
Index - Our home page that links to the rest of the site.

About IOIA - Who we are, what we do. Links to IOIA's administration, board of directors and committee information, IOIA bylaws, our 2008 Annual Report, our presentation on the 2008 Annual General Meeting, our Spanish-language home page, and our donations page.

Training - Current training schedule, general course information. Links to frequently asked questions, requirements, scholarship information, accreditation information, co-sponsor and trainer information.

Latest News - Current organic sector news. Links to the training schedule, English and Spanish-language training schedules in PDF, links to relative outside sites.

Members Only - Current newsletter. Link to iTAP network. Specific topic papers.

Calendar - Calendar of events.

Archives - Past newsletters.

Membership - Info on how to join IOIA. Link to Online Membership Directory. Dues renewal form.

Resources - Information useful to inspectors. Link to job board and comix that relate to inspecting and agriculture.

Links - Links to useful sites.

Store - IOIA merchandise for sale - books, tee shirts, caps, member-created fundraisers, donation link.

Accreditation - Info on IOIA's accreditation program.

Spanish-language home page - Our homepage in Spanish, with information and links of use to inspectors in Central and South America.

Ethics - IOIA's Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct. Link to Complaint Procedure form.

Photo Gallery - Photos and links to other photo albums of IOIA trainings.

Standards - Links to organic standards from around the world.


back to homepage|about IOIA| training schedule | latest news | calendar | accreditation
newsletter | resources/job board |
inspectors only | en español | ethics | photo gallery
member directory |
books & goods | links | join! renew! | organic standards

IOIA - Box 6 - Broadus, Montana USA 59317 | 406-436-2031 | contact us | sitemap | babel fish translation tool

This site last updated on April 1, 2008

Co-op America Approved for People and the Planet