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Foot rot and foot scald

Best Practice to Control Foot Rot and Scald in Sheep - University of Warwick and Bristol
Foot rot and foot scald in sheep - Pipestone Vet
[PDF] Footrot in Cattle and Sheep - Kansas State University College of Vet Med
Contagious Foot Rot of Sheep - Utah State University (1998) | PDF File
[PDF] Contagious Foot Rot: An Update (1998) - Utah State University
Sheep foot care and diseases (1991) - University of Kentucky
Avoid Footrot Like the Plague (1993) - Purdue University
[PDF] Footrot in sheep (2004) - Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
[PDF] Understanding benign footrot in sheep (2005) - Western Australia
Foot Rot in Sheep and Goats (2003) - New South Wales, Australia
[PDF] Is Your Flock on Sound Footing - DEFRA, UK
[PDF] Foot Rot in Sheep: 1. Disease Facts (2007) - Victoria Australia
[PDF] Foot Rot in Sheep: 2. Diagnosis (2007) - Victoria Australia
[PDF] Foot Rot in Sheep: 5. Benign Foot Rot (2007) - Victoria, Australia
Hoof Rot, Hoof Scald, and Hoof Abscesses - Onion Creek Ranch

[PDF] Scald, Footrot, and Abscess (2003) - NADIS Sheep Disease Focus
Footrot in Sheep - Warwick University (UK)
Hoof Rot (Foot Rot) -
[PDF, 2007] Guide to footrot in sheep - Alberta Sheep & Wool Commission
[PDF] Footrot and lameness in Sheep - The Veterinary Record (2004)
[PDF] Footrot and Foot Scald in Goats and Sheep - Alabama Cooperative Extension (2007) | HTML

Treatment and control of foot rot and scald
Control, Treatment, and Elimination of Foot Rot from Sheep - Virginia Tech (1996)
[PDF] Eradicating Foot rot from Western Australia: a farmer's guide (2004) [61 pages]
[PDF] Five-day foot bathing treatment for ovine footrot (2005) - Western Australia
[PDF] Virulent Footrot Eradication from Western Australia (2003)
[PDF] Scald and Foot Rot Control - NADIS Disease Focus (2004)
[PDF] Foot Rot Control - Oklahoma State University
Footrot Control in Sheep (1990) - University of Missouri
Control of Footrot in Sheep - Purdue University
[PDF] Construction and Operation of a Sheep Footbath - Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Topical Foot Rot Treatment (1996) - North Carolina State University
How to Calculate Dry Ingredients for a Footbath - North Carolina State University
[PDF] Footrot in Sheep: 3. Treatment - Victoria, Australia (2007)
[PDF] Footrot in Sheep: 4. Prevention and Damage Control (2007) - Victoria, Australia
Foot rot eradication program for sheep (1996) - Hunter Nutrition
[PDF] Natural footrot control through breeding sheep with resistance - Meat New Zealand

Lameness in Sheep or Goats - Tasmania, Australia
Lamesness in Sheep or Goats (continued) - Tasmania, Australia
Review of Lameness (2001) - Pipestone Vet Supply
[PDF] Lameiness in Sheep - DEFRA, UK
[PDF] Lameness not caused by scald or footrot - NADIS Sheep Disease Focus
Tackling Sheep Lameness - Moredun Group
Treatment of Lame Sheep [flow chart] - University of Warwick, UK

Hoof Care
Hoof Care - Sheep 201
Hoof trimming - New York State 4-H Dairy Goat Project
Hoof trimming - New York State 4-H Meat Goat Project
Hoof Trimming - Onion Creek Ranch
Hoof Trimming - Fias Co Farm
Feet - GoatWisdom
[PDF] Hoof Care for Goats (2003) - SweetLix Livestock Supplement System
[PDF] Take Extra Care with Hooves in Wet Weather (2004) - SweetLix
Routine Hoof Trimming - University of Warwick, UK
Hoof Trimming in Goats - GoatWorld
Hoof Trimming Photos - Greener Pastures Farm
The Basics of Hoof Trimming - Dairy Goat Society of Australia
How to Trim Hooves the Right Way - Boer Goats Home
Hoof Trimming 101 -

[PDF] Hoof Trimming - Boer Goat Breeders of Australia logo 
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Last updated 11-Apr-2008 by Susan Schoenian.
