
Our sustainability progress

This year we have moved to web-based sustainability reporting with the launch of a comprehensive new section on our website. This section covers our performance over the year. Extensive links are provided to relevant pages with more information about us as an organisation (including our sustainability policy and corporate social responsibility framework), governance (including Government owners, reporting framework, and Board of Directors), stakeholders, and our science for sustainability.

Our business, scientific research, is all about sustainable development and the stewardship of our environment by society. Our new web-based approach to reporting enables us to show greater connection between the issues of sustainability, the research, science and technology we conduct, and what we are doing to manage our own performance across all the dimensions of sustainability.


The Crown Company Monitoring Advisory Unit (CCMAU), which has a statutory responsibility to monitor the performance of Government-owned entities, reviews and assesses the printed annual reports of all CRIs. While CCMAU has no obligation to review our sustainability web pages, we will be seeking their feedback as to how well these pages deliver on Government expectations to publicise our work.

Similarly, we will be seeking feedback from other sustainability reporters, our staff, and clients and stakeholders in our research.

We are keen to get feedback from all stakeholders, and encourage readers to provide comments: feedback@landcareresearch.co.nz

Go to Our economic impactsOur economic impacts

Go to Our climate change impactsOur climate change impacts

Go to Our environmental performanceOur environmental performance

Go to Our peopleOur people

Go to Our communitiesOur communities

Go to Scope of our sustainability web pagesScope of our sustainability web pages


Our sustainability

Additional links

Last updated: 7/10/2008


Sustainabilty: what we do

GRI indicators

1.2 2.8 2.10 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8