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University of Wyoming


Landscaping Tips - 2007

This winter great time to plan '08 landscape projects
Landscape edging a great addition to yards
Rocks add interest to Wyoming landscapes
Planting for backyard wildlife in Wyoming
Ornamental grasses add interest to Wyoming landscapes
Growing great grapes in Wyoming
Search the world for plants, but some gems exist in our own backyard
Salt and pH levels in soil important factors in landscaping
Autumn an excellent time to plant trees and shrubs
Raking leaves and deep watering worthwhile fall tasks
Autumn ideal time to manage plant diseases
Fall a good time to plant spring bulbs
No pests year-round with fall ‘systemic’ treatments
Brighten the fall landscape with pansies and dianthus
Proper fall care helps ensure healthy lawn next spring
Good gardening practices help prevent blossom-end rot
Gooseberry variety tastes great, resists diseases
Composting turns yard wastes into rich humus
Perfect insect mothers can be nuisance in Wyoming homes and gardens
Good gardens and landscapes begin with good soil
Yellow jackets generally unwelcome garden guests
Resources available statewide for water-wise landscaping
Shrubs important part of Wyoming landscapes
Keeping ahead of lawn drought
Firewise landscaping helps reduce fire threat
Container gardens add splashes of color to homes and landscapes
What annuals do best in Wyoming’s high altitudes?
Favorite perennials for Wyoming gardens
Tailor vegetable gardens to the Wyoming environment
The crawlers are coming to Wyoming
Successful tree planting strategies
Low-maintenance lawns can be high quality
Army cutworm the unwanted garden ‘soldier’

Landscaping Tips - 2006

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