
2 Tbl minced parsley, divided
¼ C sour cream
4 C chicken broth
¼ c plain low fat yogurt
¼ tsp herb seasoning
salt and pepper to taste

Heat oil in large saucepan, add onion and sauté until limp. Add carrot and celery; sauté 5 minutes. Turn heat to low, add cauliflower and 1 Tbl of the parsley. Cover and cook 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in broth, herb seasoning, and bay leaf. Cover and continue to cook over low heat. Melt margarine or butter in medium saucepan, stir in flour and cook until bubbly. Slowly add milk, stirring constantly to prevent lumps; cook until think and smooth. Stir into cauliflower mixture. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Simmer 15-20 minutes, stirring frequently. Remove bay leaf. Fold in sour cream and yogurt and reheat to just under a boil. Sprinkle with remaining parsley. Makes 6-8 servings.

Cauliflower Pie
1 large head of cauliflower
1 C chopped onion
3 medium potatoes
2-3 cloves garlic, minced
2 Tbl minced onion
1 Tbl chopped fresh basil
salt and pepper
1 egg
2 Tbl butter
4-6 ounces grated cheddar cheese
*Also good with broccoli

Heat oven to 375 degrees. Boil potatoes 10 minutes; drain and let cool. Shred or mash them and mix in minced onion plus salt and pepper to taste. Press into a buttered 9-inch pie pan. Bake 30 minutes.

Separate cauliflower into florets. Steam 10 minutes, then remove half the florets and set aside. Steam the rest another 15-20 minutes then mash them in a bowl. Heat butter in skillet; add onions and garlic and sauté until tender. Mix in basil, mashed cauliflower, and salt and pepper to taste. Sauté another minute. Remove from heat and stir in egg. Spread this mixture in the crust. Sprinkle cheese over cauliflower mixture. Distribute partially steamed florets on top. Bake 30-35 minutes. Serves 8

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4 cups = 1 pound

Swiss Chard Italianne
1 Tbl butter
¼ C tomato pulp
¼ tsp grated onion
2 C steamed chard
¼ tsp basil (or more)
In heat proof serving dish, heat butter; add onion and basil. Cook a few minutes then add tomato and cooked chard. Season to taste with salt. Heat well and serve. Makes 2-4 servings.

Chinese Cabbage

4 cups = 1 pound

Chinese Cabbage Stir-Fry
1 Tbl sesame seeds
1 tsp minced fresh ginger
1 head Chinese cabbage
2 tsp soy sauce or tamari
1 Tbl vegetable oil
1 tsp sesame oil
1 clove garlic, minced
Toast sesame seeds in dry skillet or hot oven for several minutes, tossing occasionally; set aside. Rinse cabbage, drain and pat dry. Cut leaves crosswise into ½ inch slices (reserves stems for another use).
Heat oil in large skillet or wok over high heat until it ripples. Add garlic and ginger. Cook one minute, stirring. Add cabbage and stir-fry until wilted and dark green, 2 minutes. Stir in soy sauce and sesame oil. Cook 1 minute. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and serve immediately. 4 servings.

Chinese Cabbage Salad
5 C chopped Chinese cabbage
2 Tbl rice vinegar
¾ C sliced or shredded radish (daikon is best)
4 Tbl sesame oil
1 1/2 C chow mein noodles (crunchy ones)
3 Tbl soy sauce
1 C crushed peanuts
1 Tbl honey
¼ C sesame seeds (black if available)
½ - 1 tsp dry mustard
Combine cabbage, radishes, chow mein noodles, peanuts, and sesame seeds in a large bowl. Mix remaining ingredients and toss with cabbage a little at a time. Mix in just enough dressing to suit your taste. Serves 6-8

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2 cups = ¾ pound

Microwave Corn
Shuck ears and cut corn off cob, first use a sharp knife to cut off the kernel and then a table knife to get the leftovers. Add 2 T water or cream and ½ tsp salt, if desired to 1 qt glass baking dish. Add corn kernels and cook, covered, for 6-7 minutes. Stir halfway through. Rest, covered, 5 minutes. Season.

If you wish to leave the corn on the cob, pull husks back to check condition of corn. Remove husks except for about two layers. Leave silk in place. The husks will serve as the container to trap steam when cooking the corn. (Or you may remove husks and silk before cooking and wrap ears in wax paper or place in covered container) Arrange corn evenly on glass shelf and cook for the following times:

  • 1 ear 2-3 minutes 5 ears 7-8 minutes
  • 2 ears 4-5 minutes 6 ears 8-9 minutes
  • 3 ears 5-6 minutes 7 ears 9-10 minutes
  • 4 ears 7-8 minutes 8 ears 10-12 minutes

Rest with husks on for 5 minutes. Remove husks and silk with clean hot pads. Dip in butter if desired.

Grilled Corn on the Cob
8 ears of corn
4 garlic cloves, chopped
4 tsp butter
1 tsp salt
2 tsp dried marjoram
dash paprika
1 ½ tsp cayenne
Remove silk from corn, keeping husks in tact. Soak corn in water for 20 minutes. Rub each ear of corn with ½ tsp butter and sprinkle with marjoram, cayenne, garlic, salt and paprika. Pull husks up to cover corn and grill 10-15 minutes, turning often.

Corn on the Cob Specials
* Kettle cooked corn: cook covered in small amount of boiling water (or enough to cover) for 6-8 minutes.
* Foil baked corn: Spread corn with butter or margarine. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Wrap securely in foil. Bake in a very hot over (450*) for 25 minutes or till done. Turn several times.

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2 cucumbers = ¾ pound

Refrigerator Pickles
dill seed (optional)
garlic clove (optional)

Slice cucumbers and place in bowl. Cover with weak dilution of water, vinegar, salt, and optional dill seed and garlic.

Cover bowl and refrigerate. They are crisp with a refreshing tang. As the cucumber slices disappear add more. Brine should be changed each week.

Tzatziki Cucumbers
1 medium cucumber
chopped 8 ounces of yogurt
2 garlic cloves chopped
1 Tbl chopped fresh mint or ¼ tsp dried mint
2 Tbl olive oil
1 Tbl lemon juice
Combine ingredients, chill and serve. Makes 2-3 servings.

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(or other strong greens: turnip, mustard or collards)

4 cups = 1 pound

N. J. Pierce’s Spicy Kale
Kale leaves from 2 bunches
1 Tbl olive oil crushed red pepper flakes
1-5 garlic cloves, minced
1/3 – ½ C chicken or vegetable broth
Bring 2 quarts of salted water to a boil. Add kale or other greens, reduce heat to a simmer, cover and cook 7 minutes. Drain and immediately rinse in cold water. Squeeze water out of greens. In same pot, heat olive oil. Add garlic and crushed red pepper flakes to taste. Sauté 1 minute, then stir in kale and broth. Simmer 4-5 minutes. Makes 4-6 servings.

Austrian Kale
2 bunches kale 4 medium potatoes
2 Tbl oil
1 stalk chopped celery
½ medium onion, chopped
salt and pepper
1 clove garlic, minced
sour cream for garnish
1 C chicken stock

Cut kale leaves into ½ inch wide strips. Blanch in lightly salted water 1 minute then drain. Heat oil in skillet; add onion and garlic and sauté until lightly browned. Add chicken stock, potatoes, celery and blanched kale. Simmer until potatoes fall apart and lose their shape. Season with salt and pepper and garnish with sour cream and serve. Makes 4-6 servings.

Layered Kale Casserole
2 C cooked, chopped kale
1 ½ C cooked brown rice
¼ tsp thyme
1 C shredded low fat cheese
¼ tsp ground sage
¼ C minced green onion
¼ tsp rosemary
¼ C minced celery leaves
salt and pepper to taste
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
¼ C low-fat milk

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Oil a 1 ½ qt casserole dish. Mix all ingredients except kale in a bowl. Place half the kale in the prepared casserole dish and spread rice mixture over it evenly. Cover with remaining kale. Cover and bake 15-20 minutes, until the cheese is melted and bubbling. Makes 4-6 servings.

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Potato Leek Soup
½ tsp salt
¼ C chopped fresh parsley, optional
3 C potatoes, peeled & cubed
1 Tbl butter
3 C leeks, cleaned, trimmed and thinly sliced
Bring 8 C water to a boil in a stock pot. Add salt, potatoes, leeks; reduce heat and cover. Cook until potatoes are soft, about 30 minutes. Set aside to cool. Transfer to a food processor or blender and puree. Do not over blend or potatoes will become sticky. Return to pot. Stir in parsley and butter then reheat. Makes 6 servings

Mashed Potatoes with Leeks
1 pound new potatoes, peeled cut in half
¼ C milk
2 Tbl butter
salt and pepper
5 medium leeks, sliced using both green and white part
Cook potatoes in boiling water until tender. Meanwhile, melt butter in heavy, medium skillet over medium low heat. Add leeks and cook 8 – 10 minutes, stirring frequently until tender and beginning to color. Drain potatoes and return to pot. Mash. Mix in milk Stir in leek mixture. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Makes 2 servings.


8 small onions or 2 large = 1 pound

Onion Biscuits
2 large eggs, well-beaten
2 tsp baking powder
2 large yellow onions, grated
1 tsp sugar
½ canola oil
½ C poppy seeds or sesame seeds
3 C flour
2 Tbl water
Heat over to 400 degrees; lightly grease cookie sheets. Whisk eggs in a bowl; add onions and oil. Sift in dry ingredients. Add poppy seeds and 2 Tbl water. Mix well. Drop by tablespoon full onto cookie sheets. Bake 10 – 15 minutes until nicely browned. Makes about 40 appetizer size biscuits.

Baked Onions
4 large whole onions, peeled
1 Tbl fresh thyme or 1 tsp dried thyme
2 Tbl softened butter salt and pepper
Heat oven to 375 degrees. Slice of ½ inch of stem end of each onion. Spread cut surfaces with butter and sprinkle with thyme, salt and pepper. Place each onion on a square of foil large enough to completely enclose it. Wrap each onion up tightly and bake about 1 hour. Makes 4 servings.

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1 cup = 1 pound

Microwave Peas
Shell peas. Add 2 T water to 1 qt glass dish. Add peas and cook covered 5 minutes per pound. Rotate during cooking. Rest covered for 5 minutes. Season as desired. Pea pods can use these same instructions.

Springtime Peas
2 pounds of fresh peas, unshelled
½ tsp salt
3-6-lettuce leaves
dash pepper
1/3 C sliced green onion
dash dried thyme, crushed
1 tsp sugar
3 Tbl butter or margarine
Shell peas. Cover bottom of skillet with lettuce; top with peas and onion. Sprinkle on sugar and seasonings; add butter. Cover tightly and cook over LOW heat 10-15 minutes until peas are done.

Peas Specials
* Peas in cream: Heat 3 Tbl of butter and ½ C water to boiling in a saucepan. Add 1 to 1 ½ C fresh shelled peas, 2 C finely chopped onion, 2 C finely torn lettuce, 1 Tbl snipped parsley, 1 tsp sugar, ½ tsp salt and dash of pepper. Cover; simmer 8-10 minutes. Don’t drain. Add 1/3 C cream. Makes 4 servings.

* Quick Creamed peas: Combine 1 4 ounce carton of whipped cream cheese with chives, ¼ C milk, and ¼ tsp salt. Heat and stir over low heat just till warm. Pour over cooked peas or a combination of cooked peas and tiny new potatoes. Stir to gently coat.

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2 large = 1 pound

Stuffed Peppers
½ tsp all spice
A little oil
1 C chopped tomatoes
2 cloves garlic
¾ pound cheddar cheese, grated
2 onions, chopped
½ C almonds, chopped
3 C raw brown rice
salt and pepper to taste
6 C water or broth or tomato juice
9 large peppers, tops cut off, seeds removed
Heat oil in skillet; add and sauté garlic and onion. Add rice and brown about 5 minutes. Add desired liquid and allspice. Cover and cook until rice is done, about 40 minutes. Toast almonds in dry skillet or oven, tossing often. Stir in cheese, almonds, salt and pepper. Cook peppers in boiling water 2 minutes. Drain and stuff peppers with rice mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Makes 9 servings.

Three pepper sauté
3 bell peppers (red, yellow or green)
1 Tbl balsamic or red wine vinegar
1 Tbl olive oil salt and pepper to taste
1 clove garlic, finely minced
Remove stems, seeds and ribs from peppers. Cut lengthwise in ¼ inch wide strips. Heat oil in skillet over medium high heat. Add garlic and cook, stirring constantly, until golden. Add peppers and cook, stirring constantly, until crisp-tender, 3-4 minutes. Sprinkle with vinegar, salt and pepper. Serve hot. Makes 4 servings.

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2 small or 1 large = 1 pound

Microwave Potatoes
Potatoes should be even in shape and size. Scrub and pierce skins to allow the steam to escape. Arrange potatoes on glass shelf or plate about 1 inch apart. Turn halfway through cooking time.

1 medium 3 ½ -4 minutes 5 medium 13-14 minutes
2 medium 6 ½ -7 minutes 6 medium 15-16 minutes
3 medium 8 ½ -9 minutes 7 medium 18-19 minutes
4 medium 10-11 minutes 8 medium 21-23 minutes
Remove potatoes when fork goes in with little resistance. Rest 5 minutes. If you are preparing one potato for two servings cook whole and cut in half when cooking is complete.

Creamed new potatoes and peas
1 ½ pounds tiny new potatoes (about 15)
4 tsp butter
1 – 1 ½ C fresh peas
4 tsp flour
3 Tbl sliced green onion or leeks
1 C milk
Scrub potatoes; pare off narrow strip of peel around the center of each. Cook in boiling water 15-20 minutes; drain. Meanwhile cook peas and onion in small amount of boiling water 8 – 15 minutes; drain. Make a white sauce of butter, flour, dash of salt, and milk. Combine vegetables and sauce. Serves 4-6

Stuffed Baked Potatoes:
6 medium potatoes
¼ skim milk
1 ½ C broccoli
1/8 tsp pepper
¾ C grated low-fat cheese
½ salt or less
1 Tbl margarine
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Scrub potatoes. Make shallow slits around middle as if you were cutting the potato in half lengthwise. Bake until done, 30-60 minutes. Steam broccoli until just tender and chop. Carefully slice potatoes in half and scoop insides into a bowl with the broccoli. Add ½ C cheese and the margarine, milk, salt and pepper Mash it all together until mixture is pale green with dark flecks. Heap into potato jackets and sprinkle with remaining cheese. Return to oven to heat through. Makes 12 servings (1/2 potato each)

Skillet-Fried Potato Specials:
* Hash Browns: Boil 3 medium potatoes in jackets; chill. Peel and shred to make 3 cups. Add 1 – 2 Tbl grated onion, 1 tsp salt, and dash of pepper. Melt ¼ C butter in skillet. Pat potatoes into pan, leaving ½ inch space around the edge. Brown about 9 minutes and reduce heat if necessary. Cut with spatula to make four servings. Turn, brown 7 more minutes. Serves 4
* Cottage Fries: Cook potatoes in jackets; peel. Slice or dice. Fry in hot oil till crisp and brown. Turn frequently. Season with salt and pepper.
* Skinny French Fries: Heat oven to 450* Cut 4 potatoes into strips. Keep in ice water till ready to bake. When ready drain and pat dry. Return to bowl and sprinkle with 1 Tbl oil. Mix with hands to distribute evenly. Bake on a jelly roll pan until brown. Sprinkle with generously with paprika and a little salt. Makes 4 servings.

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6 x 6 inch piece = 1 pound

Honey Pumpkin Butter
2 C pureed cooked pumpkin
¼ tsp nutmeg
½ C honey
¼ tsp ginger
1 tsp grated lemon zest (yellow part)
1/8 tsp cloves
1 tsp cinnamon
Mix all ingredients in saucepan. Simmer uncovered over low heat, stirring frequently for 35-40 minutes. Mixture should get quite thick-the same consistency of apple butter. Ladle into jelly jars and refrigerate. Makes 1 ¼ C to 1 ½ C.

Walnut and Pumpkin Pudding
½ C sugar
1 Tbl lemon juice
1-pound pumpkin, cubed
1 C heavy cream or yogurt
1/3 C chopped walnuts
Make syrup by dissolving sugar in ½ C water over low heat. Increase heat to hard boil for 5-10 minutes. Stir continuously until mixture thickens but does not caramelize. Stir in pumpkin cubes; cover and cook gently 1 minute. Uncover and continue to simmer, stirring occasionally, until pumpkin is cooked and has absorbed almost all the syrup. Stir in walnuts; transfer to serving dish; sprinkle lemon juice over top. Serve hot or cold with cream or yogurt. Makes 4 servings.

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4 cups = 1 pound

Pasta with Fresh Spinach, Walnuts and Gorgonzola Cheese
1 Tbl olive oil 6 ounces
Gorgonzola cheese
2-3 cloves garlic, minced freshly
ground black pepper
¼ - 1/3-pound walnut pieces
hot, cooked pasta of your choice
¾ - 1 pound spinach leaves, cleaned and shredded
Heat oil in skillet over medium heat; add garlic and sauté until golden. Add spinach; toss and cook until wilted. Stir in walnuts and cheese; toss until well combined. Season with pepper to taste. Serve over pasta. Makes 4 servings.

Spinach Specials:
* Served cooked spinach with lemon wedges or vinegar and hard cooked egg slices
* Spinach Surprise: Cook 1-pound fresh spinach; drain and chop.Add 2 T butter, ¼ C light cream, and ½ Tbl horseradish. Heat and season to taste. Garnish with hard cooked egg slices. Serves 3-4

* Chinese Spinach: Wash and pat dry 1-pound fresh spinach. Remove stems and cut into 1-inch pieces. Tear leaves into bite size pieces. Heat 2 Tbl salad oil and 1 Tbl soy sauce in skillet; add spinach stems and leaves. Cover and cook 1 minute or till just wilted. Uncover and cook about 2 minutes till spinach is tender crisp and well coated. Serves 4

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Summer Squash

2 medium zucchini = 1 pound

Sunflower-Squash Salad
1/3 C sunflower seeds, divided
½ medium red pepper, diced
1 Tbl corn or sunflower oil
2 small zucchini, cut into matchsticks
3 Tbl cider vinegar
2 small yellow squash, sliced into 1/8 inch rounds
1 large clove garlic, minced
Freshly ground pepper
Toast sunflower seeds 15 minutes in oven at 250 degrees. Whirl half the seeds in blender; add oil, vinegar, garlic and large grinding of pepper; whirl to blend. Arrange red pepper in center of high-sided platter, place zucchini sticks around edge and squash rounds between the two. Pour dressing over all and sprinkle with remaining sunflower seeds. Cover and refrigerate at least an hour before serving. Makes 6 servings.

Mark’s Sweet and Spicy Squash
2 Tbl olive oil
3-4 C summer squash cut into ¾ inch pieces
2 Hungarian Hot wax peppers, diced
½ C diced sweet onion 3 Tbl honey
1 leek chopped salt and pepper
Heat oil in skillet; add squash, onion, leek, and peppers and sauté until tender. Drizzle honey over vegetables. Stir in salt and pepper to taste. Turn off heat and let stand 3-4 minutes. Makes 4 servings.

Yellow Dilly Squash

Slice 1 pound of yellow summer squash crosswise ¼ inch thick. Melt 2 Tbl butter in skillet; add squash, 1 Tbl snipped parsley, ¼ tsp dried dill, ¼ tsp salt, and dash onion powder. Cover; cook over low heat 8-10 minutes or till tender, stirring occasionally. Serves 4-6.

Zucchini Bread
3 eggs
1 cup oil (can substitute plain yogurt for all or ½)
1 cup sugar
2 cups finely shredded zucchini
1 tsp vanilla
Beat the eggs until lemon colored. Add all the other ingredients and mix well.

Mix all the dry ingredients below and add to liquid ingredients.
3 cups flour (can substitute whole wheat or oats for ½)
3 tsp cinnamon, nutmeg or cloves
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 ½ tsp baking powder
Once all ingredients are mixed well, gently fold in 1 cup chopped nuts and 1 cup of raisins if desired. Bake in 2 greased and floured bread pans for 1 hour at 350*

Zucchini Chocolate Cake
2 cups flour
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking soda
3 eggs
1 tsp cinnamon
1-2 cups sugar
¼ tsp nutmeg
½ cup oil
½ tsp salt
¾ cup buttermilk
¼ cup cocoa
2 cups shredded zucchini
chopped nuts (optional)
Beat together all ingredients in order, mixing in the zucchini and nuts last. Bake in a 9 x 13 inch pan for 30 minutes at 350*.

Frosting: Boil 1 ½ cup sugar, 6 Tbl butter and 6 Tbl of milk for 30-30 seconds, then add ½ cup chocolate chips. Let cook and spread on cake.

Winter Squash

1 small = 1+ pound

Microwave Squash
Piece squash and place whole on dish or rack. Cook 6-8 minutes per pound. Rotate and turn over halfway through cooking time.

1 small 6-8 minutes 2 small 12-14 minutes
Rest 5 minutes. Cut in half and remove seeds. Butter and brown sugar can be added if desired. Applesauce is good in dry squash. It is possible to cut in half and remove the seeds before cooking as well. Cook with the cut side down. Test for doneness after 6 minutes

Buttercup Squash Japanese Style

1 squash cut into 2 inch cubes
¼ C honey or brown sugar
½ C soy sauce
Bring several inches of water to boil in a saucepan-cube and add squash, leaving the skin on (it is much easier to remove after it has cooked while you are eating it). Add more water to cover if needed. Bring to a boil again, reduce heat to medium-low and add soy sauce and honey. Cook 10-15 minutes or until squash can be easily pierced with a fork. Drain and serve. Makes 4-6 servings

Acorn Squash Specials

* Halve and seed squash; bake cut side down in shallow pan at 350* for 35-40 minutes. Turn cut side up; salt. Fill if desired. Bake about 20 minutes longer.
* Squash and Sausage: After turning brush each half with butter, drizzle with 1 Tbl honey, and fill with 3 browned sausage links. Bake 25 minutes
* Squash with Applesauce: After turning squash, brush with butter; sprinkle with brown sugar. Fill each with ½ C hot applesauce. Finish baking 20 minutes.
* Squash with onions: For 6 halves turn and sprinkle with salt; fill with 2 C drained cooked tiny onions and ½ C broken walnuts. Mix ½ C melted butter, ½ C dark corn syrup, and ¼ Tsp EACH salt and cinnamon; spoon over top. Finish baking 20 minutes.

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4 medium = 1 pound

Tomato Salsa
1 small onion chili pepper to taste
½ green pepper
1 Tbl honey
small bunch cilantro
salt to taste
3 minced garlic cloves
1-¾ pounds peeled, fresh tomatoes
Process all ingredients except tomatoes in a food processor. Add peeled tomatoes. Process again and it is ready to eat. Will keep in the refrigerator for a week. Does not freeze well. Makes about 2 cups.

Tomato Juice
Cut vine ripened tomatoes into quarters or smaller. In an enamel or stainless steel pot simmer them in their own juice for 5-10 minutes – until tender with a great deal of juice. Put through a sieve or food mill. Season each pint with ½ salt. This juice can be frozen if appropriate headroom is left.

Josh's Cold Pasta Sauce
3 ½ c chopped tomatoes
1tsp minced garlic
1 ½ c pitted & chopped calamata olives
1/4 c yellow pepper
1/2 c chopped basil
1/2 c chopped green onion
1/4 c olive oil
2T fresh lemon juice
salt & pepper to taste

Continually stir while mixing ingredients, let sit for 30 minutes and
optionally chill. Cube mozzarella and parmesean on top.

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