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Accomplishments of the BTSC

The BTSC works in concert with brownfields stakeholders to implement approaches to ensure the design of protective remedies and efficient revitalization projects. BTSC partners bring the knowledge of the latest field-based analytical tools, remedial technologies, decision support tools (DST), and other technologies and first-hand knowledge and experience using these technologies to address complex implementation scenarios. The BTSC functions not only as a technical resource to address questions and issues, but in a broader role to educate and advise stakeholders and practitioners about approaches to more effectively and efficiently cleanup sites.

While the BTSC helps to resolve complex issues and advance the objectives of individual sites, it uses direct technical assistance as a means of technology transfer to affect the larger cleanup community. Not only does the site more efficiently progress from investigation through remediation and reuse, but other outputs are generated that will transfer information, increasing technology acceptance, stakeholder capital, and site manager expertise; and more efficient and protective remedies across the programs.

Since its creation, the BTSC has:

  • Responded to nearly 200 requests for information and site technical support in 30 states, from NJ to CA
  • Provided direct site support to more than 70 sites
  • Developed numerous case studies, site reports, tools and templates for site managers and other decision makers
  • Created technology bulletins, primers, and other publications such as the Brownfields Road Map that have become valuable resources
  • Developed outreach for a diverse group of stakeholders ranging from affected communities to engineers and scientists
  • Helped to train and educate hundreds of stakeholders
  • Worked with towns, cities, states, EPA regions, and Tribes in developing cleanup solutions
  • Assisted with SAPs, QAPPs, CSMs, and a host of technical planning materials to develop approaches to remediating a variety of contaminants and media from metals in soils to VOC vapor intrusion concerns
  • Provided recommendations and comments to improve work plans and action plans at various site types from urban industrial facilities to rural mining sites
  • Advocated the use of cutting edge technologies and techniques
  • Advanced the state of the practice technologies and techniques to build capacity for the timely and cost effective cleanup and reuse of Brownfields sites

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