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General Forage Links
Forage Information System - Oregon State University
NCSU/USDA Forage Program
American Forage and Grassland Council (AFGC)
Modern Forage Systems Classroom
Forage Crops - Small Farm Resource
Forage Livestock Information System on the Web
Forages and Soil Information - Noble Foundation

Forage Identification
USDA-NRCS Forage Identification Slide Series
Purdue Forage Identification Pages
Forage Identification CD-ROM [ORDER]
USDA Plants National Database
Forage ID Site - University of Wyoming
Forage Species Selection Tool -
Common Range Plants of Texas
Vascular Plant Image Gallery - Texas A&M
Plant Image Gallery - Noble Foundation
[PDF]  Know Your Grass - Noble Foundation
Selected North Dakota and Minnesota Range Plants
Forage Identification and Management Guide - University of Kentucky

Forage Testing
National Forage Testing Association (NFTA)
Interpreting Forage Analysis - North Dakota State University
[PDF]  Understanding and Using Forage Test Results - Univerisity of Wisconsin
Interpreting Forage Quality Reports - University of Kentucky |
Feed and Forage Analysis: Its Importance - University of Hawaii
Testing Livestock Feeds For Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Sheep and Horses - University of Nebraska
[PDF]  Interpreting Your Forage Test Report - University of California-Davis
Forage Testing - University of Florida
Interpreting a Forage Analysis - Auburn University
[PDF, 2007] Feed testing in Alberta - Alberta Sheep & Wool Commission

** The rest of the forage links are organized by geographic region . **

Maryland Forage Program
Penn State Forages Home Page
Vermont Forage Crop Information
University of New Hampshire Forages and Field Crops
Forage-Livestock Systems - West Virginia University
Ye Olde Forage Library Card Catalog - West Virginia University

Virginia Tech Forages
University of Kentucky Forage Publications
University of Tennessee Forage Pubilcations
Grasslands Watershed Management - Clemson University
Forages in Mississippi
Alabama Forages
Georgia Forages
Texas Forages

Purdue Forage Information Home Page
Forage Information - Ohio State University
Ohio Forage Network
Forage Information Systems @ Michigan State University
Forages - University of Minnesota
University of Wisconsin Forage Resources
Publications and Articles on Forages and Grazing - Purdue University

Great Plains
Oklahoma Forages
University of Nebraska Range and Forage Publications
Nebraska Production Agriculture - Forages
North Dakota Forage Links
1998 Forage Facts Notebook - Kansas State University
Kansas Forage Web Site

Forages - Montana State University
California Alfalfa and Forages
Universitiy of Arizona Forages
Forages Web Site - University of Hawaii

Ontario Forages and Pastures
Manitoba Forage Production and Management
Forages - Saskatchewan Interactive
Forage/Pasture - Saskatchewan
Forage, Pasture & Hay - British Columbia

Grass Genera of the World
Grassland and Pasture Crops - FAO United Nations logo 
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Sheep 101
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American Sheep Industry Association
American Sheep
Industry Association

USDA Livestock and Grain Market News Portal

USDA Market News

D-S Livestock Equipment

D-S Livestock Equip

MD-PA-WV Meat Goat Producers Association
MPWV Meat Goat
Producers Association

WWW Maryland Small Ruminant Page

Disclaimer: The links contained on the Maryland Small Ruminant Page are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of any organization, business, or product. The author disclaims any liability in connection with the use of this information.

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Last updated 11-Apr-2008 by Susan Schoenian.
