About Landcare Research

Landcare Research is New Zealand’s leading provider of solutions and advice for sustainable development and the management of land-based natural resources.

Our vision is: Innovative science for a sustainable future.

Fulfilling our vision is important because New Zealand’s social, cultural and economic well-being is inextricably linked to the state of our environment. This ‘natural capital’ comprises the ecosystems that underpin our way of life, many of our cultural aspirations, and the key industries and services upon which our economy is based.

Our research focuses on three key outcomes:

underpinned by three cross-cutting themes:

Balancing economic growth, quality of life and ecological sustainability in the face of globalisation, population growth, increased economic activity and climate change is a considerable challenge.

It requires innovative science about business design and processes, institutional frameworks, our ecosystems and how they respond to change.

Many of our science teams are at the forefront of developing and sharing knowledge in their specialist areas. We collaborate here in New Zealand and internationally with respected research organizations, and partner closely with key customers to maximise the relevance and effectiveness of our research.

Also known by our Māori name, Manaaki Whenua, Landcare Research is one of nine independent Crown Research Institutes (CRIs) founded in 1992 from a reorganisation of Government funded research in New Zealand.

We have about 380 staff, in nine locations. The largest of our research sites is at Lincoln, which is also home to our corporate office. We also have regional offices in Palmerston North and Hamilton, plus offices at Auckland, Gisborne, Wellington, Nelson, Dunedin and Alexandra.

Befitting a company that advises other organisations about sustainability, we are serious about reducing our own impacts on the environment. Our operations have been certified as carbon neutral, we have an ISO 14001 certified environmental management system, and we are a founding member of the New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable Development.

about the company

About Landcare Research Meaning & ethos Our logo Our taonga Ownership & governance Company structure